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Comment by Parrhesia on November 25, 2019 at 8:31am

My problem is that Barry did not have the authority to take it upon himself to send billions of dollars to another country.  In addition, the anti-terrorism sanctions were in effect which barred him (US) from having a banking relationship with Iran, so he engaged in the complex cash transfer.  This is a violation of Section 560.701, which makes it clear that willful violations of the regulations constitute serious felony offenses under federal criminal law.  Section 2339A of the federal penal code specifies the law against providing material support to terrorists.  In addition, the Iranians have bragged that the cash payment was a ransom and the hostages were released the same day the cash arrived.  But, nothing to see here.

As far as the change of govt, this was a revolutionary take over not a continuation of govt.  Say you're the Tsar and you pay another country for weapons.  The Bolsheviks come in and take over your country before the weapons or refund is sent.  Do they owe the refund to the Bolsheviks?  Remember the Bolsheviks declared that they did not recognize the Romanovs’ debts.  In the mid 1990's The Russian government stepped in to repay these debts, even though it was not legally obliged to do so.

Comment by James Roberts on November 24, 2019 at 7:59pm

Well, as long as we trust the US federal govt as to who sponsors terrorism. I'm sure we can trust them, especially as to the middle east. Maybe the UK govt should seize a few billions of Russian money and give it to the Skripals. Interesting concept, that a change of govt clears all debts that others have to a nation. I don't think anyone would want their country to be affected by that policy.

Comment by Parrhesia on November 24, 2019 at 6:25pm

The Obama administration claimed that the money transferred to Iran belonged to Iran anyway, as a kind of refund for weapons sales that did not happen.  This was always a highly questionable claim, as the government that paid us the money was not the same government that now rules over Iran.  It is unclear why the Iranian revolutionary government would be entitled to moneys advanced by the Shah of Iran.  The money belonged, by the authorization of Congress and the decision of Federal courts, to victims of terrorism sponsored by the Iranian government.  But I'm sure the Iranian government passed it on to the rightful owners.

Comment by James Roberts on November 24, 2019 at 4:42pm

It was Iran's money that the US had seized and held without any just cause. Obama just returned it to them. It's like the false news that Ahmadinejad said Israel should be wiped off the map (It should be, though). What he said was "The Israeli regime should vanish from the page of history."

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