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Sheboygan, WI

United States

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  • Central Scrutinizer

    damn girl....suspense is killin' me...Gots to know how da show go'd last night...u ain't been on all day sooooooo.....musta been a goodn' ;)

     photo drummerIcon.gif

  • steve cochran

    Hi Tara.Thanks for the welcome.glad to be here

  • Sweettina2

    I love that quote by Emerson!  Just stopping by to say "Hey" and hope all is well. God bless ya girl.  ~Tina

  • bonnie willson

    Hi Tara, Thanks for welcoming me to the group. Glad to find others who can think for themselves.

  • Sweettina2

    Hey sista, stopping by to leave some love & respect.   ~Tina

  • Sweettina2

    I hear ya girl, I have to stop and step back every now and then too.  We need restoration beside those still waters....praying for you now, you are always in my prayers.  

  • Patriot4Change


  • suzie

    Thank you for being so kind to me ..
    you rock sista sista!! always on the front lines of info~ sharing always bravely!
    many blessings ~~
  • Less Prone

    Thank you for your friendship. I hope that this great site can survive.

    Thanks for the support Regarding my Paul Revere Envy and thanks for all you do here this is a great site with great people. Thank you!
  • bryan l

    . Hey u! New band ah! Sorry i have been so distant. no job, trying to figure something i would love as a job. and of course wake ppl up. it keeps getting more real the further u progress. some time yes we will get togeter to see a ur show. thanks for being so hospitable. might have to take u up on it..... if beer is involved.


  • Cryptocurrency

    Yep I hear ya. Lot of noobs runnin around here. They're like whipper snappers.

  • Cryptocurrency

    Wus rong wit a hillbilly voten fir da gubmint!

  • mohamad a. yousef

    Thanks for your 12160 friendshp

  • Nobody Will Observe

    OUCH!  I may need more lube after that ;)

  • mohamad a. yousef

    Thanks For standing up for the Truth and justice

    Keep the good work

    God bless you

  • mohamad a. yousef

    Thank you for your friendship

  • mohamad a. yousef

    Thank you

    I am glad to be hereGod bless you

  • Nobody Will Observe

  • Nobody Will Observe

    OK money bags ;)

    My Mac has been beddy beddy good to me :)!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Hope it's Silver ;)!

    Yes that is a very positive note. Most important! Happy shopping!!!

    Aloha :)

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Your presence is requested :)! (when you get your new ride)

    Site planning + Moderato…

    Site planning + Moderato…

  • Nobody Will Observe

  • Nobody Will Observe


  • truth

  • woodromw

  • Maria De Wind

  • Sweettina2

    Thank you sister girl!!  I love that song!  Good to be back.  My son is doing better, but headed back to Florida Friday to get him to some more doctors.  But my brother got me a little Galaxy tablet so I can keep up with everybody and my  little brother.  God bless ya sista, talk soon.  ~Tina <3

  • Christopher

    Well thanks; its good to know that someone noticed I was not around as much as in the past - I've been spend more time on the MSM comments - fighting with all the SHILLS - Yeah; I'm noticing a few senior moments now and then happening. I saw a great little sign the other day: Born to fish; forced to work. Some family issues can be quite frustrating - hope the rest of the week is better for you.

    Take care, and thanks for your message.

  • Don Alafaro

    Hi Tara, thanks for the welcome! Talk to you soon

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Love U too Tara. Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it WILL lesson the pain.

    I am so sorry for your loss. There are no good words.  Stay strong!

    Perchance it will all make sense after we pass on. Until then there are just some things we have to except.

    I wish there was more I could do or say.

  • mystery

    I am here if you need someone to listen, just between you and me sweetie.

  • imantrek

    Thank you Tara...

  • suzie

    Gee thanks for the balloons, I'm having a great day with my daughter she is terrific and i treasure every minute I get with her, she is all grown and out on her own and wanted to spend the day with her mom.. I'm really fortunate :)
  • Frances Farmer

    Honored :))
  • scotty michele brown

    Thank you for the connection Tara. I haven't used this site much. Mostly just came here to read. It will take a little while to figure things out.

  • Tina Night

  • 14300

    Tara - We "salute you" for your patriotic persistence and inquiring mind.  Thank you for sharing with us at 12160 the valuable info that you discover.  You are very much appreciated!  Peace and Love 14300

  • Cryptocurrency

    Thanks for the song. Here's one that stuck with me years ago.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Central Scrutinizer

    would luv to hear that 1 cleaned up and in Studio.....make it so ;)

  • Frances Farmer

    Damn Tara! Your voice is so powerful- I'd really love to see your band live sometime.

  • Frances Farmer

    I've seen female vocalists with 1/2 your talent and zero projection getting paid. You got it going on, lady!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    ALOHA! :)

  • Tara

  • scotty michele brown

    Hi Tara. I'm still around. I just haven't been logging in and posting anything much. Nice to see a friendly face :)

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Not too shabby!  Dug the sermon ;)!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    ello love :)!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    The Meaning of Aloha

    We all know the word Aloha to be associated to the Island of Hawaii. It is used day to day to say hello, goodbye, and I love you. What the natives know is that Aloha is more than that. There is more meaning behind each letter of this word. People that practice Aloha know that it is a state of mind that anyone can achieve, native Hawaiian or not.

    A = AO

    1. Light - In our behavior, one of the things that we need to do is to look to see that all of our behavior moves us toward the light. Therefore always ask: does my behavior lead me toward earth-ing my energy or toward enlightenment? So we should be acting in a way that leads others and ourselves toward the light, in the direction of the light with watchful alertness.

    2. To look -HO'O AO to look for right time and right place. To pay attention to what's happening around you, look outside self, being circumscribed (meaning appropriate in all occasions). Someone not circumscribed will act silly and talk, talk, talk... And then we talk we're not listening. Interesting people like to overwhelm us. Interested people listen to us. So, look around and take everything in. Pay attention!! You have to choose whether it is the right timing to say what you have to say out loud or not.

    L = LOKAHI

    Oneness. Oneness among us. All is one. We need to support the people that are with us on the path. Anything less than 100% support is sabotage. Oneness requires being PONO and ONE with everybody. PONO means, if you've got something with me, come and tell me. The process can be done inside self and outside in person. Get together and talk it out. (KUKA KUKA) If you are "inside" you can't look to the other person to see if you're PONO. This is why it is very important to know how to listen and look across rather than talk and look inside.

    O = OIAIO

    I'O = truth. Tell the truth. Most of us are too polite to tell each other the truth and by this action we actually don't participate totally in the process of constructing our Universe. Despite the fact that we put this message out as being all right, we hold back a part of us and we don't have total truth. Therefore we can't have Oneness. Withholding something back is just not allowing us to be one with anyone.

    H = HA'A HA'A

    Means to be humble. HA'A HA'A is a very important concept in being aware. Ego is a big trap in the spiritual evolution. The minute you think you know something, you're ruined in spiritual matters. The only reason you're not saying the truth is ego. "He doesn't deserve the truth". If you play the game of power you'll always have to know more than others. If you're playing the game of showing off, you'll always have to have more than others to show.

    On the other hand, the more you're putting out there in terms of sharing with others, the more is coming back to you, and accordingly you get more and more energy coming to you. Remember to remain humble. If you think you know more than others, then you have to prove it, and the minute you have to prove it, it becomes power and the minute it's power it's not the last A ...
    which is:

    A = Aloha

    Absolute, true love. The minute you think you're better than somebody else, the minute you make comparisons, judgments, and spiritual judgments, you separate yourself from the true Love. In that moment you give up the spark of divine essence that comes from pure spirit, the love that we are, all of us. The minute we make comparisons, we're not HA'A HA'A. According to the research, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, wr

  • Nobody Will Observe