Wake up and smell the tyranny: What you should be circumspect about in the case of the Bundy Ranch!

Okay, so here is the deal: Cliven Bundy has been battling the US government for 20 years for the use of his family's land, this man's “one-man range war” may soon come to a bloody end. Heavily-armed federal agents have surrounded the ranch and have decided that the cattle on the land are "trespass cattle” and should be removed from the private land.

Cliven Bundy, since 1993 has refused to pay fees to the federal government for the right to raise cattle on land his family has ranched since the 1870s.

After years of legal quarrel, the Bureau of Land Management or BLM seized a federal court order to have Bundy’s almost 1,000 cattle procured.

Bundy says the government is taking the matter quite seriously, arming the agents with military-style weaponry.

Carol Bundy, Cliven’s wife, stated that hundreds of armed BLM and FBI agents have amasse around their property, helicopters circle the area, and nearby roads remain off limits.

As of Monday, the government agents and their contractors have snatched 234 of the 908 cattle. The removal will cost the federal government as much as $3 million, an exorbitant reach for such a small matter.

Dave Bundy, the son of Carol and Cliven, was arrested for taking photos of state road 170, which had been closed by BLM. Dave was aggressively detained by officials for “failure to comply with multiple requests by BLM law enforcement to leave the temporary closure area on public lands.”The family said that five agents took Dave and roughed him up pretty good . 

BLM defends their actions in removing the “trespass cattle” as necessary since Bundy did not move the cattle after refusing to pay suspicious back fees for use of the land.

Supposedly, Bundy owes around $1 million in fees, but the family says they owe close to the sum of $300,000.

The Bundy's said their appeals to local and state law enforcement have fallen on deaf ears. 

“Our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?” asked Carol.

The BLM has further displayed there abuse of power by cordoning off “First Amendment Areas” as designated spots where demonstrators are allowed by the dictatorial BLM to amass and grouse the action.

One may think,"Why are the BLM so aggressive in their appropriation of the land and cattle of the Bundy's land?

Well, it sure is not about protecting "endangered tortoise" or the fact that the Bundy's owe money, it's about--wait for it--oil! According to Natural News, the BLM is actually in the business of raking in millions of dollars by leasing Nevada lands to energy companies that engage in fracking operations. What's also evident is that oil has been found in nearby areas and possibly even within the Gold Butte area itself. Standard practice for the United States government is to bring armed soldiers to an oil dispute. Oh, you want proof? Please Google Operation Iraqi Freedom for an example. Here's the map showing the oil exploration conducted on the land where the Bundy's runs there cattle. All the red crosshairs are oil and gas exploration drilling operations:

It is also interesting to note that the 90% of land in Nevada is federal, which should be a substantiation of how dire our situation has become.The polyarchical disease called the NEW WORLD ORDER is metastasising at an alarming rate! The megalomaniacal empire is no longer furtively existing, it is as protrusize and brazen as ever! Anything that you acquire, attain, or earn can be stripped away for the use of corporate America; there is no longer something called "private property" or the First Amendment. If this matter does not wake you up, I shutter to think if you ever will.



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