Oath Keepers vs. Militia

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The Bundy Affair - Oath Keepers vs. Militia - Part II

Gary Hunt
April 29, 2014

In these past few weeks, we have seen history unfolding right before our very eyes.  Events in Bunkerville, Nevada, have been watched on the evening news throughout the country, and quite possibly, around the world.  For the first time in a century and a half, Americans stood, defiant, ready to go to the wall, against the government, or at least one of her administrative agencies, to assure that the erosion of our liberties ceases, and we begin to restore our rights to what our forefathers intended.

From a people rather complacent for most of their lives comes a new test not unlike that which the Founders faced back in 1774 -- the determination of who is on our side and who is not; who is committed and who is not; who is willing to give his life for a cause that he believes in and who is not, and that what this story is about.

Recent events in Bunkerville portray that test in vivid and sensational detail.  I give a chronology to these events, and they will be presented in Pacific Daylight Time, regardless of the local time where some of them occurred.  This is to insure continuity, and that the sequence is properly portrayed.

At about 2:30 pm, Friday April 25, 2014, Mr. X received a call from an associate.  This call would provide for some interesting disclosure over the next 6 hours.  The associate is described as a fellow participant in Open Source Intelligence, a nuclear physicist, a Democrat, a higher-ranking military officer, and that held a "Yankee White" security clearance.

I spent nearly an hour going over the details with Mr. X, to whom I have promised confidentiality.  I am fully satisfied as to the veracity of what he told me.  Though I did ask him if it would be possible to talk with the associate, with a guarantee of anonymity, he assured me that this would not be possible, as was made clear by the associate.  I then asked him if Oath Keepers had asked if they could interview his source.  His answer was, no they did not.  This, to me, is a rather curious omission, even though the answer would be anticipated to be as it was -- so much for the intelligence gathering ability of Oath Keepers, but, hey, I'm just a reporter.  What would I know?

The story related in the conversation between Mr. X and the associate is that the associate had received information from a source he knew in the Defense Department (DOD).  The source at DOD said that they had received orders from Eric Holder, of the Justice Department, to conduct drone surveillance of the Bundy property and to conduct a hot drone strike on the ranch and those on or around it.  This was to occur within between 24 to 48 hours, and that there were to be no witnesses nor would any videos be allowed to leave the area.

Mr. X was quite shaken by what he had heard and expressed those concerns back at the associate.  Wouldn't this be going too far in the eyes of the public?  Answer: They are prepared to deal with that.  There is no way that this could be covered up.  Response: They are prepared for that.  It was suggested that this would lead to martial law based upon authority provided for in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  He was also told that the justification for the strike was based upon Harry Reid's assertion that Bundy and those supporting him were "Domestic Terrorists".  To each of Mr. X's queries, similar answers were provided to justify the story being conveyed.

Mr. X was, to say the least, perplexed and did not know what to do with this information.  By about 3:00 pm, he contacted Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers.  Rhodes, upon receipt of this information wisely dispatched Wes (aka "Mac", Oath Keepers Intelligence Officer, about 6' tall, older gentleman, prior Special Forces operator, driving a silver pickup truck) and Michelle to meet with Mr. X. and 'vett' him to determine whether he was sincere and to make an evaluation of the story.  

Jumping ahead to 8:03 pm, John Jacob Schmidt, Radio Free Redoubt, interviewed Rhodes and othe... (21'18") regarding this story.  Rhodes, justifiably, pointed out that the vetting had convinced him that the source (Mr. X) was sincere, though there was no way of verifying Mr. X's source.  Rhodes said that there was a risk to his credibility by putting this out, but since there was a concern for human lives, the story must be gotten out.  Rhodes also pointed out, in releasing the story, that he was not going to "let my people die on my watch" and to "err on the side of caution for my guys."  Of course, the advertisement at the end of the radio interview was an enlistment ad for Oath Keepers.

Let me return to my interview with Mr. X.  We discussed potential scenarios that might occur, considering the strike and its ramifications.  Presuming the government had drone surveillance, and wanted to assure maximum effect, they would have a containment team to prevent any attempt of any of people to leave the area, as they did in Waco, where only those who came out in view of the cameras came out alive.  They would have to insure meeting the objective of the strike -- all personnel dead and evidence destroyed.  As Rhodes pointed out, they would need a follow on team, though he didn't address containment.  That follow on team could surely serve as the containment team prior, and the follow on team subsequent, to the strike.  We also discussed the ramifications -- the effect on the American, and world, public, should such a strike occur.  We all know how even the Mainstream Media (MSM) reacted to the directed drone strikes that killed two American citizens in Yemen, even though they had sided with our 'enemy'.  What would be the consequence of a general, indiscriminate, attack on men, women, and children, on American Soil, for merely resisting the enforcement of an agency rule to "rustle" Bundy's cattle?  No shots fired, no deaths, or even injuries.  Would the public stand for it, and would Congressmen, even Democrats, scramble to condemn the action?  Would a hundred million Americans realize that the government had gone berserk?  Would they then flock to the cause of those who would resist such tyranny?  Even MSM might even turn, drastically, against the administration.  Would Jay Carney have trouble attempting to justify such action?

The probability of such an action is, at least, remote, and such intelligence should be used only within the confines of the current operations at the Bundy Ranch, rather than risk ridicule, when precautions could easily be taken, without public notice of such a threat?

Returning to the time line of events, we now go back to the Ranch to see what activity occurred because of this threat.  At between 5:00 and 6:00 pm, Oath Keepers at the ranch began packing up their gear.  At about 8:00 pm, about the time of the radio interview, Rhodes used the internal communication system and notified the Oath Keepers that they should move out.  By 8:30 pm, 30-40 Oath Keepers in the encampment had moved out, as had the Oath Keepers command circle.  Only about 5 Oath Keepers remained at the ranch to protect the Bundy family and property.  Where did the others go?  To the Virgin River Motel, possibly at the expense of the contributions sent to Oath Keepers, contributions having been made to provide protection for the Bundys, not for luxurious comforts for those who had abandoned their posts.

Later that evening (exact time unknown) a conference call was made between State Representative Michelle Fiore, Stewart Rhodes, Pete Santilli (patriot videographer), Booda Bear (Personal Security Detail for the Bundy family), Ryan Payne, Militia Liaison, and LTC Potter (who states, "I am a former US Army LTC of 28 years.  I served in various Military Police and Military Intelligence positions around the globe.  I was also a municipal police officer for about 3 years.  I bring my unique experience, training, education, and spiritual insights to bear in analyzing important issues and trends in the U.S. and the world.").  The result of the conversation was to request that Representative Fiore contact the Governor and request the State's support, independent of the militia, to provide protection for those Americans on the ground at the ranch.  To date, there has been no response from the Governor.

So, let's put a bit of perspective on what can be deduced by the actions of some of the players in these events.

First, as explained in my article, Vortex, if the government wants to disrupt or bring ridicule on the patriot community, it would choose an innocent patriot who they hoped would be likely to spread the story, indiscriminately, throughout the patriot community.  However, the chosen conduit, the Vortex, had enough sense to provide the information, discretely, to someone he respected, hence the message going to Oath Keepers.  Oath Keepers could have contained the story and still benefitted, in every way, by preparing for that eventuality.  Instead, they chose to go public with it, for reasons unknown.

The Oath Keeper mission, "to not obey unconstitutional orders", had, by their participation at the ranch, extended to "protecting the Bundy family".  They also declare that their purpose includes "education".  Now, if their mission is to protect the Bundy Family, just how far does that go?  Given the choice of fulfilling their mission, by removing the Bundys, by force, if necessary, or holding their ground against the 'enemy", they chose to abandon that mission, for their own protection.  Being that their membership is largely Law Enforcement, it appears that they have also adopted the "Officer Safety" principle adhered to by Law Enforcement to justify killing unarmed civilians.  In this instance, the outcome would have been the same, had the strike occurred.  In military parlance, this would be tantamount to desertion under fire.  I can only suggest that the purpose for going public with the story was to justify their withdrawal, after the beating that they have recently taken as a result of an article, The Bundy Affair - Oathkeepers vs. Militia, wherein one of their officers, in the comments section, is unable to address some of the concerns raised.

Various discussions around the Internet have also brought their true role and purpose at the Bundy Ranch into question.  I won't suggest that this event, the drone strike, may have been a setup by the Oath Keepers to bow out gracefully, as I don't believe that they would stoop that low.  However, I can only wonder why those stalwart militiamen held their ground, while the professed bearers of the torch chose to flee.  Not quite like the roles played in the American Revolutionary War, where militia fled and the trained soldiers held their ground -- to the last extremity.

Now, some have suggested that this controversy between militia and Oath Keepers has caused division in the patriot community.  I am inclined to see this in a different light, in that, in these times, we must separate the voices from the action; Those who will stand, and those who will not; those who are true patriots, and those who only mouth those words.

Epilogue: Yesterday, the militia command structure, which is a shared command rather than top down, held a Coalition meeting to provide insight into why Oath Keepers, with the exception of those few who stood their ground like real patriots, were deemed persona non grata, by those who still stand their ground, and truly honor their oaths.  Coalition Meeting of April 28 - caution, language.

Finally, a Salute to all true Americans that seek a return to the government intended by the Constitution.


This article can be found on line at The Bundy Affair - Oath Keepers vs. Militia - Part II


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Comment by Citizen Quasar on April 29, 2014 at 9:53pm

When I got to the part about "Mr. X" I quit reading.

Comment by Earl Allen Boek on April 29, 2014 at 9:34pm

First of all, I don't believe the Bundy's are "rich" and able to provide for a long-term

siege with unlimited food and support supplies.  Upon arriving at the ranch, I saw

what looked like a pretty unorganized military effort, and heard rumors that both

CA and NV leaders of militias had come on to the property bumped heads with 

patriots already there, (perhaps these where OK) I don't know. I can only speak to

the results of what I heard and saw, (of course we had arrived right in the middle

of the standoff) We were told to contact Bundy's son's upon arrival and after stopping

at what was the first check point and verifying that were told to proceed to a second

area but came to the Bundy's drive first, where we were draw-ed down on by two Militia.

After clearly identifying ourselves and intent we were told (allowed) to leave and proceed

back from the first area we had come from, at which point we were invited into a "command"

trailer and had coffee, maybe on camera or internet, as equipment was everywhere. A guy

named Bill who spoke not real highly of the OK and treated us almost TOO friendly, we have

since been told he was a Fed plant, or at least a plant.  Now we are allowed full access into

the main militia area, without a militia affiliation, only a past military one, we are put on

flat land sandy desert, no surprise, little cover and pretty good wind blowing fine "sugar sand"

over everything. We're on low land, surrounded by bluffs, perfect sniper sites and we have

little real protection, except a bush or two and our vehicles. I was not impressed folks, Not

at all.

Comment by truth on April 29, 2014 at 9:34pm

THX 4 updates Nancy !

Comment by Nancy Oakley on April 29, 2014 at 9:32pm

There is so much dis-info out there. Be careful whom you believe. In a time when we should all be working together for a common goal, some entities are in overdrive deliberately working to cause division among the volunteers. You may want to ask yourself why. Which group is on video talking about shooting people in the back?

Ryan Payne, ".... but this man and the gentlemen that obeyed that order violated my personal creed.  You don't fucking walk in and say "I'm sorry' and you're back in brother.  You can walk in and say you're sorry and you're lucky you're not getting shot in the back because that's what happens to deserters on the battlefield."

"His personal creed"? Really? It's all about him?

The long "Bundy Ranch Advisory" blog post linked above is a start on the information we all need.

There will be more.

Comment by Earl Allen Boek on April 29, 2014 at 9:18pm

OK donations through OK for Bundy's efforts...sounds right.

Comment by truth on April 29, 2014 at 9:15pm

OK claims the trucks and cargo was theirs to take, paid for with OK donations.
This is a gov bs campaign, imo more ridicule for all. http://12160.info/page/om

Comment by Earl Allen Boek on April 29, 2014 at 9:11pm

From my understanding nearly 2 truck-loads of donated equipment and supplies (whatever that means)

left with the Oath Takers.  These donations made through the Oath Keepers, or not, were for the 

purpose of supply for the Bundy Operation. Removing them from the field knowing others may face

the danger you insist may exist, without these supplies seems close to being traitors to the cause 

to me._citizenactivist

Comment by Nancy Oakley on April 29, 2014 at 9:10pm

Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29 2014

This advisory will be an encapsulation of a much larger story with numerous feature or peak points to reveal in coming weeks and months. The Bundy Ranch Revolution against federal land management within the several States is positively huge. My comment to Stewart Rhodes regarding the gravity and significance of the Bundy stand is that it is a watershed moment in Twenty-first Century American history, and I am totally proud of Oath Keepers for jumping in with the Bundy family and their good neighbors.

And that is true. And that is why Oath Keepers is being kicked in the teeth by people purporting to be pillars of the patriot community. Justice will arise from the smoke of this obvious fray, and it won’t take very long. Oath Keepers would seriously like to thank Sheriff Mack and his CSPOA and Mike Vanderboegh and his national Three Percenters movement.

More here: http://oathkeepers.org/oath/2014/04/29/bundy-ranch-advisory-for-apr...

Comment by 5WarVeteran on April 29, 2014 at 8:56pm

OK it has been more than 24 hours because I heard this two days ago. So far nothing regarding drone strikes has happened.

Support the Bundy's and the Oath Keepers? HELL YES! I already have and will every pay day. As long as Americans are actually representing Americans against criminal government WE THE PEOPLE have responsibility to support them.

At least in this circumstance you actually have an idea of where your income is going, different as compared to what the government is doing with your tax money like financing Egypt or Israel.

Comment by underground militia on April 29, 2014 at 7:18pm


THE COMMENT WAS MADE #1 when he didn't know about food supply just like there is lots of bottled water but that fucking retarded to cook . clean clothes and hydrate all off of bottled fucking water when a river is tight there . are you going to complain because he suggested they collect water ?   stay out of the big boys affairs

Comment by underground militia on April 29, 2014 at 7:11pm


no one is expected to bring what They don't have no more than you are expected to do things your not physically capable of . this is a war not a hippie protest you show up to for free food so save your critiquing.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 29, 2014 at 6:37pm

Comment by turtle on April 29, 2014 at 6:17pm

So the opinions seem to be centered around the asking for a set donation..for supplies..some comments asking why should they provide food when bundy is rich... is bundy eating all the food? ... i thought it was going to the militia and all others who showed up to support bundys.

if our help, to save our way of life is dependent on the ability of all of us supporting each other( because sooner or later you and i will face the same tyranny), maybe we should be asking ourselves what is the price of freedom?

what is the price of life? is a can of beans too much? we are really in trouble if we can not start acting ..instead of sitting by as one by one they take us down..and each time ..we become less and less..until there is only the one left. in the event that this countries militia is forced to defend you and i, by use of force against enemies foreign or domestic...and they are the last standing before you and those who want to do you harm...will it matter if the person holding back tyranny is part of one organization ...or that the  cost of his aid was a #can and a lb of beans and rice?

Just to clarify also ... asking for #10 cans and a 1lb of beans and rice would feed the most for the cheapest cost..providing a balanced nutritional diet, and would only yield approx 6-to 10 servings depending on serving sizes.

I don't however think that one should be required to bring food if they do not have it.... that is when the neighboring people should step up... and the internet is part of that neighborhood.

My opinion about the Oath Keepers...those that ran were not Oath Keepers, those that stayed were.

Comment by Deborah Swan on April 29, 2014 at 5:27pm

 I was making Mike very frustrated that I was not going along with all his super rock star talk... I did not feel comfortable and I knew he was trying to get me involved and used as a "scape goat. " All he wanted was to convience me that its totally safe becuae he "trusts" operation mutual aid, since Ryan Payne is former militiary.Mike has zero intrest with helping the Bundys. All he seemed to care aboiut was luring me out to the ranch so i would be out there when the next attack happens.  I was sharing my concerns about what I was feeling with the other girls who were part of C A N. Something just did not fee right. By around 5 pm on Friday we drove back to Las Vegas and I was ready to get the hell out of there and go back to Texas.  Mike had enough of me and wanted me to leave. I had tried to leave that morning but Mike talked me into going to the ranch, telling me that he had a meeting set up for us to have lunch with the Bundys after the press conference. This never happened either. I had a bunch of research to share with the Bundys and was hoping to  talk with them about the legal information that  I researched. I attached the Nevada Constitution with my highlighted areas thatb are al in the Bundy'svfavor. I wanted to help also with  filing a injunction and a ciest and disist order to make the BLM and FBI stand down.  Put a restraining order on them until a grand jury was called into investigate. None of that was the focus when we arrived out there. No one is even discussing ow to help get control of this. vAll everyone seems to be focused on is the coming false flag, with out any intrest in doing all we can do to make it not happen. I have a ton of info with the proof to back up all I witnessed. This has been planned since vat least since January 2014. I will share the rest if anyonevelse is intrested... Lots of details. Looks like amnother network of controlled opposition, but this time they almost caused people to die and they will if we dont "snap ou" of this and stop falling for the "honey on bee's" trick they always use... 

I beleive in standing up for our rights, but not when the overall  motive is to use those of us who actually would stand up, and trick those into a false flag situation that was already planned to fail by design. 

Comment by Deborah Swan on April 29, 2014 at 5:26pm

I have  some more critical information from this past week. I actually went out to the Bundy Ranch and was there last Friday afternoon. I was contacted by the Citizens Action Network on April 17th 2014 and was offered to go out there and do some "investigative journalism." I was sent 2000.00 in cash and was told to bring my militia gear so I could be interviewed as well as speak the truth about the Charles Dyer events. The man who contacted me goes by Mike School and claims his financial support was due to a deceased grandfather.  Mike School told me all sorts of stories and he claimed his own fame and told me that he is the one who is responsible for  bringing the militia's together. Mike also told me that he was being "endorsed" by the Constitutional Sheriff's Association with 700 sheriffs who were all supporting CAN. (Citizens Action Network) I did not believe any of this, so I began to voice my concerns with going out to the ranch. The more I kept listening to all the "big talk"  the more I became concerned and this was all not adding up.  All Mike wanted me to do was to get my cammo on, and go camp out at the Bundy Ranch. He kept telling me how I would be getting live mainstream media exposure which would help me gain back my credibility.  I began questioning all this and not going along with all his attempts to get me in front of the CNN, ABC, and all the live cameras that were there right after the press conference. 

s never happened. The video 

i attached is what the security man at the Bundy Ranch told me... This was on Friday afternoon. 

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 29, 2014 at 5:11pm

2 - #10 cans of beans ;)

Comment by truth on April 29, 2014 at 5:03pm
pls do add Nancy !
Comment by truth on April 29, 2014 at 5:02pm
from the video now deleted - "they (Oathkeepers) might get shot in the back from a friendly misfire".

Obviously unhinged rants here
Comment by underground militia on April 29, 2014 at 4:57pm

no there is not,  Nevada doesn't have wild hog and the river is not that kind of river  I live here does you rfriend?  no one said you have to bring 100 pnds  most don't know what to bring and don't know the environment ,  bundy Is providing allot but certain thing s need to be kept among the militia   ,  a list of things is on libertytreetv 

Comment by underground militia on April 29, 2014 at 4:17pm

exposed oath keepers BULLSHIT   Libertytree radio THE MILITIA   exposed oath keepers  actions at the ranch and how they were messing up everything on purpose  this was on the 23rd.   on the  24th we blasted the net including sending this info to the bundies , on the 25th my page ( libertytree tv youtube frozen and the BS drone story was leaked  . and then they had the excuse to run  but it was in truth the militia they were running from not drones.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmKMTulX3BQ

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