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Comment by Sandy on October 2, 2023 at 1:03am
Comment by Sandy on October 2, 2023 at 1:00am
Comment by Less Prone on October 1, 2023 at 1:50pm

5G radiowaves interfere with oxygen molecules at 60GHz frequency, that is the molecules resonance frequency. How does it affect the oxygen transfer from the air to blood in the lugns? How else will it affect the biological fuctions of the body? This is an example of what has been studied so far in using the 60GHz in 5G.


"Due to the rapid increase in mobile traffic, frequency resources are becoming scarce and there is a need to utilize higher frequency bands. In particular, research and development on the millimeter wave band is being actively conducted in order to achieve the performance aimed at by the 5th generation mobile communication system (hereinafter referred to as 5G), which is being researched in many countries.  

Development of a communication method that allows 60GHz band communication and LTE to work together - A new communication protocol in the 5G era."

Original text in Chinese.

From National Library of Medicine - Link to:

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G

"Several unresolved safety issues should be addressed before wireless 5G is further implemented. Questions have been raised about 60 GHz, a key 5G frequency planned for extensive use, which is a resonant frequency of the oxygen molecule [139]. It is possible that adverse bioeffects might ensue from oxygen absorption of 60 GHz.

In addition, water shows broad absorption in the GHz spectral region along with resonance peaks, for example, strong absorption at 2.45 GHz that is used in 4G Wi-Fi routers. This raises safety issues about GHz exposure of the biosphere, since organisms are comprised of mostly water, and changes in the structure of water due to GHz absorption have been reported that affect organisms [140].

Bioeffects from prolonged WCR exposure of the whole body need to be investigated in animal and human studies, and long-term exposure guidelines need to be considered. Independent scientists in particular should conduct concerted research to determine the biological effects of real-world exposure to WCR frequencies with digital modulation from the multiplicity of wireless communication devices.

Testing could also include real-life exposures to multiple toxins (chemical and biological) [141], because multiple toxins may lead to synergistic effects. Environmental impact assessments are also needed. Once the long-term biological effects of wireless 5G are understood, we can set clear safety standards of public exposure limits and design an appropriate strategy for safe deployment."

Have such studies been made? Don't doubt it, the military industry is well aware of the ill effects of the high frequency radio waves. 5G radio telecommunication is just another weaponised technology to wage war against the general public. Everything that can be used as a weapon will be so used.

Comment by cheeki kea on October 1, 2023 at 12:12pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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