Mark-Wahlberg-Oscar Host Seth MacFarlane Angers Anti-Defamation League With 'Ted' Segment

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Comment by BarbD on April 5, 2013 at 4:42pm
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 27, 2013 at 6:03pm

Mr. Spawn says he won't do another one ;) (awards show)

Comment by Tara on February 27, 2013 at 5:14pm

Unbelievable! It's called comedy dumb arses! And to all those actresses that were squirming in their seats at the mere mention of BOOBS.... you shouldn't of showed your boobs for the whole world to see in the movies. WTF?

Comment by Tara on February 27, 2013 at 5:04pm

Apparently, Mcfarlane angered more than the ADL at the Oscars. Check this out...

CA women lawmakers demand Academy disavow MacFarlane’s Oscar gig as...

Entertainer/comedian/writer Seth MacFarlane earned a younger, bigger audience for hosting Sunday’s Oscar telecast — but he’s also sparked anger from the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, which formally complained Wednesday to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences that his gig “struck a new low in its treatment of women.”



Comment by Ragnarok on February 26, 2013 at 9:30am

Hollywood aka Globalist Indoctrination Headquarters.

Best tool for:

Selling products.

Shaping minds.

Army/police recruitment.

Keeping a large group pf the worlds populous passive by feeding them dreams and hope.

Owning history.

Note that most people that watches a lot of movies actually think many of the stunts, physics and CGI can be done in real life and the stories is based on true stories.  

Comment by truth on February 26, 2013 at 5:15am

clip added

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 25, 2013 at 11:15pm

what joke?, they do control it...ALL OF IT!

Comment by truth on February 25, 2013 at 10:37pm

During the segment, Ted (voiced by MacFarlane) joked that Jews controlled Hollywood and that fealty to the religion was required to work in the industry. "I was born Theodore Shapiro, and I would like to donate to Israel and continue to work in Hollywood forever," he said, to audience laughter -- and Wahlberg's feigned displeasure.


Comment by Maria De Wind on February 25, 2013 at 9:29pm

The Jewish group, led by longtime chief Abraham Foxman, issued a statement Monday slamming MacFarlane and the Academy for a segment of the show that it said perpetuated anti-Semitic stereotypes.

The media-monitoring Jewish group speaks out against a part of Sund...

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