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Comment by cheeki kea on January 26, 2023 at 8:05pm

Hey thanks for your comments guys. I like to put up links to photos and blogs but when I looked back to the Con versation it had gone. Fortunately a truth seeker off shore had the gumption to screen shot the whole article on their telephone and forwarded it on. The offending item in question was meant to be published on 6th June 2023 but someone there must have stuffed up. At least the purebloods will have time to gear up for the onslaught of blame to come mid year when the demons run out of all other options. I have no idea where all these crime ministers and bogus presidents and med. staff can possibly hide from the injured who'll come for them. I might imagine the Arctic circle or Antartica would be a fitting place except Russia occupies sites at both those locations and now that they have suddenly issued a declaration of holy war on behalf of the God of peace targeting "unfriendlies" ( if what they say is true, no reason at this stage to believe it's not ) then even those areas might not be suitable hiding holes. Hopefully if the demons do put themselves on ice russia in their compassion might clean up the mess if we all chip in for the expense. ( If they become the first country to apologise and repent for their own vax misunderstandings then we will know there's hope - in saying that I've only seen about 4 injured from there speaking out on tic Tok about vax harm and those posts were not removed or censored, I've seen nothing anywhere else.) ~ thanks for your link steve on your new post for shedding more info on all this.

Comment by steve on January 26, 2023 at 6:57pm

Evil always inverts the CREATORS perfect creations which is what this devilish transformer nonsense is all about now they want to lay blame at those who did a little thinking on this PLaNdemic lie instead of charging and EXECUTING the faucis and gates and all in the media from hollyweird to jewyork citaaay where they lied and propagated the lies from ufknkraine to safe and effective every so called celebrity and spokes weasel needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE for the untold death they have brought on the world but noooooooooooo they want blame us poor barly getting by truthtellers who they REFUSED to listen to and even called for our jailing and removal from "their world" .


Comment by Less Prone on January 26, 2023 at 2:11pm

Why is it that those who have the least power, not those who led us to die, are blamed. Many of us lost our job, were ridiculed and punished for not taking the poison. It is time to investigate and punish those who are really behind this. And we know pretty well who most of them are.

Comment by steve on January 26, 2023 at 1:09pm

The CONversation should be WHY AINT THE MURDEROUS PRIX WHO PUSHED THIS FKN POISEN IN FKN JAIL OR HANGING from lamp post. and that smurking cocksucker bill gates shoud be PUBLICLY FKN EXECUTED along side that bug pushin claws slob. Boys and girls it's way past time to get angry and violent for self preservation if nothing else. Each and every person who pushed this fkn poisen is a fkn MURDERER . I for one stood up laughed and mocked every mask wearing moron I encountered.I bought a 10 pack of pastel womens panties and wore them over my head when entering a "muzzle requirement zone.below is a pic of me in my first "mask"


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