Justin A Horne
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Justin A Horne's Discussions

Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz commits suicide at age 26

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ragnarok Jan 14, 2013. 1 Reply

Aaron Swartz — Internet activist, RSS co-author and Reddit co-founder — committed suicide in New York on Friday, …Continue

Wal-Mart to attend gun control meeting at White House

Started this discussion. Last reply by Justin A Horne Jan 9, 2013. 2 Replies

The nation's largest retailer, whose representatives had spoken with the vice president's staff earlier this week on the issue, originally said that executives couldn't attend Biden's meeting…Continue

Operation Sandy – Mass Trauma-Based Mind Manipulation

Started Dec 19, 2012 0 Replies

OK, I’ve had it. Can’t take anymore. I try to get away from this latest staged incident and stuff keeps coming at me like a sh*tstorm!Just look at all the weird tie-ins to this recent event, never…Continue

Son of top DHS border cop busted for running cocaine

Started Dec 14, 2012 0 Replies

Four south Texas police officers, including the son of a top cop advising the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on border issues, were charged Thursday with accepting thousands of dollars in…Continue


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Justin A Horne's Blog

Liberty Needs Glasses by Tupac Shakur

Posted on March 11, 2015 at 10:35pm 0 Comments

Excuse me but lady liberty needs glasses

And So Does Mrs. Justice By her side

Both the Broads R blind As Bats

Stumbling Thru the System

Justice Bumbed into Mutulu and

Trippin’ on Geronimo Pratt

But Stepped right over Oliver

And his crooked Partner Ronnie

Justice Stubbed her Big Toe on Mandela

And liberty was misquoted By the indians

Slavery was a…


Wake up and smell the tyranny: What you should be circumspect about in the case of the Bundy Ranch!

Posted on April 10, 2014 at 10:11pm 0 Comments

Okay, so here is the deal: Cliven Bundy has been battling the US government for 20 years for the use of his family's land, this man's “one-man range war” may soon come to a bloody end. Heavily-armed federal agents have surrounded the ranch and have decided that the cattle on the land are "trespass cattle” and should be removed from the private land.

Cliven Bundy, since 1993 has refused to pay fees to the federal government for the right to raise cattle on land his…


How to Deal With Police Part 1

Posted on March 14, 2014 at 5:23pm 1 Comment

I will start each part of this series by saying this:

                        Damn right I said it: FUCK EM! Why you ask...because according to USDOJ,5000…


Twitter: The Elimination of Language(Original Content)

Posted on January 10, 2014 at 1:54pm 13 Comments

#Attentiontoallimbecilesthisisnothowyouexpressyourthoughts! Yes; I know spell check,its a run-on sentence,but it is this type of gibberish that's promoted on the short messaging service known as Twitter. This, like many other communication mediums, has become a covert assassination on speech. In the foreword of the book 140 Characters: A Style Guide for The…

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At 10:53pm on April 10, 2014, Tara said…

Hey Justin... so nice to hear from you! I was just thinking of you the other day and thinking I should message you.  You beat me to it.

You were never a snot nose; quite the contrary. You may be young but you are an old soul. I have witnessed this in many of your earlier writings.

You are a gifted writer and you will only get better in time. And you are going to write a book now? CARPE DIEM!

Life the life you love brotha...

Your friend and sista ;)


At 12:45pm on December 24, 2012, truth said…

Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays !

At 1:50am on December 19, 2012, Tara said…
At 1:46am on December 3, 2012, Tara said…

Just stopping in to say hi and to let you know that I think you are RIGHT ON BROTHA! And I'm missing your old ning site too. Damn... we added some good music to that group, along with your great posts too.

As always, I wish you well and hope all the best for you and yours. Keep keeping it real, peace ~ :)

At 9:38am on November 14, 2012, Tara said…

Hello Justin, how are you surviving after Sandy? I hope all is well for you and yours friend, peace ~

At 12:44am on June 15, 2012, Tara said…

Hello Justin, so sorry I haven't been in contact with ya recently. Hope all is well brotha! I did see that you were at Bilderberg though. Right on!!! Oh my, you almost got charged with jay walking, (impeding the traffic flow or some shit like that). The BS never ceases to amaze me. 

I've been going through a lot of personal stuff as of late and it has kept me away from the online world for the most part.  Life has a way of trying to beat us down, does it not? But we must keep keeping on.... That's all we can do sometimes.

Much love, peace ~

At 3:25pm on May 31, 2012, Cryptocurrency said…

Hey you up in Chantilly yet??

At 12:53pm on April 12, 2012, DTOM said…

Cheers :D

At 12:46pm on April 02, 2012, truth gave Justin A Horne a gift
At 11:56pm on March 13, 2012, Tara gave Justin A Horne a gift

"Destroying the New World Order"



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