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Comment by Paul Rowlandson on April 19, 2015 at 5:01am

Jews were completely expelled from 89 countries, 109 times.  Education of humans, is the chief cause of anti-Semitism .  It is not a matter of hatred but the Jews would have you believe it is.  Do you hate a rabid dog; of course not but you need to be rid of it. They are a cancer on the Earth.  Yes, Zionism hijacked Judaism but that just made things go from bad to worse.  Please don't give me the liberty to choose my favourite pile of shit.  This is where America finds itself now, when those that are still sane are saying "I choose none of the options placed before me". At some point you realize they only want to crush your soul.  Get out now, while you still can.

Comment by suzie on April 15, 2015 at 7:12pm
Brother Nathanael
April 6, 2015 @ 5:01 pm
Text –Text– Text

Refuting Jews For Judaism

Jews For Judaism wants to ‘Keep Jews Jewish.’

But ‘keeping Jews Jewish’ has nothing to do with the Bible.

No surprise then that it rejects Jesus as the ‘Jewish’ Messiah.

[Clip: “Christian missionaries like Jews for Jesus claim that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Why has Judaism rejected this assertion for 2000 years?”]

Because Jews don’t follow the Bible. That’s why.

They can’t since their priesthood is gone forever.

And without a priesthood the Old Testament makes Judaism null and void.

So the rabbis threw out the Old Testament and replaced it with the Talmud.

The Talmud’s ‘Jewish’ messiah is NOT the Divine Messiah of the Bible.

Theirs is the ‘rabbinic’ messiah of Maimonides, found in his 12th century convoluted ‘Laws of the King.’

[Clip: “Anyone can claim to be the Messiah or a group of people can claim that someone is the Messiah.”]

See the rabbi’s cunning? He insinuates that it was a group of people that produced the Messiahship of Jesus.

No way. It was Jesus Himself who claimed to be the Messiah when speaking to the woman at the well.

[Clip: “However, if that person fails to fulfill all the criteria found in the Jewish Bible, he cannot be the Messiah. According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus seems to have understood this. As he was being crucified by the Romans, he cried out “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”]

You pompous ass.

You claim to follow the Jewish Bible?

If you did you’d understand that Jesus was quoting Psalm 22 to show that He was fulfilling its prophecies such as:

“They pierced my hands and my feet.” “They gave me vinegar to drink.” “They cast lots for my vesture.”

Ironically, according to the rabbis’ own argument, his ‘messiah’ is automatically disqualified.

[Clip: “If that person fails to fulfill all the criteria found in the Jewish Bible, he cannot be the Messiah.]

That’s right.

His ‘messiah’ must fulfill the Old Testament prophecies that He would be born in Bethlehem, of a virgin, before the destruction of the 2nd Temple, of King David’s line (which no Jew now can prove), bear the sins of Israel as the Suffering Servant, and conquer death by His resurrection.

But the rabbis distorted and abrogated all of these BIBLICAL prophecies to justify their rejection of Jesus.

The Hasids, continuing in rabbinic error, recently claimed rabbi Schneerson as the ‘messiah.’

But after praying around his grave for a week hoping he’d rise from the dead they gave him up for a corpse.

Now the coup de grace.

[Clip: “In order to deal with Jesus’ failure to fulfill the Biblical messianic prophecies missionaries argue that he will accomplish them when he returns in the future. It is important to understand that this doctrine of a Second Coming is an admission that Jesus did not fulfill the messianic criteria.”]

He means the ‘Talmudic’ criteria that snubs Biblical criteria.

Christ affirmed that,”according to the Scriptures,” He, the Messiah, must first suffer, then rise from the dead, and come again to punish all who disobey the Gospel. And that means Jews.

It’s your messiah, Mr rabbi, not ours, who will be the failure.

[Clip: “As Jews, we prefer to wait for the real thing.”]

Wait a minute. Having crucified Christ, the true King of Israel, Jews have since declared dozens of messiahs like bar Kokhba and Sabbatai Zevi.

Were they the real thing? Naa.

The rabbi’s ‘real thing’ will be the “anti-Christ” who the Orthodox Church teaches will be a Jew.

And I would not dear viewers, you should have fellowship with demons.
Comment by suzie on April 15, 2015 at 7:03pm

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