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Comment by cheeki kea on November 29, 2023 at 12:03pm

Good one steve and a classic example of total overkill beyond even the definintion of the word itself. CRT has saturated the minds of blacks so bad that they have descended into an ever increasing downward spiral of perpetual "perceived" victimhood and misery that they are ill-equipped to deal with. This festering mass monster of doom is now a problem for those that created it which believe it or not they are now trying to dampen, put out the fire so to speak which has become an inferno. Leftist Govts lit the match so let's watch them burn in the bombfire of their own stupidity. -Which is why I laughed my face off when I saw the Forbs article debacle about  "How to Decentre Whiteness" most folks have heard of the word decentre in reference to architecture - To remove support from the centre, To take away from,  (usually a central support column to create more space ) Now that common understanding would make the title sound extremely Racist. So here's the joke, in psychology and mental health care the word means something very different. It means Letting Go of irrational self limiting and destructive thoughts so people feel comfortable in their own skin. ( Kind of an unwinding of the overwound before the spring snaps and the item becomes dangerous or useless for purpose.) Intersectionality component of c.r.t was where I think it all went wrong for them for being white, in power, and higher and mightier than everybody else has led to themselves becoming first targets of the new found white hatred. Indeed blacks now need serious first aid for mental health issues. Here we saw for ourselves the kids that tried to run our own ex- crime minister off the road in her car were young Brown girls and they are still held in high regard by their peers who saw the action as brave and deserved. Relentless C.R.T has destroyed social cohesion and that becomes a national security concern. A big one. If normal caucasian folks who have also bore the brunt of c.r.t crap see something untoward will they say something, that is the question.

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