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Less Prone



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These are the times when evil rules supreme. These are the days of universal deception, abuse, torture, mass murder and blood sacrifice. But the tide is turning, vipers burning.
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  • Bryon Nevius

    Thanks, I have found out that knowledge is POWER and hope to learn more from this group and pass on what I learn.

  • glenn logan


    The Rock's are truely an evil clan. In an article I read from Servando Gonzalez on another online source (12/21), the Communist Manifesto (Marx,1848) was not the creation of Moses Mordecai Levy, (aka Karl Marx).

    According to Gonzalez, the Manifesto borrowed heavily from Clinton Roosevelt's "The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law", which was published 7 years earlier, (1841). Marx had came upon a copy at the reading room of the British Museum.

    Dr. Emanuel Josephson, who was one of the few authors to study this subject in detail. Josephson said that the book by Marx was close to plagiarism, and even titled his book on Clinton Roosevelt "Roosevelt's Communist Manifesto."

    According to Josephson, the two books agreed on ten prerequisites for implementation of a communist society.

    1- abolition of private property

    2-heavy progressive income tax

    3-abolition of all rights of inheritance

    4-confiscation of property

    5-creation of a central bank

    6-gov. control of communications and transportation

    7-gov. ownership of factories and agriculture

    8-gov. control of labor

    9- corp. farms, regional planning

    10-gov. control of education

    11- abolition of religion

    12- abolition of family as a basic social unit

    According to Gonzalez' article, it was not by chance that Marx found the book. C Roosevelt and Horace Greeley (owner, NY Tribune) provided funds to the Communist League in London to pay for the publication of Marx's Communist Manifesto. Marx was even put on the papers' payroll.

    Gonzalez says that we shouldn't call Communists "Marxists", but, rather..."Roosevelists."

  • Bryon Nevius

    Thanks, i hope to leave more things from this site

  • Harry Monell

    Thanks for the welcome.  And, indeed the truth is what I'm here for.  But, try as I might, waking up others and sharing the truth is about as easy as converting a Muslim to Christianity.  Our numbers are growing, but still incredibly small.  I just hope we don't run out of time.

  • margaret

  • 14300

    Great to have you on our Team! Thank you! . . . 14300
  • Michelle Wallin

    Ty so very much, I am honered. Im gonna lay low till I figure how this works cz when I applied for this site I rember it saying something about not reposting or copying or shareing or something like that so I dont want to get booted outta here, lol. Could you clarify that a bit more plz. I would love to share things about the powers seeking to destory us to help our people to wake up an know whats really going on. Ty so much for the warm welcome!

  • Blood Ritual Monarch

    Cheers mate; great to be here!

  • Nate

    Thanks for the welcome.  Communication is very important by monitoring law enforcement on the local, state and federal side of things. Its a very good idea to have a good shortwave receiver to follow ham operators when something bad goes down.  Personal communications are very important because the dead stream media will ignore and omit facts to shovel their propaganda.

  • Janet Hoshel

    Thank you for the welcome. Glad to find other truth seekers and upholders.

  • Howard Musselman

    Well said.

  • Lori

    Thank you for the welcome.  :)

  • William Jones

    Well Spoken   We should not hide our "lights" under a bushel or in a closet !! The truth about Corruption needs sunlight on it for All to see; Some better folks can be put in their place as they are TAKEN AWAY in Handcuffs to trial for their deeds.

  • R V Currier

    I am the 'compassionate conservative' that Bush talked about -- but severely misunderstood, based on the words of his publicity handler's half-baked assertion.  The diseased infestation inside the Beltway can only be modified by a thorough cleansing (Mr. Clean comes to mind);  on the days I have visited there, I came away curiously craving a hot shower.  I am a non-bigoted, fly-over State, NRA, Oath Keeping, loyal military combat Veteran, and a tax paying, "drugstore (and sometimes, real) cowboy" with a devout belief in abolishing the IRS for a better system under the original "Constitution for the united states of America" with a regional following and a record of expressing (and publishing) my opinions. Looking at a few of the avatars here, it may benefit you in knowing I'm older and can say things others dare not.  My "light shines", alright -- perhaps too brightly for some, but it shines none the less.  My two favorite motto's are "In God We Trust ...all others pay cash" and "A Free People Should Be Governed By Law and Not The Whims of Men."  That said, thank you for the Welcome.  I'll look forward to learning.

  • truth

    Thanks for joining the 12160 admin crew, your help  greatly appreciated !

  • tom Bowden

    But we have to make the message very loud and clear:\

  • DTOM

    LP, thankyou for all you do on 12160 - have a safe and happy Independence Day!

  • Verdell Duhart Jr

    Fear not, the unlimited knowledge of truth and light of perfect understanding will dispel the darkness and raise consciousness levels above the realm mediocre. Thanks.

  • David Campbell

    Wellwell.  Never expected You to get back to me! Wowser! (I have read everything you posted.) You put up a video of the Isle of Man TT!

    (i NEVER  got there.  But that is very much where I am coming from!  Perhaps someday.......I just came back fro Mosport.  I took my leather suit, my helmit, and my boots with me. I payed my money to do the 'track tour' as a passenger on a sidecar rig. The guy who was gonna take me out onna track, has a rig that does 175 mph on 3/4 throttle.  But they cancelled it!

    Shit- I had all my gear with me!

  • sue beaty

    yea. its gettin freakin crazy  ier  out there. im sure ill be gettin quite alot of info already didnt know....   as if i need more.  thanks for the welcome. be seein you.

  • Lloyd Hargrove

    Thanks for the welcome.  It is nice to take a little time for social graces.

  • Johnny E. Moss

    Thanks for the warm welcome!! 

  • ayesha wannenburg

    Thank you for the warm welcome!

  • Jaime Escobar

    Glad I found likeminded people that understand the times and great discerning

  • michael brown

    Thank you for a Great site Giving us a chance to view some truth in real News

    Kind Regards


  • Brother In Christ


  • Lance Alan Solomon

    I was lucky to have worked for 4 families.  I uncovered some really crazy things.  High power people and scams.  I lost everything in the process but I learned how to turn the tables and ties these guys together.  It cost me some freedom and my health but I know what my calling in life is.  If you need help and want someone to help you...Contact me.  I learned how to fight back and turn the tables on these people.  God helped me heal and put the right people in my path after I was drugged and violently raped by 8 men in Cathederal City, CA in 2010.

  • Richard Delmar

    Thank you.

  • Goodmen News

    I am an ordinary person, but I think Good Men can make a difference

  • Crush The Street

    thanks, yes

  • His child

    Thank you for the add, and as for you're comment: My sentiments Exactly!!!

  • Purewords

    Thank you..very glad to be here

  • HiddenJackass

    It comes from a game I used to play, Metro 2033, nothing special.

  • Edward

    I would like to recommend Mike Rivero's show of this date (9 January 2015). He really hammers today. You can catch it on the tube at Ron Gibson site (radio show is commercial free and has plenty of comments including a few of mine). Mike makes them bleed today. I wonder how long they will tolerate this?

  • Olivia Duffy

    Thanks, Less Prone.  Doing my best to keep spreading the Truth.  

  • Stevo

    Thanks for the warm welcome.  I'm not scared at all. Being on the side of Truth and Justice is strong armor!

  • Cynthia Fox

    Thanks Less.

    I'm right at home in the Truth!

    Very thankful to find many others here that are as well.


  • Don Austin

    Hi less thank you, and how are you doing today? I will get my profile updated asap.
  • Philomena

    Hello LP, I am new to forum and look forward to navigating the space to find a niche where I may add my thoughts. I agree,to effectively resist tyranny, truth is an indispensable ally. Another ally in times like this is to let these abusers of power know that we cannot be fooled or seduced by their false construction of reality. These times are very scary and in all of my days ( 65 years old) I never thought I would live to see global tyranny so seamlessly implemented into every fabric of our realities by the powers of one small country in the Mideast. I will wait until I am more inspired before I write anything else. I just want to thank you for inviting me to your forum and I hope I can contribute something meaningful.
  • Regine g.

    I just added a comment earlier on, but it disapear...
    Anyway I am new a this "game" but it is a serious and scary game, because somebody is playing with our life... Somebody is trying to play with our food intake, our personal life including health, pet, anything making us an human being, but, for the profit of an other entity..... Not for our use. Anyway after scanning so many of my food at home, and thinking about all the intake of GMO I ingested through the years, without my knowledge and against my will, if somebody asked me, it is just scary. Can I grow my crops and have my feeds, no, so, I am not sure where to go to avoid all of this. And I cannot keep on to scan the barcode of the food I eat, every single time. What about restaurant, what r they feeding u also? So.... At least I can control the food for the kids (my bb pets) and for me, wish me luck....
  • Cowboy Tech

    No matter what someone says, you will always come to know them better by their actions over their words.

    Intent, knowledge and wisdom applied with understanding.

    Words for knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Action for example.

  • Charlie Bluehawk

    I am 56 years old. I spent 48 years of my life trying to get people to care - about anything.  I failed.  I did two Internet Radio Shows (honest-government,org,, and 

    The evil we see today could end now - right now - if people cared. We outnumber the "masters" at least one million-to-one.

    The reason evil exists is that people do not care. Why? I have no idea. But I threw my entire life away based on the belief that "people are basically good."

    I was wrong.

    I finally fled the USA in 2007 and went to New Zealand - a country so ugly, so evil, so vicious, so brutal that it made the USA look good. How was that even possible?

    I grew up with ex-military street thugs who were so stupid they made "The SImpsons" look smart - and yet they personally knew a USA President, , and millionaires , and every headlight act in Vegas.

    They were the scum of the Earth, and yet they never went to jail, were never even accused (only by me - the "village idiot").

    They did business with CIA/Mafia guys; sub-continent Braham class drug lords; iranian drugs lords; Saudi princes - and they were morons.

    So - do you want the world to be a better place? Figure out how to get people to care.

    Figure out how to get people to just say one word: "no."

    Get people to say "no" to Obama and his mass murders. 

    Get people to say "no" to cops shooting people down in the streets.

    Get people to say "no" to a military that butchers countries across the world for the benefit of a corporation and their "bottom line."

    If you can figure out how to get people just to care - you will win.

  • Rich by Drone

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm happy to be here and looking to meet as many patriots as possible especially any that live near me in the Jax area.

  • Ian Tso i'Wohali MacLeod

    Hello! I'm in Central Oregon, and trying to get out of this area. There's NO ONE in my own family I can talk to about this. They think I've "gone nuts" in my old age or something. Friends, family - they're "...sick of hearing all this conspiracy theory crap. Get a life!"  They don't get it, won't look, won't listen. I'm just an old medic/paramedic, etc., disabled (nerve damage, 7 back operations)... I've an old 5th wheel I'm trying to get into shape, and an old pickup to pull it. Oh yeah - I've been a professional musician, and I'm a singer/songwriter. I've a few on YouTube, but that's about it. As for getting people to listen and ACT - I don't see it happening. Until there's a REAL disaster that really touches people, nobody's going pay attention, and by then it will be too late. I wish I had some better ideas.

  • Ian Tso i'Wohali MacLeod

    To anyone who knew Liz Dillard and John Ryan, I've some sad news - they are no longer with us. Here's what information I have, such as it is. Please let any friends of theirs know. This is a copy of what I've posted on their pages:

    Liz had been saturated in the new Denver with an unidentified, apparently unidentifiable mold that almost killed her. She ended up hyper-sensitive to artificial substances like air fresheners, you-name-it. She couldn't eat GMOs, anything with preservatives, etc. Recently (a few months ago) she was unknowingly exposed to an air freshener that had soaked into the seat material right by her face in John Ryan's truck, and she became irrational. Her friends and family got her home, but John HAD to work (he was a truck driver) so they could have a place to live. He was going to do some repair work on a rather special, old guitar of mine - a Harmony hollow-body electric - that had belonged to my late wife's father, and I had loaned them a night-vision scope in a woven vinyl case. Well, suddenly we lost touch.

    John and Liz both stopped calling, then their phones were shut off. I finally, just 2 days ago, managed to make it over to their trailer, and it was empty. Some neighbors informed me that Liz's family had shown up with a trailer, emptied the place out and left. The story is that Liz shot and killed John while he slept, then shot and killed herself. I've had some trouble with money and other things and hadn't been able to make it over until just a couple of days ago. I'd been trying to help out, but not enough, apparently.

    If anyone from their families would contact me I'd very much appreciate it. My email is

    Liz and John, it was a hellofa time to check out, dammit! We'll meet again, though. Love to you both; sorry we missed each other this time around!


  • Ahyash Yasharahla

    Lol the NWO does suck. They are the devil's progeny but there is more than one way to skin a cat isn't there? It starts by communicating. The enemy likes to work through ignorance but they can't keep all of us distracted.
  • Galerius Maximinianus

    Hi Less. Thanks for the welcome!

  • Kaylee

    Thanks less! I m excited to be here.
  • Rick V

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) I've hated the lies that invade most aspects of current earthly existence as long as I can remember. Time to surround myself with truth seekers.


  • Central Scrutinizer

    Tom, Hw00d here, Admin, gotta ask WHY???