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FBI able to secretly turn on laptop cameras without triggering indicator light ‘for several years’

In a recent report by The Washington Post, it was revealed that the FBI has been able to secretly activate a target’s laptop camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for several years.

While this may be surprising to some, it really shouldn’t be. Previous reports revealed that the FBI employs hackers to create software to remotely activate the microphones on laptops and cell phones as well as cameras. The U.S. government has also become the world’s largest buyer of malware. The NSA also recommended physically removing the webcam from Apple laptops for security reasons.

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    Grant Burtt

    Their is nothing that can not be compromised .I just compromised you. nice porn by the way. I love redheads also.

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      Ari Berman

      This sounds like a good tip.. Thanks DS.
      By the way... if an organization is smart enough to hack personal electronic devices (including programable ones like a computer), it seems to me they have enough smarts to remotely alter driver settings and even toggle the settings so you may never know they were there. In the world of big system computing, there are generally logs kept of files updated. This is missing from personal computer operating systems and both the control and the logs are not included in cell phone OS's.
      As a result, I use the fix offered by mystery... cover the camera with a sticker, bandaid or non transparent tape. I don't have a fix for the mic... but my suggestion is to consider any mic an open mic and just as if it were a stranger sitting right beside you. Don't say stuff that you would not want to have to explain away at some point.
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        very desturbing