Barack Obama invites first black Miss Israel to dinner

Barack Obama invites first black Miss Israel to dinner

It will be one of the hottest tickets in town. When the US president, Barack Obama, arrives in Israel on an official visit next week, one of the highlights for the country's dignatries will be a dinner hosted at Israeli president Shimon Peres's home. And among those set to dine with the two presidents is the first black Miss Israel, Yityish Aynaw.

When the president's staff called to invite her to the dinnerAynaw, who was crowned just a few weeks ago, was understandably taken aback. "I didn't believe this was happening," she told the Jerusalem Post.

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Comment by truth on July 4, 2013 at 7:56pm

Miss Israel is having dinner with Obama and will ask him to free Jo...

So where is the CHUTZPAH tag when you need it?

Submitted by Tom Sullivan

Comment by Burbia on March 18, 2013 at 2:58am
Fresh shame for porn scandal beauty queen as new film emerges
A BEAUTY queen embroiled in a porn scandal faces further embarrassment as footage of her agreeing to appear in an adult video emerged today.

Melissa King quit her Miss Teen USA Delaware crown after an x-rated movie appeared online.

Many speculated that the female star of the sex tape was e clean-cut 18-year-old, but the pretty brunette told The News Journal that it was "absolutely not" her.

However, makers of the video have today released footage which appears to show Melissa reading out a consent form agreeing to take part in the movie.

In it she says: "I Melissa King am doing this scene of my own free will.

"I am of sound mind and body and not under the influence of drugs or any mind-altering substances."

She goes on to add that she knows she has no rights to the footage being filmed.

It has also emerged that Melissa, who won the Delaware round of the Miss Teen USA pageant;, was paid $1,500 to appear in the movie.
from what I understand is that
the american beauty queen doing porn is a psy op to make doing porn OK for other girls with the justification of hey look a beauty queen is doing it. Further demoralisation of this countries standards. Accordingly, these girls and those within the entertainment industry are advertisements for the elite to purchase for sexual purposes, a what's on the menu sort of thing. Modeling agencies are a major source for these kind of activities.
Comment by EDOGZ818 on March 18, 2013 at 12:50am


I'm glad members are upon their history!

Thanx guys!

Comment by Imhotep Kemet on March 18, 2013 at 12:11am
Ethiopian High Holidays
Sigd is a unique festival celebrated by Ethiopian Jews 49 days after Yom Kippur. It is a day of remembrance of the covenant made when the Torah was given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, and consists of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving. In Amharic, Sigd means “to bow down” and shares its root with the word for temple (mesgid). The ceremony resembles the one presided over by Ezra to mark the renewal of the covenant in the Book of Nehemiah (8:1-10:40):

Now in the twenty and fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon them. And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.

And they stood up in their place, and read in the book of the Law of the LORD their God a fourth part of the day; and another fourth part they confessed, and prostrated themselves before the LORD their God.

--Nehemiah 9:1-3

In Ethiopia, the Sigd was observed each year on mountaintops outside villages. At the crack of dawn, the Kessim (the community’s rabbis and spiritual leaders) would ascend the mountain, which was meant to resemble Mt. Sinai. The Kessim would then read from the Orit (the Torah) in the Ge’ez language, expressing the community’s yearning to return to the Holy Land.

Many Ethiopian Jews follow the custom of making vows at the festival, both private vows (e.g., for the sake of the recovery of a sick relative) and public vows (such as for the sake of bringing about the end of a drought). In the afternoon, there is a prayer (yizkor) to commemorate members of the community who have passed away.

After the prayer service was over, the Kessim would descend from the mountain to the villages, to joyous celebrations welcoming the Torah and accepting it anew. The community’s fast would be broken and a big feast with singing and dancing would take place.

Today, Sigd is still celebrated among Ethiopian Jewish communities. In Israel, Ethiopian Jews gather in Jerusalem from all over the country. Since the prophecy of returning to the Holy Land has been fulfilled, their prayers are now directed to redemption and the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
Ethiopian Shabbat
At sunset on Friday, at the start of the Sabbath, the priests ring bells summoning the community to worship. They gather in the synagogue and say their prayers, facing east. At about 9:00 pm, they eat the Sabbath dinner.

Sabbath prayers continue throughout the night, into early Saturday morning. Then in mid-morning, the community gathers again to listen the reading of the Ten Commandments and to have each family’s dabbos (large loaves of bread) blessed.

When the bread is blessed it is sliced in a special way according to tradition, and a portion is given to the priests, who eat some, and pass the rest out to the poor.

Prayers and reading from the Torah take place throughout the day, with breaks for meals and rest.
Comment by Burbia on March 17, 2013 at 11:37pm
“The Story of Ethiopian Jews,” by Yohannes Zeleke, Ph.D Dr. Yohannes Zeleke, is an Ethiopian archaeologist, anthropologist, historian, and former curator of the National Museum of Ethiopia. He is a board member of the Washington Association for Ethiopian Jews. His research interests include prehistoric archaeology, social and cultural anthropology, human origin and social development, prehistoric and ethnographic art and history, and the history of the Ethiopian Jews. He has worked with many research teams in Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, and Europe.

Archaeological evidence demonstrates that one of the first footholds of Judaism was in Ethiopia; that Hebraic people came to Ethiopia as early as the time of Abraham; and that others came during the era of the Israelites’ 300 years of bondage in Egypt, as well as during the reigns of King Menasseh and King Solomon. Scholarship about Ethiopian Jewry has been distorted by political agendas, bias, and ignorance, thus denying Ethiopian Jews credit for their contributions to Jewish, Ethiopian, and regional history. At various times in history, Ethiopia has been ruled by Jewish leaders and the state religion has been Judaism, although the history of Ethiopia is also replete with periods when Jews were persecuted. Today, there are still more than a million Hebraic Ethiopians in Ethiopia who urgently need access to education and other resources. Over 800 synagogues and Jewish historical sites are in danger of being lost unless action is taken to preserve them.
Comment by Maria De Wind on March 16, 2013 at 12:41pm

You 12160s never cease to amaze me, how come a story about Obawannabe waisting tax dollars on a dinner with a high profile cute chick turned into a Biblical and Jesus ethnicity (as IF that was an important part of His Ministry) discussion is beyond me, but having said that let me state my point of view

Records show Jews lived in Elephantine an Island on the Nile, Egypt close to the Nubian border before the Persian invansion, owned Egyptian slaves and even then managed to rouse "anti-semitic' (anti- jewish) sentiments in the local population. If how they looked then is important to anyone you can be sure they certainly didn't look the way Zionist Holywood propaganda would have us believe they did more likely than not the looked like Palestinian Jews , (Old Yishuv)

Comment by Tara on March 15, 2013 at 3:19pm

And I also agree with you Imhotep. I just needed to vent my feelings on the matter ;)

Comment by Imhotep Kemet on March 15, 2013 at 3:08pm

I agree with you. My only contention is that truth is truth. The modern history books are full of boldfaced lies. It is time to set the record straight. God is Truth!

Comment by Tara on March 15, 2013 at 3:05pm

So much is made out of the color of someone's skin or their race, religion. Are they black enough, white enough, Jew enough..? Frankly... I don't give a fuk what anybody's skin color is! My only care is if they are a good person or not. "You will know them by their fruit." Matthew 7

Comment by Imhotep Kemet on March 15, 2013 at 2:38pm

Barack Obama is half white, and is light-skinned, yet he is considered black. The Hebrew religion, and all religions, had their origin in Mother Africa, as did all people.

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