V is an American sci fi tv series series chronicles the arrival on Earth of a technologically advanced alien species which ostensibly comes in peace, but actually has sinister motives

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Comment by EIEIO on June 25, 2012 at 2:08am

James, I puzzled at this fear mongering ! Are you slogging for the New World Order, which the rest of us are eager to refer to as the Old World Odor?

If you had been following cosmic news, you would know that Gaia, the earth, has been recently cleansed of malevolent ET species, and that only a few archons remain (or had remained, prior to the most recent mass meditation of intention) in the ethereal and astral planes, which are no problem to work around in the quest for our freedom from 26,000 years of slavery.

As Gaia states, "Portending doomsdayers have written their own end. Not the end of “the world”. Rather, the end of their own place in it."


Comment by Marklar on January 26, 2011 at 3:50pm
It's also relevant to point out that in the television series V the visitors claim to be peaceful and therefore this can be related to the hippy peace sign where two fingers are held up in a V configuration just like the victory sign. It's quite obvious that this is no coincidence since the hippies of the 60s would have been well aware of the WWII V for victory campaign (as many of their fathers had fought in WWII) and obviously co-opted it with a bit of tongue in cheek irony to stand for victory through peace rather than victory through war.
Comment by Marklar on January 26, 2011 at 3:40pm

In the TV series V is a double entendre of symbolism standing both for the 'visitors' and for the 'victory' of the occupation to the invasion. The blood red color is of course the color of blood which one can expect to shed much of in a conflict with tyranny. The red color can therefore be seen as a pledge shed ones blood if necessary in order to achieve the liberty which comes with victory over tyranny.


The same can be said of the V in the movie V for Vendetta where it stands not only for the personal 'vendetta' being prosecuted by the main character but also for the 'victory' of the resistance that manifests at the very end of the film. The symbolism of the blood red color remains much the same.


So what is a double entendre? Entendre is old French for 'to mean' so a double entendre is a word, phrase or symbol (though it more often refers to a word or phrase) that can be perceived and interpreted to have two different meanings. The word still exists in modern French but now means 'to hear'.


Another significance of the color red is that it is a fairly bright color which tends to draw the eye and stands out well against most backgrounds.


Why do V and V for Vendetta share this V symbolism? One could, I suppose, go back to cite the chevron of heraldry and even back to neolithic times where the chevron can be seen in cave and rock drawing but I think that for our purposes here one needs look no further than WWII and the V for victory campaign which remains in the lore and imagination of people all over the world to this day.


V for Victory

The V-sign also stands for "Victory", and unlike the British "Get Stuffed!" sign, this meaning is understood and used around the world. Popularised by Winston Churchill during world war two, the idea came from a Belgian lawyer called Victor De Lavelaye.

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill giving his famous V for Victory sign
© TopFoto.co.uk
On January 4, 1941, Victor De Lavelaye, a Belgian refugee in Britain, made a BBC radio broadcast to his countrymen, in which he suggested a new way of striking at their Nazi occupiers:


I am proposing to you as a rallying emblem the letter V, because V is the first letter of the words 'Victoire' in French, and 'Vrijheid' in Flemish: two things which go together, as Walloons and Flemings are at the moment marching hand in hand, two things which are the consequence one of the other, the Victory which will give us back our freedom, the Victory of our good friends the English. Their word for Victory also begins with V.


Could De Lavelaye have got this idea from his own first name?


Beethoven's Fifth

De Lavelaye's campaign was taken up by the BBC, which began to broadcast the morse code for V (dot-dot-dot-dash), followed by the opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, whose notes correspond to the morse signal; "fifth" can also be written using the Roman numeral, V. These four notes would have an added significance for educated Germans, for Beethoven supposedly said that they represented the sound of "fate knocking on the door".

People in Nazi-occupied territories were told to chalk Vs on walls, and to make the V signal whenever possible. Teachers could call children to order by clapping the signal, and train drivers could make it using their whistles. Every time someone knocked on a door or rang a church bell, they should use the rhythm of Victory.

The campaign was planned to undermine German morale in the occupied territories. De Lavelaye explained, "The occupier, by seeing this s

Comment by truth on January 26, 2011 at 1:51pm
I get it, but all the pics with the, well,  similar  blood red  "v" can not be ignored imo.
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 26, 2011 at 1:30pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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