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Comment by cheeki kea on March 27, 2023 at 11:26am

Unfortunately Posie Parkers trip to nz did not go well and the Let Women Speak Rally was cancelled due to violence from counter protests causing Posie to be attacked with a tomato type substance. Thousands of mothers and young ladies had assembled to hear her addressing Very Real issues with trannies entering female bathrooms, dressing rooms and other 'safe' woman places. There is many well founded concerns for this outrage and folks were left gob smacked to find the police did Nothing to prevent the violence dished out by the governments radical racist leftists as we all saw. With wide Govt. support for perverts and the deranged most people in nz know that woman and children are no longer safe in the wider community and All of them are culture cancelled should they even mention it. The prime minister also the minister of CRT in schools would be so proud of himself if it wasn't for the fact that His Own Minister for "Prevention of Violence and Domestic Abuse"- how fitting - turned out to be the biggest public embarrassment the world had ever seen - after the ugly story hit Fox News and went viral over the country and beyond like a festering open sore and absolutely destroying the tourism industry, except for Queers and Groomers I imagine and brown Racist Poets. Meet Green Co-Leader Ms Davidson - Racist Loser -Working hard spreading white hate and disharmony.   

Comment by cheeki kea on March 25, 2023 at 8:19am

Of cause it was just fine to watch Innocent unvaccinated folks get Pulverised by the cops who were programmed to despise them in hatred but one can only assume after this recent display directed at counter protesters disrupting a rally that they must hate trannies and pervert supporters even more. Unexpected and surprising to say the least. However at sight indeed to see when the tables have turned .

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