I will start each part of this series by saying this:

                        Damn right I said it: FUCK EM! Why you ask...because according to USDOJ,5000 innocent Americans are murdered by police every year. The number of soldiers killed since the inception of the Iraq war, 4489.We must stop allowing this epidemic to continue;public servants are not lords and masters! These police officers are looking more militarized by the minute, but according to Obeezy beige:

The number of soldiers killed since the inception of the Iraq war, 4489.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/americans-killed-cops-outnumber-am...

Okay, so why then in 1994 did the US Government pass a law authorizing the Pentagon to donate surplus Cold War era military equipment to local police departments?  Why is it that in the 1970’s SWAT teams were estimated to be used just a few hundred times per year, now we are looking at over 40,000 military style “knock and announce” police raids a year? Also, can he explain the  massive mobilization of military, police and intelligence forces carried out April 19th in Boston four days after the Boston Bombing? Why were thousands of heavily armed police and National Guard troops occupying the streets, with machine gun-mounted armored vehicles humvees and Black Hawk helicopters?  Well a big reason is the DHS grant program, which writes huge checks to local police departments across the country to purchase machine guns, helicopters, tanks, and armored personnel carriers. As noted previously, the Pentagon had already been giving away the same weapons and equipment for about a decade, but the DHS grants far exceed the Pentagon's funding.What is really terrifying is that those DHS grants are lucrative enough that now defense contractors are now turning their focus to the pigs — and some companies are appearing for the sole purpose of selling military-grade weaponry to police agencies who receive those grants. Think about that for a minute...these exhorbitant grants could usher in a whole new industry that has one objective; militarize domestic police departments! We could be looking at the impetus of the police-industrial complex!


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Comment by Tara on March 15, 2014 at 1:30am

Miami-Dade cops roll out 8-ton tank-like military machine (Bearcat) to confront hiding suspects



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