Citizen X74
  • Male
  • Cape Girardeau, MO
  • United States
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Citizen X74's Discussions

Psychological Operations

Started this discussion. Last reply by VooDoo6Actual Jul 9, 2013. 1 Reply

Found this manual online, cant be sure how real it is which is why i posted it here.From the Preface"Field Manual (FM) 3-05.30 is the keystone publication for Psychological Operations (PSYOP)…Continue

Tags: manual, psyop, military, operations, psychological


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I just needed to update my name, it had been mispelled

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Citizen X74's Blog

this is not a blog

Posted on September 4, 2011 at 6:22pm 1 Comment

imagine spirit technology. imagine a blend of the modern with the spirit. that is what is missing in our world. magic is not myth. nor is it a silly idea. it is the technology of the soul. this should be the next great leap in human understanding. allowing the powers that be to suspend our wonder is our biggest mistake. we don't need leaders to lead us into the future. we need to free our minds and learn the science of soul.

If not now, when? - original content

Posted on August 29, 2011 at 2:02pm 0 Comments

There is a new world order on the horizon, busting into every aspect of life and reality.


The order has been long planned and executed by secret societes using secret oaths to manipulate and work behind the scenes from on high.


Learn the truth of the world order before orwells vision of the future of a boot continually smashing in your face comes to pass.


Arm yourself with knowledge and take the action that americans are known for, demand…


Breaking News: Hollie Greig case exposed in today’s Scottish Sunday Express

Posted on July 31, 2011 at 11:00am 2 Comments

Breaking News: Hollie Greig case exposed in today’s Scottish Sunday Express


By Ben Borland – Deputy Editor (Politics)

The Scottish Sunday Express…


Globalist Imperial Network As explained by a globalist.

Posted on July 30, 2011 at 10:17pm 0 Comments

Globalist Imperial Network As explained by a globalist.

July 30, 2011

By Tony Cartalucci - BLN Contributing Writer

The mechanics of world empire, in particular the current corporate-financier oligarchy has been examined in great detail. The …


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At 9:54am on July 15, 2011, truth said…
re add this, will see if we can  - cheers :)
At 5:12pm on May 13, 2011, Haseena said…
At 9:39pm on March 26, 2011, truth said…
voice chat room OPEN -
At 10:10am on February 17, 2011, Tara said…

Hey Cit, so do you have a show idea lined up? I always like listened in to you back in the fearless days. I think you'd be a great host and am excited about the possibilities.

Have a beautiful day, peace~

At 2:06am on February 3, 2011, truth said…
I tried twitter, one more try here :) were getting radio thing back on. almost ready. can u help produce host promote? like to have u back around either way dont be a stranger. roundtables too, cya
At 2:41pm on January 16, 2011, Petalrose said…

Alright dude! Thank you for sharing your frienship Paul. I value it muchly.


At 2:00pm on January 16, 2011, Petalrose said…

Hi Paul how are you? I was gonna ask after you cause haven't seen you around lately. Hoping you are well. I enjoyed your post about the internet. My concern is they will definately take our and other like sites down once their in charge.

Eleanor   a/k/a  Jicky

At 7:16pm on September 5, 2010, dhouha said…
thanks for the request, glad to be friends :)
At 1:15am on August 30, 2010, Tara said…
Hey Citizen, just wanted to stop by, say hello and let you know what a valued member you are. I left a comment to one of your comments in a post from James:

It's all good friend, peace~
At 10:49am on May 16, 2010, Tara said…
Hey Citizen, it's nice to see you back again. Hope all is well with you.

I listened in to the Rountable chat for a little while last night and think that you have a great radio voice, you speak very intelligently and are very interesting to listen to. It was nice to see the Roundtable get back on track last night! Hope to see you around more often if time allows you too.

Take good care~ peace

"Destroying the New World Order"



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