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Mind Control in Germany

Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

this is a true story about electronic mind control harassment, included, gang-stalking, inserts, voice to skull technology, child torture, sexual abuse, attempted murder and audio harassment witch grad is unbelievable in perversion.

I would like to describe this circumstances so detailed as possible to give an insight how criminals sadist work.

Every thing began about 13 years on a vacation trip to Spain. People began to starring after me some of them whistled after me, i thought the public mistook me for an actor or soccer player. But also after the return to Germany, this increased the people began to laughter as soon my person was present. Even if I was on the move by my car, i was laughed by the road users. Some even gesticulated widely or showed me the middle Finger. Slowly i caught myself in to surprise however thought perhaps it lies whit my appearance or because i drove an expensive car. But then reinforced to itself this action stage-wise. I noted that slowly my so called circle of friends from my person outdistanced. In the year 1996 friends invite me to a Bar suddenly a group of person starring at us and began provocations. A friend of mine said what you all looking to. Then they stand up and left the Bar. I thought by my self what a kina action this was. We left the Bar before they closed up, and we walked to the car in this moment the persons showed up, i wonder because they knew exactly where our car parked at, It was am ambush. Suddenly somebody said go we don’t wont to fight you, in that moment i saw that one person try to stab my friend, i said don’t take that knife. Than somebody sneaked from behind and knocked me down whit an baseball-bad. The owner called the police and the Persons escaped. I have to go to hospital and was three days in coma; i had a brain damage so that I am not able to smell no more. My friend took this people to court. I became a letter from the police that i have to go to the court as a witness. At the court i told the Jury that i was laying in Coma. The suspect thing was that the Lawyer tried to harass me, he said maybe you had to much punches that day. Than the Judge the Lawyer and the public prosecutor began to laugh. I thought what in Hell happens over here. During the 1998-2000 i worked as a miner in the Tunnel-construction, there escalated the situation they called me murderer rapist porno-star and all kina of crime. At this time I could recognized that they try to work with psychological effects. For me and my family espectly for my kid’s it was an unbelievable situation. Peoples walk true the front door of my apartment an began to scream racist propaganda. Even on a town festival they screamed Audio from the loudspeakers, it sounds like somebody try to kill somebody, after my children’s wonna to drive a roller-coaster everybody could hear in the loudspeaker unambiguously that Bimbo, Bimbo shouts. Other family’s pointing with finger to us. Even on the German carnival in my home town they dress up like Africans with an aluminum Beanie (protection against electromagnetic waves) on their heads and acting funny. Then they used Audio 24/7 around my apartment that we couldn`t sleep. Also at night if i go to sleep this rushing increase and one can perceive a voice directly beside the head on the right and left side. When i left my apartment to go to work, or my family goes shopping the whole town knows about it. The situation is like a Jewish in WW2 walking in town. Once i visit a bar I saw two youngsters, as this me noted they took immediately her mobiles phones and searched for news as them this read they caught into laugh. To follow this information I played the knowing and also took my mobile phone and did thus as me also news would read and looked at the youngsters and also caught into laugh, immediately there come the reaction them looked and said where he has the number from. I recognize by this action wise it concerns unambiguously around criminal union, from which reason the secrecy.They receive Information about Short Message service and than explain this as role play. Even that somebody crashed my car, it was parking in a parking lot, and the Person left a notice at the Wiper of my car. Suddenly somebody came on a little motor bike and remove the notice. My neighbor he watched the situation and told me. Also when I with the children a Theme park in Bavaria visit could ascertain I constantly from two persons shaded became when these persons were sewed I mine, I examined on account of the situation is real. I took my mobile phone which has an intrigued camera and held them down and acted thus as it would be defective. I held the mobile only briefly in the direction of the persons around her reaction to test, they sat about five to six meters of me remove on a bench. The reaction promptly came; they looked and said he has taken a photo of us. Thus they left immediately the bench and remain further in the background. Only these circumstances confirm the processes. The constantly stress situation for my children and my Girlfriend became intolerable, so we decide that she and my two children move back to Frankfurt am Main. In the year 2000 I became a employment as an Arial freight forwarding Agent at the Frankfurt/Airport. There intensified the situations, one started electronic devices to audio. One could also ascertain increasing which perceives the general public, at any time local changes of my person, or returned detail from my private area. Some of my colleagues called me again porno star, even straight person my counter run past and said this he is? And with the fingers pointed at my person. This action increased on and on, thus I lost my workplaces. To recognize the situation I consulted several doctors, with the investigation, but no precise findings could be diagnosed. Also when I moved to my mothers household. The apartment lies directly a town park, I could see a person behind a small hedge which taken a photo of me. Also they tried to bring me with minorities in discredit is fact. This was such strengthened, thus I had to sit down physically to weir and had to accept with considerable irreparable damage like stabs, on the underbody as well in the face. Even in the neighborhood my Mom lives since 25years in the same house and since that time with the same neighbors, one saw even their children grow up and now must allow to spit verbal in the face. They are playing audio always from both side left and right of the house. On the right side they hide in a apartment next to. On the left side the hide behind the park we are living at. They are trying to change me psychological. Even that is lied of my mother, around this information Secret. They telling her lies, I could recognize it when she is watching me, the person who gave her the wrong information is the neighbor who lived once in the house. Now some one mind thinks how I should know about, that would be a good question, the fact is that I never gave verbal info, this was my own thoughts. To test this circumstances I thought I repeat thought by myself, so funny it’s sounds maybe I should give the tortures some chocolate for that pure action they give. The reaction promptly came, I left the Apartment, we lived at the second floor of the House. Somebody placed a little piece of chocolate on the stairs. That situation showed that they could read my thoughts. Logical the torturer must hide in the house, the only place were they could hide was the neighbor at the first floor. To manifest this situation I searched in the Internet, and I found the tactics they use, they called Mind Control Tactics (psychic driving)and The processing of target persons the German version is called (Bearbeitung einer Zielperson ! ). I was shocked because they even involb neighbors and family members for they Mind Control program. For me was the scary part of the whole circumstances, that my own mother never asks me, and I fight since almost then years against these tortures. Even my one Brother and my girlfriend is involbt in that Harassment, they keep information’s secret, and gives Mother false information. One can recognize unambiguously, that the ethical as well the moral disposition, because this secrecy, probably has no humanitarian background, only one plausible possibility is possible one identify to itself with the circumstances, from one or several backgrounds like Envy, malicious pleasure, hatred. After I tried to get some help from my local Police department, they said they can’t investigate, because my person had no evidence, but this is a local harassment and everybody knows about it. So I wrote to the German LKA and BKA they got the same function, like the FBI or CIA. The LKA wrote me back that they cant not investigate because this circumstances are not the area of responsibility. The BKA wrote me back that they will send a briefing to my local police department. But I never heard anything no more. This happens in the year 2001, we got now the year 2009.Now I send the circumstances to the European Court of Human Rights, they wrote me back that they cant not investigate because my person must scoop out at first the German law. So I tried it again, I wrote to the Highest Court of Germany ,it called The Bundesgerichtshof, they wrote me back that they cant either investigate because this circumstances are not the area of responsibility. If now one still believes which is this the climax of the perversion than they must fancy, witch I could ascertain in the visit of my children witch my son to himself changed, he informed me, at night he can hear bees, also he is not able to concentrate and if he is Sleeping can ascertain one that his legs and arms Twitch. Even he chews his skin from the finger hilltops and has dark eyelids. Also he if one with him speaks with the eyes rolls. One can also ascertain if he if he tries to concentrate, like he is playing a video-game himself to these ocular roles repeatedly. These symptoms like bees hear, or these ocular roles and Twitches sleep with, are descript in the open literature, also like the constant acoustic irradiation. To cause these physical effects like the ocular roles dark eyelids (Sleep-patterns) and bees hears, one must be put out with low energy-pulsed microwaves. If people with low microwaves exposed become, the sensation becomes as sums , clicks or hissing reports this seems to originate no matter the position of the person in the area or just behind the head or inside. By correct input of the impulse can be caused hearing speech. The boy recognizes one which he stands under treatment and tried to fight back and try to hide his thoughts. Even the symptoms the Boy got like ocular roles are descript in the open literature, it called Neuro Linguistic Programming and LEM, I quote: Lateral Eye Movement (LEM) can be a useful skill to the programmer. Monarch victims are sometimes programmed so that the real LEM is not done publicly by the victim, to prevent people from getting visual clues as to what is going on in their mind. A person who is thinking in visual images will generally speak more quickly and at a higher pitch than someone who is not. These types of clues help the Programmers are more skilled, but it isn`t a necessity. One day even my own Brother came for a visit and caught provocatively with the eyes in to roll, one could recognize unambiguously he has received information. To find out witch perverted person behind that child Torture, I stayed a couple day’s in the apartment of my girlfriend I could recognize that she was scared, exactly when I arrived they started to play Audio again in the apartment next and above of the house. One day I saw two persons walking to the house they wearing very old filed jackets, I placed me behind the door and watched them true the door spy, the walked up to first floor. One of the persons I identify it was a criminal from my home town. I opened slowly the door and I heard that they ring the door bell from the apartment above. They said we can go on and enter the apartment. Now I had a target, because I knowing that person. My question was what kina roll that criminal plays, he must be a part of the structure from the criminals. Two day`s later I was sitting on the couch and watched television, I had the balcony door open, from the mirror effect of the door I could see a person in the apartment across the street, the person had a headset on and stands behind the curtains with a laptop on the table next to him. I wonder because in the Apartment an old lady lives and she had never vacation. I tried to bring me in a better position and hide in the corner of the living room. I thought what that person does over there because he acting suspect, in a suddenly he watched over to me and closed the window-shades. After that actions I decides to drive back to my home town it’s about 30miles away, and found out were that perverted Gang Stalker hangs out. I went to an bar were he often go to, I drank a beer and wait till he comes and he came, he walked thru the door and placed in the corner bench of the bar, suddenly he started to verbal attacks me and tried to fool me, I thought let him play his verbal judo, I wanted to find out how far he goes. I stand up and went to toilet; after I came back from toilet everybody stopped to talk not even the music box was playing. I sat down and ask him what in Hell a piece of shit hiding in a apartment next to my children, and playing audio games and who was the other person, then he did a big mistake he started to laugh, so I stand up and kicked the piece of shit out of the Bar. After I spend a lot of money and time on my own private investigation, I found out who is behind that Gang Stalking harassment, its not only a local Harassment, is not possible that this person, is a member of any executive or judicative institutions, he is a criminal psycho. The persons are located. I found out that my person must have Inserts, so I visit again a doctor and he took an oral x-ray of my scull. That x-ray shows one art wire, on my back nasal root indicates. After several inquiries with specialists, as a bone or a shade was descript. Strange it is only which runs the so–called bone or shade, from the left back nasal cavity, directly in the right one, and its bend in right corner upwards, of that ends an unequivocal point shows. Also in the Dens of Axis a insert is to be seen. Strangely only that is by every local change by close of mine of right ear, this voice can hear, even with the test underwater. Also I have an Endoscope if that disposes allowed to me to look at my inner ear perfectly. In case of the consideration of the inner ear, if I could ascertain exactly that are thefts in the inner ear area. Itself the Speer to the Tympanic membrane (eardrum). Also I got precise pictures of the anatomy of the inner ear. These thefts would not have to be interpreted by the doctors, because this of course they are not normal nature. But again become exactly these thefts, in the open literature exactly described. The thefts are connected with the skin, this is supported again other by our skeleton which works like an antenna for waves or frequencies. Also I am able to hear them in any electrical devices like Computer vents, machines, ventilations- systems, electrical-trains, cars. If I drive in an car the signals stop when the speed is under 50miles and starts again over 50miles.I found out that the signal docks on the air-molecule(whirlwind)(Microwave-hearing). Robert. O. Becker winner of the Nobel Price for Electromagnetism wrote in his book The Body Electric; I quote: The starting and stopping of an electric train turns the power rail into a giant antenna that radiates ELF waves for over 100 miles. Electromagnetic fields vibrating at 60hertz (50hertz in Europe and Russia) surround nearly every person on earth from appliances at home and machines at work.
To test the circumstances I build my own vent-system, and the signal comes thru the Air. As for example eleven waves about the thefts lead to the eardrum.
Then are converted by the Insert.
Even a world famous Russian scientist Prof. Dr. Igor Smirnov developed a technique in which he has the opportunity in each low frequency noise such as in the sound of a telephone handset even in the noise of a pneumatic hammer, even in a radio broadcast and music to interfere. The brain of a human being is capable of these subliminal messages to decode. This technique can be seen, in the contribution of the German ZDF television with the title, The Zombies of the Red Tsar.doku.cc/2007/06/27/geheimes-russland-66-moskau-die-zombies-der-roten-zaren/ - 42k -

Then are converted by the Insert. When I came out of the doctor’s practice, road user drove past my person and laughed. One also could exact festival tells which one used every sphere. That is a fact them for years away, situation synthetically have produced and than placed in the general public, for one single reason. To carry out exactly this approach, one needs years in addition in precise orders it is carried out like lowering of the level treatment of purpose person, influencing of persons or personal groups describes at the same time this approach also the psychological profile of the executive tortures. Which perversion or better said which pervert torments small children electronically? My on investigation shows that I am not the only one; the unbelievable fact is that in my local area (County) with a radian from 80miles over ten people have to fight against Electronically Harassment. They even tortured an 84 old Lady. They must have a base were they operate from. The Washington Post Magazine, titled this circumstances at the 14.01.2007.Mind Games was the Title story.
If some one analyses this circumstances you will notice that they are use Tactics this tactics called psychic driving. One of the tactics and most primary tactics is to drain the Victims finance. Spreading roamers that the victim got a criminal record. To destroy the victim’s personality and public single behavior of the victim is a part of psychic driving. To make a victim unsure of his own live experience, about the Mind Control circumstances. Such a programming can cause the person to self isolate themselves wherein they can be caused to say things to family members or his friends that will instigated discords between them furthering the agenda of isolating the subject from any support that may be able to obtain. To test the above situation I gave information about this circumstances to people I know, in that test phase I recognize that when I talked to a person about the circumstances and saw or talked to the same person again the person changed his argumentation the person tried to make me unsure or to fool me verbal. They use criminals to harass my person and they monitor the Action. The fact is that everybody knows about it, but nobody says something. If somebody will analyze the given information above, he will recognize that they copy physical tactics and use criminals and criminal action for the Harassment on adults and children. Even that they use sexual Harassment tactics. The public knows about it, but still some people think this would be funny and acting that way. Their moral they got already shown in WW2, jewish people and children got deported and killed in Conzentration camps. The public said, we didn’t know about it, but the most of them appropriate their Houses and Land of the Jewish people. The absolute funny thing is, the open Literature says that people who standing under permanent or repeated torture whit electronic devices and tortured with the same physically tactics always descript the same physiological effects. So my question was, what some people laughing about? It mind be that they got no intellectual behavior, or they mind think they immune against electronic Harassment. But after years of electronic harassment I got a good psychological profile of the Abusers and their helpers, they love to get information’s some of them acting like supernumerary’s in a daily soap opera. I guess because their normal live is so boredom. Even that the abusers use Graffiti on the main shopping center in my small town, with the words: Is this the Master Control program. Here a another example that shows how they drain me financially. In every jobs I had they spearing roamers and involb colleagues so that I was unable to keep the job. They destroy my whole career and my social status. Another tactic they use is called; blame the Victim about the circumstances. Now I am unemployed since years, I was working as an foremen for street constructions and heavy duty equipment since years in my home town, and as an Miner in tunnel-constructions, even as an Cargo-Agent for Airlines. Now I have to go to the Job-centre in my home town and they love it to laugh after me, the funniest part the job-centre send me an letter that says they try to re-establish my working-life as an traffic checker on streets( counting cars). I wrote back that must be a joke, they should check my working history, if I ever was working as a pupil trainer. Than they cancelled my social welfare check. That shows what they try to do, they discriminate me. Even that I have to pay the court for circumstances they provocate is unbelievable. I found out the criminals like to blame me in any situation they could. After the criminals recognize that the audio harassment nearby my apartment don’t work, to change me physiological they change tactic and use sexual harassment tactics. Sexual behavior is given to the public. Systematic discrediting the social stand and prestige are prior tactics. To send information wireless there must be electromagnetic absorbation it called Specific Absorbation Rate(SAR).Test on rat and mouse’s showed that electromagnetic radiation from 0.2 watt pro kilogram to the body tissue an half hour a day is an potential cancer risk. But still many people think electromagnetic inserts on Human to blame and discredit the target is a game without any risk to the target. To read thoughts of a person it needed a inplant and a brain scan of the human because, every person or human got a characteristic brain wave or frequency . When a human thinks or got thoughts the brain give an electrochemical signal to the synapses it call neuron fire. But this is still no speech, to read the neuron fire it needed an insert that placed in the frontal lobe or near the region of the lateral dimension(Anterior &Posterior).The target must have a body suit of Implants because the second insert must send the information. The modern Implants send this information wireless that means digital to a Computer or Cell-tower the income signals are algorithmic nature the special software turns this signals into speech or words. This information than given simultaneous to the involbt criminals by Short Message Service or business band radio or any other media. The information used to destroy the target mentally. On my given oral x-ray of my skull you see an insert placed in the dens of axis (Axis Anterior) this is the last part of the spinal Colum into the skull. The question is how the insert came into the skull; the answer is I’v got a little hole in the roof of then mouth. When a person is under surgery a surgeon placed the insert over the roof of the mouth in an angle of 15° degree into the dens of Axis. By the way if an person is not sick or had no accident, so that the person must go under a surgery, it’s easy to ambush the person and knock him or her down from behind, like they did to me. The public in my small town knows exactly the circumstances, but criminals who rape woman and use electromagnetic weapons on children are welcome and still going on whit their Mind control harassment, and Street-Theatre some times they act like an interactive soap opera and everybody can join it, it´s like somebody robs a bank and the police opens the door for the thief. The reason that the criminals use electromagnetic weapons on children and or on the target children is to give the target, a feeling of helpless. I analyze the criminals and their profile already over 12years; I got the complete structure of them. These persons with their absolutely sick brain may think small children and older woman and men are sleeper Agents. It’s a small death step by step each day, the most of the mind control targets, die on cancer or suicide. I still wondered about the moral of some persons, it’s like a person had an accident and laying on the middle of the street and waiting for help, but the people watch him and wait what happens, maybe a Truck comes by. Some persons live must be so bored that they must monitor others.

Please visit these web-sites on Google to understand the circumstances.
1. gangstalkingworld.com
2. www.raven1.net/ewmcmscr9.htm
3. educate-yourself.org/mc/listofmcsymptoms05jun03.shtml - 151k
4. hypnosiscontrol.com/your-eyes-dont-lie-reading-thoughts-by-eye-movements/
5. www.xs4all.nl/~sm4csi/nwo/MindControl/chapter09_Science_of_Mind_Manipulation.htm -
6. Die Zombie der Roten Zaren doku.cc/2007/06/27/geheimes-russland-66-moskau-die-zombies-der-roten-zaren/ - 42k -

Mind Control Minute:
"What is 'Street Theater'?"
October 8, 2003


This is [narrator] with a Mind Control Minute, titled "What is 'Street
Theater'?", written by Eleanor White.

The 'psycho-electronic' type of mind control I'm discussing here is the
covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their
homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This
harassment has been developed and refined, starting with historical mind
control progams like MKULTRA, in which victims were imprisoned and tortured,
and COINTELPRO, in which victims were stalked, had homes and offices
broken into and trashed, and reputations ruined. Advanced electronics
now makes it possible to manipulate the minds and bodies of targetted
citizens silently, undetectably, and through even the best electromagnetic

When a current day psycho-electronic mind control victim uses the term
'street theater', they are talking about harassment 'skits' put on by
accomplices to the operators of the electronic mind/body weapons. These
skits are very carefully engineered so that to a casual observer, the
'actors' are just going about perfectly normal business, perhaps with a
tiny bit of clumsiness or rudness, but otherwise there is no outward
clue that a harassment skit is taking place.

These skits are designed so that if the target complains to anyone, it
is the TARGET and not the actor who looks foolish and paranoid.

Street theater is most likely to occur in public places where the victim
must go, or enjoys going. Grocery supermarkets are one of the most
frequent scenes for street theater. Busses score highly, as do malls and
mall parking lots. If a victim must go to a specific place for important
business, and this is known in advance, more often than not some kind of
time wasting tactic, or surprise (such as power out, broken plumbing,
staff off sick or called away from their wicket by someone) will occur,
or simply a long lineup will be there ahead of the victim. Important
telephone calls will fail to connect. ANY event that makes life
inconvenient for the victim can be made into a skit.

The key to understanding street theater, as opposed to life's normal
breaks, is FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE. What happens to the general public
now and then, say every few months, happens to mind control victims
every day. EVERY ... day. Although the skits do change, there are no
days without them for the mind control victim. The skits, observed
over time and a large number of victims, appear to be taken from a
"master menu" and locally custom tailored to the individual under attack.

HOW is it possible for the mind control equipment holders to get so much
help from local people? The answer is by telling LIES, and MONEY. We
know some 'actors' are HIRED because some of us have seen actual discussions
between perpetrator bosses and employees. Others do it out of a severely
misplaced wish to "do good for the community" or "help to do God's work."

If local citizen groups like Neighborhood Watch, Citizens on Patrol, or
church groups are told that the victim is (say) a pedophile or a prostitute,
it is not hard to get them to participate in street theater skits. In fact,
in one case, a victim discovered that her harassers actually believed they
are "angels left behind to straighten people out so they can come to the

That is street theater, and when added to around the clock electronic
mind and body attacks, it completes the task of making the innocent
target feel as if their life is not worth living.

Best Regards
Ray James Göbel

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