Some of this is actually really strange. "Hentai", by the way, is a Japanese word that covers perversion in general, including gays and lesbians. That which is specifically Japanese. The Japanese are supposed to be hated in China, more than all others. Hentai and Japanese also overtook the most-viewed of all category away from lesbians, and 2nd place. Which had held the world #1 spot for several years. I think the reason lesbians are so popular is, if you're a straight man watching sex, you'd prefer not to see a man involved. So, much of the West is still comprised of red-blooded males.

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Comment by James Roberts on April 25, 2020 at 1:38am

Chris - Good point. They also said that the numbers of views of "lesbian" videos by women, they may be off because there are many videos that are difficult to define, as they have lesbian and straight sex (one man, two women). The watching of lesbian videos by straight men also invokes the very popular male fantasy of a harem of two, by the way.

Cheeki - I am not. These figures are an unprecedented window into the psychology of the masses. I think I posted this Jordan Peterson talk a while back on what women really want.

Men are very visual as to what they find stimulating in that area. Women, on the other hand, prefer words. They like stories, such as romance novels. And the male characters they prefer are, in statistical order, a vampire, a werewolf, a billionaire, a surgeon and a pirate, LOL.

Something I find even more amusing is two studies done by different scientists. One scientist is a female who did studies on women. She used a device called an infrared plethysmograph. This is inserted into the vagina and it measures engorgement of the surrounding tissue with blood, a sign of sexual arousal. Then the women were shown pornography. Though they stridently denied being aroused, the tech told another story.

Likewise, a study was done with male subjects, and a device that measured "penile tumescence", the degree of engorgement of the penis with blood, and thus arousal. Then they were shown homosexual porn, and like the women, though they stridently denied being aroused....

One of my favorite science fiction TV series is called Continuum. 

I'm amazed it made it to broadcast, as they demonize major corporations, which have thinly-veiled names like "Sonmanto". It's about a group of terrorists (and one law enforcement officer) that are transported back in time from 2077 to 2012. The terrorists are anti-corporate oligarchy. One tactic they use to disrupt society is they hack email servers and change everyone's password to the same word. Chaos ensues as people find out others' real feelings about them, affairs, etc.

In reality, though, the oligarchs have our passwords, they have our browser history, etc. If we live in a privacy-free world, we might as well take a look at what we're dealing with as far as human psychology. One aspect to this image and the other data that is heartening is that, although television and movies portray reality as a significant percentage of the population having abandoned the opposite sex (10% or greater), it just ain't so, despite all the endocrine disruptor chemicals in the food and water, and despite all the programming in entertainment, academe, etc.

We can see from the endless parade of sexual scandals and crimes by VIPs that the sex drive is something we need to examine closely, in order for the common people to regain control of society for the better. It's often like a hard drug, and indulging it frequently leads to bad ends. However, it's not going away. Regardless of their failure to change human sex preferences in a fundamental manner, sex is something our overlords have effectively used to manipulate and distract us.

Comment by cheeki kea on April 24, 2020 at 8:34pm

Whoa is that what the maps about, are you in lock down JR ? over but not out, with lot's of time for research. A Strange perspective here but logical compared to the other options. 

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 24, 2020 at 7:11pm
Results can be skewed by increasing numbers of people who use VPN's.

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