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Comment by Julio Rodriguez on April 22, 2012 at 11:50am

3 centuries ago there was a system of banking discovered that gave untold wealth to its owners. The system was imported to the Americas and have been the guiding factor in the politics and  economics of this country. The bank owners device a system where they control the creation of money. if the government wanted new money they had to go the bank to get it, if the public wanted new money they have to borrow it from the bank. if neither decide to borrow the money supply will shrink exponentially to a mere 3%, causing an economic collapse. No jobs, no one could pay their bills, no commerce. The basic system is set up this way and guarded in secrecy because the banks control the media and the schools. All the popular information out there safeguards this great secret of how the banks have a monopoly on the creation of money. Not every single bank but certain insider banks. This is the main purpose of the Federal Reserve Bank, to help certain insider bank to have a monopoly on the use of money. The Federal Reserve is not set up to profit but rather to help a few insider banks benefit. They are the ones profiting and the ones calling the shots. They insider banks could do it without the Federal Reserve but the Federal Reserve is rather convenient to them. The Federal Reserve is a tool that these insider banks use to bring about governmental authority to their actions. 


I should add that now the system is global and they are using the American military to spread it.  These bankers want to give value to the paper currency by pegging it to goods and natural resources.  Any country that wants monetary independence, are destroyed by speculators, or by NATO.  Russia apparently have long fallen to these bankers.

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 22, 2012 at 11:36am

That is why I say...Proudly !...fuck the banks and fuck the feds ! Ron Paul is soooo right....we need to end The FED NOW !

Comment by Julio Rodriguez on April 21, 2012 at 2:10am

They have a scam going and because they control television and the information not many people know.  But slowly and surely people are finding out about this

Comment by suzie on April 21, 2012 at 12:42am

and they need our money why?

well.. i think they don't need ours when they can just turn on that printing press and create all they want out of thin air .. END THE FRAUD! GET THE FED OUT OF AMERICA AND AMERICA OUT OF THE FED.. 

Comment by Julio Rodriguez on April 20, 2012 at 10:59am

When congress needs money, Federal Reserve Notes, they ask the federal reserve to give it to them. The Federal Reserve, in turn, required that they receive treasury bonds for the same value. Both are printed by the treasury. the treasury bonds carry an interest and Congress deposits the money in commercial banks. The banks make loans with that money to the public charging an interest. But what if congress uses the money? Well they can because the bank just created the money for the loans out of thin air, so congress' money is still in the banks vault and congress could have it at any time.

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