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i liked your site, i found it because i was looking for the presidential debate, i am not a NWO freek i think globalism is real and i explore all possibilities political & religious. I took the red pill. You cannot go back. I see the truth and it is not as bad as the coverup
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  • Dee

    Thanks for being a friend!!! :) have a great weekend!
  • RidgeWolf


  • jcoco


  • truth

    Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays !

  • Maria De Wind

  • Maria De Wind

    May the New  Year bring Peace, Health, Love and Prosperity to You and Yours

  • Patriot Horse

    Oh Suzie... thank you SO MUCH for my Red patents. hahaha You are the best ever. I missed you in my absence from this site. :( Oh... I LOVE the little girl and her quote... so true.  Have a wonderful, fresh New Year, and we do our best don't we? Knowing what we know, to plug away and Trust the Most High for guidance. God help our country, God forgive us for blood on our hands and how far we've strayed away from the basics of life.  hugs dearest Suzie!!!!

  • Maria De Wind

  • Tara

    Hey Suzie... when our old lap top shit the bed, I tried using my daughters Ipad and it was frustrating to say the least. Yep, little to no control on those things. I gave up after too long and just waited for the new laptop to be delivered.

    Hope everything else is going well with ya sista, peace to you and yours ~

  • truth

    Many thanks to you too !

  • Tara

    You always have a way of making me smile on the inside. I respect and admire your tenacity for seeking the truth and for speaking your mind without fear.
    Hugs to you :)

    Thanks for the accept Suzie its great to meet other inquisitive minds im honored to make your acquaintence : )
  • Ragnarok

  • Sweettina2

    Hey sista, wanted to leave some love & respect.  ~Tina

  • Sweettina2

    Wooohoooo!   Congratulations, you are one awesome truth telling patriot girl!  Love you sista girl.   ~Tina

  • Tara

    You're very welcome Suzie. You rock sista!

    Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I'm without a computer right now... long story. I'm on my daughters iPad for now... oh joy!

    I hope all is well friend, God bless :)
  • Less Prone

    Thank you for your friendship. I hope that this great site can survive.
  • Lawrence Harmen

    A mountain of proof Boston Bombings were not real. See the mountain of collected proof and share this with everyone please.

  • Paul Osborn

    Thanks for the add!

  • Patriot Horse

    Just stopping by to say HI and  Aloha Suzie!  Miss being here... just good to catch up and say hello. Great articles. I hope you are doing good GF. You take care and have a great summer. Hugs!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Parting with a TV show is such sweet sorrowI had an extra one.

  • Kelli D

    Thanks for the WELCOME suzie, finally have time to check the site out, great info here!

  • mystery

    Haven't heard from you in a while just wanted to say hey, and ask about the garden. Has it done good for your and your daughter? Are you able to keep the wild animals out of it? We are having trouble with coons. But not in our garden with our eggs and chickens. We have already caught one in a live trap and hauled it off. Now we have another. 

    Since I talked to you I have acquired a 1/2 Duroc 1/2 Razorback female wiener we  named her Charlotte and Poland China female wiener we named Petunia.

    Well hope all is going good. 

  • truth

    hey your presence desired, no commitment :)
  • mystery

    Glad to hear all is well! Happy fourth suzie!

  • truth

    Check around online for camping list, water no 1 usually. I wiil pray for you but hardly think you will need it. I know people that have gone there before its all good.

  • Craig Dude

    You never called, you didn't write...

    We can't go on meeting like this.


  • Tara

    I love ya sista!!! Here's a little tune for ya ;)


  • Nobody Will Observe

    Your the Bomb!
  • mystery

  • Jim Freeland show

    awe thanks babe


  • Tara

  • truth

  • mystery

    I was busy worrying about my dad, he has been really ill and he will be 80 in November. I was not paying attention to life in general and being selfish, and look what happen I even had it wrote down on my calendar and still spaced it off. 

    Then during the storms we had the other nite my Paint horse  ( pregnant by a buck skin)  was spooked by lighting and ran full speed into a barb wire fence and flipped completely over it and into the ditch. Thank goodness she only got a cut on her leg. Made my heart stand still for a moment. Her name is Azreal.

    So how is the garden doing? Have you got any of natures good food from it yet? I love fresh veggies! Wish you were closer we could trade eggs for veggies, lol. I am sure you would grow something we don't have.

    Well I have chatted you up enough by now so I will say I hope the next year is exactly what you want it to be and next year I will say HAPPY BIRTHDAY on time!

  • Jim Freeland show

    is that good?

  • Poker Face

    great meeting you as well. hope you make it back next year

  • Petunia Skrebbles

    Aaaah, finally found the comment box.  LOL  Thanks for the invite Suzie, you have a very good, clear head.... you can see and that "seeing" is half the battle.  Most still can't see, they fall into the same ole paradigm that the evil ones keep putting out there, but you seem to have avoided that.  I like your sparklies.  lol

  • scotty michele brown

    Hi suzie. I hope this day finds you happy and healthy.


    At 8:13pm on July 28, 2013, HOGSTER said…

    Hi Suzie, Thank you for accepting my friendship request. I must agree with you that on learning some truths, breaks my heart too, to think that humans can do such awful things to others is very disheartening. I'm not fully aware of the Palestine situation as there is so much going on all around the Planet that time available to research it and my simple  mind just cant keep up with it all. But there is lots I have learned and the main thing is that it is all cleverly orchestrated by the Billderberg Group as I'm sure you know they are known by many names, The illuminati, The Club of Rome and so on. But I'll tell you one thing that really surprised me to discover (that is if it is licit document) Adolf Hitlers last testament, claiming that he did not want to start WW11 but was rather forced into it. lease read this if you haven't already. Love & Light to you and all good people....  Adolf Hitler's Political Testament, 29 April, 1945

    This may shock too, Erin Green was born as a Rothschild and she has spilled the beans to Project camelot... PROJECT CAMELOT: A ROTHSCHILD SPEAKS OUT - YouTube 

    And oops didn't tell you anything about me, I'm an Aussie, true blue.

  • mystery

    Just looking in on you! Hiya suzie, hope you are better. Glad to see you back in action! Kicking ass and takin names!! Go suzie go!

  • mystery

    High suzie, I am glad to see you. You must be feeling better? I am sry I have not been in touch as of lately. Hope all is well your way!

  • mystery

    Hey suzie, you popped in my head, hope all is better your way. I don't know, LOL, I just thought it was a pretty picture. Take care friend.

  • Richard Corral

    I'm ready for the rabbit hole plunge!! Thanks

  • XEggsG

    Indubitably proud to be in this boat and thank you!
  • mystery

    suzi, I haven't heard from you in awhile, so I thought I would stop in and say Hi. Hope all is well your way.

    Are you ready for all the little monsters to come out of the night? Boy I am, those devils, and witches and zombies, man their everywhere in Washington.

    I am also looking forward to all the trick or treater's  that come out on Halloween. Lol, have a great spookie Halloween, suzie. 

  • Issachar

    Hey Sis, I have missed you. I have been busy. So I havent been on here for sometime. I will come on here more now. I have a special friend I like you to meet, her name is Cody. She is Vent dependant, needs Gtube feedings. I will have to talk to you in chat on this. Cody is a answer I got form God about the system of the eyes. I had gotten to a level on understanding the Eye of Horus last summer. God showed me his true version of this with Cody!! I told Cody about you. I hope you have Skype.


    Something is going down Suzie. I don't know if Ison or associated Solar flares have anything to do with it. But for about the last week, I have felt a strong Magnetic/Electric  Presence everywhere, it's like the atmosphere is supercharged!... makes me have many heightened emotions, but the emotions drain me, leaving me lethargic and seemingly non-caring, which is not me to be un-caring....   Do you feel this too?

  • mystery

    Couldn't let Christmas go by without a special shout out to you my dear friend. I wish you the very best!

  • Nobody Will Observe

    Aloha :)

  • truth