It's Official Zio-Occupied White House and DHS Behind #OWS Thug Crackdowns Nationwide

It's Official Zio-Occupied White House and DHS Behind #OWS Thug Crackdowns Nationwide

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Admits 18 Cities Were Consulting on #Occupy Crackdowns

Rumors have been swirling around various Occupy camps that a series of major crackdowns in recent days -- spanning from New York to Denver to Oakland, with several others in between -- were being done on the orders of Washington. That's unlikely.
But in an interview with BBC News, Oakland Mayor casually admitted that she had participated in a conference call with officials from 18 cities to discuss the OWS movement, tactics for managing its camps, etc.
The interview is excerpted in this episode of The Takeaway -- at about 5:30. 
It's unclear whether they "coordinated" the recent raids, but it's an intriguing tidbit. I've reached out to a source and will update this if/when I get more.

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Comment by truth on November 15, 2011 at 6:42pm

Video Court order allows Wall Street protesters return to evicted camp Al Jazeera

Comment by Cryptocurrency on November 15, 2011 at 6:17pm

Listen to the Occupy Wall Street Protestors lawyer:

Comment by truth on November 15, 2011 at 5:51pm

Occupy Wall Street: Judge Rules Protestors Cannot Occupy Zucotti Park

A Manhattan Supreme Court judge has ruled that Occupy Wall Street protestors cannot occupy Zucotti Park with tents and tarps and sided with NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, stating he was within his rights when he evicted the occupiers just after 1:00 AM this morning in a raid that has rocked the Occupy Movement around the globe. The judge ruled protestors may utilize the park but may not “occupy” it with tents nor may they camp out there as they have for the past two months.

Comment by apeman2502 on November 15, 2011 at 5:26pm

  Anybody who voted for the Obama crowd was shooting in the dark and better report front and center to help clean up the mess.

Comment by AZRanger on November 15, 2011 at 5:20pm

We have had a report from an Arizona Oath Keeper that on 11/03 at approx 4:30AM, the police in Oakland, San Diego, and Nashville converged on the sleeping OWS encampments, and began attacking the protestors w/ flash-bangs in tents, clubs, and general brutality. The observer stated to me that the actions in all 3 cities commenced simultaneously, and was obviously a coordinated assault. This is a know fact, because the observer was watching 3 computer screens with live feeds on all 3.

The observer then called and complained to the police departments at all 3 cities, and after he or she identified themselves was told that they operators had no knowledge of those events, and the feeds went black each one in 5 minute intervals!!!

I believe these police actions are being coordinated at the highest levels of the US gov't, and I think that goes for the OWS protestors as well. It has been proven that several of George Soros' proxies organizations have sponsored and contributed heavily to the OWS coffers! Are most of the protestors in his pocket? Of course not, but that does not mean that there isn't an effort coordinated at much higher levels than the street to cause the circumstances where Operation Garden Plot could be called on the American People!

If you don't know that name, I suggest you research it, and judge for yourself! Janet Napolitano is in this up to her eyeballs, and everyone knows that she does not even wipe her butt w/out permission from the Dictator -In-Chief!

So, if Janet is following orders emanating from the Pres, coordinating the efforts of LE nationwide in dealing with the OWS, and George Soros has put lots of money into the OWS protests, whatis the end game on all this? What are those people hoping to achieve? I think I know, but this is probably something that others should come to on their own!



Comment by Cryptocurrency on November 15, 2011 at 4:49pm

Comment by Cryptocurrency on November 15, 2011 at 4:45pm

When it's, "Occupy the White House" then I'll get excited.

Comment by richardabny on November 15, 2011 at 4:17pm

I think the 10,000 in Portland scared them too much 

Comment by truth on November 15, 2011 at 4:17pm
Comment by truth on November 15, 2011 at 4:07pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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