2011 Predictions by members of 12160


2011 Predictions by members of 12160

Lets share our predictions, opinions, research, links, or whatever else you care to share concerning the coming year of 2011. What do you see coming our way? A second dip recession? The final push to implement martial law?

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Budget Shortfall in January 2011

Started by Knowah. Last reply by colin walsh Jul 17, 2011. 1 Reply

Hello Everyone, Thank you for inviting me to post my predictions for 2011.  I had just posted them on my site, which I have been starting to do each month.  Here is what I posted for January…Continue

Tags: middle, financial, class, money, prophecy

Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons!

Started by AquaDoc Feb 22, 2011. 0 Replies

2011 Will be the year that the sellected upper class involving the most educated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, and certain levels of the law, thin out the entire lower class population. Introducing…Continue

Tags: Warfare, and, Microbiology, Contamination, Water


Started by LYNN SHEDLER. Last reply by Southern Patriot Dec 28, 2010. 7 Replies

26/12/10I've  read  all  your  statements  and  don't  you  think  some  of  them  are  a  little  bit  radical!!Sure,  prices  are  going  up  -  price  of  gasoline;  for  one.  But  I've  also …Continue


2011 Predictions

Started by Southern Patriot. Last reply by Southern Patriot Dec 26, 2010. 1 Reply

Here are my predictions for 2011. Let's all hope for the best. January 1st-Gasoline approaches $3.50 per gallon national averageJanuary 15th-Those expecting tax refunds flood the IRS with the largest…Continue

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Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on April 13, 2012 at 5:50am

This is my prediction for America base on what I was told by a Sith lord that foresaw the future of it...This is what he say... Someone will try to kill President Obama, he will be shot... The whole world will be paralyze paying attention to what will happen in shock... but he will survive and after a few days in The Hospital , he will be back again , His assassin will be capture or Kill and he will be a white supremacists or will be accuse of been one by the corporate mainstream media .The US will be declare under martial law and the elections will be cancel due to the amount of riots that will pop all over the US between the Feds, the cops on one side and the American people on the other. The United Nation will bring troops to help stop the American rebellion due to the fact that some army units will not engage the American people but defend them ..and civil war will broke out....Millions of Americans will die for both sides...America will be in ruins. The aftermath will give us a United States under a Totalitarian regime like the one in North Korea...All power will be giving to Obama under the protection of the United Nations. The NEW WORLD ORDER will be victorious and take over the US With Obama as it Puppet...all American survivors will be put on FEMA Camps to work as slaves for the corporations or to be kill...Obama, the Bush Family and it's billionare friends will get all The Land of America for them to be use as their private backyards and the whole nation will become a private property for them to do as they please...A new America like the one in the movie Hunger games will become a reality  with millions of Americans getting sacrifice to the Satanic GOD MOLOCH.  American Children will be rape and sexually abuse by the rich and powerful and many will become sexual slaves to them , All the Police and FEDERAL AGENTS  that during the revolution fought defending Obama and his millionaires friends against the people of America...will be falsely accuse of treason by those they defend so hard and shot or send to slavery like Stalin did with millions of his officers and soldiers went he finally reached the power of the Soviet Union. (Karma is a Bitch with traitors) . The United States will be nothing but another once upon a great nation that got destroy for been so evil by the Great Obama and the great Bankers in the New History Books.    (History is wrote by the victors as they please)...and the victors always end up saying whatever they want no matter if is true or false by the use of it's propaganda machine, the Corporate Mainstream Media . 

That is what the future hold for America if the people don't wake up and get together and stop those criminals Bankers and the Corrupted politicians in Washington . THE END .

Comment by Anonymiss Express on December 27, 2011 at 4:39am

Comment by mystery on December 26, 2011 at 6:18pm

I have no idea what will transpire this year.  Nor will I pretend to. But I can tell you this much.  We are in for a hell of a ride!  No matter that we may be standing on the fore-token of the death of this turn of events, or that we may only be looking into the future of what is to come, we as the generation that is now, will only be able to contribute the small and infantile amount of help that our tiny, minute existence allows us to. We can only assume to be correct and can only hope for the most advantages outcome, which is the survival of the human race.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on December 26, 2011 at 10:38am

I predict that I will NOT quit smoking....probably NOT quit drinking and that in 2012 I will STILL be single....lmao

for 2012, I predict a Country full of miserable serf's ready to change it on their own ;)

Comment by dr.riccati on December 24, 2011 at 5:58pm


In April 2012 the Graff starts to go into a long descent into December 2012 this suggest to me a collapse in the stock market or hyperinflation or booth.


Comment by Jose Villarreal on August 22, 2011 at 1:42am

I didn't know that the Mexican government had secret files on the Mayan 2012 issue. Well they are releasing it all to producer Raul Julia-Levy son of the late actor Raul Julia to film a documentary publishing the secret information and access to pyramids that had been kept secret. Read all about it here:

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on July 31, 2011 at 1:41am
I think prepare for a major earthquake here in the states.  One that will shake for days on end.
Comment by AquaDoc on February 27, 2011 at 12:39am
Heres something to just being weird and off the beaten path::: No mater who you are on this planet, if you take the age you will be this year  (or if birthday just past of this year "2011") and add (+) it by the year that you were born= everyones will add up to = 111  Crazy when you compare this to the mayan calender!
Comment by AquaDoc on February 22, 2011 at 11:23am

2011 Will be the year that the sellected upper class involving the most educated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, and certain levels of the law, thin out the entire lower class population. Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons! People have already begun to die and i know exactly who and why! Nobody knows what im talking about around here tho, they dont understand the Redox of environment and then i go into the microbiology end of it and then im a nut case!!!! I seen it with my very own eyes, organisms that live in all environments in my microcultures. Im the only one in the state that keeps microcultures, of course im a nut! This is the only stage a person can see it for themself, I watch these dominate and take over new cell structure. I wish there was a way to do something, its almost like saving the world but come on, Now "thats Just Crazy"! So flipping crazy, media calls it a flu, so it "Must" be a flu.  Just so you all know, 2011 is "Not" the year to drink any water! They withstand chlorine and extreme temps. I need to figure out a way to change dna structure with organism who is more sensitive to environment and kill these demons myself!

Comment by Fred Black on January 4, 2011 at 10:53pm

1: Hillary Clinton will become President after Obama is eaten by a turtle, Christmas holidaying in Hawaii.

2: Julian Assange will become richer than Bill Gates from the sale of his new book, and will be appointed United Nations Space Ambassador for Extraterrestrial Contact. (should provide him with all the diplomatic immunity needed to avoid extradition to the US).

3: Man will walk on the moon (for real). Since PETA have successfully halted NASA radiating monkeys, in efforts to develop antidotes to the harsh radioactive environment of space beyond Earth's protective magnetic shield, NASA will test their pills on astronauts instead. I think it will payoff.


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