Truth's Blog – February 2010 Archive (42)

Pension Plans Fleeced In Trades Often, Says Madoff Whistleblower

Madoff Whistleblower Book: Claims He Uncovered State Street Fraud, Thought About Killing Madoff

explosive new book, Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos tells the inside story of how he uncovered the $65 billion fraud, claims that he exposed State Street's alleged fraud of pension funds and admits that he considered the idea of killing Madoff if he was ever threatened by the Ponzi schemer.

The mild-mannered fraud investigator's new book, "No One Would Listen", is set… Continue

Added by truth on February 26, 2010 at 12:09am — No Comments

"Truth Frequency" Jack Blood Guest 8PM EST TONIGHT

Listen to Polygraph Radio

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Tap into the Truth Frequency every Thursday at 7pm CST/8 EST. This week we are having a round table discussion with legendary radio show host Jack Blood, former radio hosts on Ron Paul Revolution Radio, activists and founders of Polygraph… Continue

Added by truth on February 25, 2010 at 7:30pm — No Comments

10 things you didn't know about the (Facebook) Koobface gang

Dancho Danchev

Click here to see a gallery of Koobface pranks

With Koobface continuing to spreading across Facebook by utilizing hundreds of…


Added by truth on February 25, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Senate votes to extend Patriot Act

Senate votes to extend Patriot Act

Democrats retreat from adding new privacy protections to the law


WASHINGTON - The Senate voted Wednesday to extend for a year key provisions of the nation's counterterrorism surveillance law that are scheduled to expire at the end of the month.

In agreeing to pass the bill, Senate Democrats retreated from adding new privacy protections to the USA Patriot Act.

The Senate approved the bill on a voice vote… Continue

Added by truth on February 25, 2010 at 2:01am — 1 Comment

WHO Experts: Swine flu still hasn't peaked


LONDON — The World Health Organization says the swine flu pandemic still has not peaked.

The agency's emergency committee met Tuesday and suggested it was "premature" to recommend downgrading the global flu outbreak. Swine flu cases have dropped dramatically in recent weeks in Western countries, but the virus has only recently hit Africa. The southern hemisphere is also bracing for another wave of illness in the next few months.

Swine flu mostly causes mild… Continue

Added by truth on February 23, 2010 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Paul Craig Roberts on Alex Jones Tv : Outsourcing American Jobs to The Lowest Bidder!

Alex welcomes back to the show Paul Craig Roberts, economist and a nationally syndicated columnist who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as the "Father of Reaganomics." He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. Roberts is the author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice, and How the… Continue

Added by truth on February 23, 2010 at 3:30am — No Comments

Principal Shows how He Spies on Kids with Laptop and Snaps Pics with Web Cam

This clip is from PBS FRONTLINE: Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier. This is from segment 4 of the show titled Teaching with Technology. The Assistant Principal demonstrates how he spies on kids by accessing student laptops and watches them and what they are doing and even take pics of the kids.

Watch the entire show here:…


Added by truth on February 23, 2010 at 2:58am — 1 Comment

Obama tops Bush at ducking reporters. No formal press conference in 215 days.

President Obama, who pledged to establish the most open and transparent administration in history, on Monday surpasses his predecessor's record for avoiding a full-fledged question-and-answer session with White House reporters in a formal press conference.

President George W. Bush's longest stretch between prime-time, nationally televised press conferences was 214 days, from April 4 to Nov. 4, 2004. Mr. Obama tops that record on Monday, going 215 days - stretching back to July 22,… Continue

Added by truth on February 23, 2010 at 1:30am — No Comments

Kidney Damage In 12 Percent Of Chinese Children Exposed To Melamine-Contaminated Dairy Products

Posted on: Monday, 22 February 2010, 14:42 CST

While the majority of children who were affected by consuming toxic melamine-contaminated products in China recovered, kidney abnormalities remained in 12% of the affected children, according to an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

In 2008, melamine-contaminated dairy products from the Sanlu Dairy Company resulted in a large outbreak of serious kidney damage in Chinese children. Melamine, commonly used in… Continue

Added by truth on February 22, 2010 at 7:32pm — No Comments

Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower'

A police officer used a Taser stun gun to subdue a 10-year-old girl in her own home.

The officer had been called to the girl's home in Ozark, Arkansas, by her mother because she was behaving in an unruly manner and refusing to take a shower.

In a report on the incident the officer, Dustin Bradshaw, said the mother gave him permission to use the Taser.

When he arrived, the girl was curled up on the floor, screaming, and resisting as her mother tried to get her in… Continue

Added by truth on February 22, 2010 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments




by Brad Friedman

for HUSTLER MAGAZINE – March 2010

SIBEL EDMONDS, a former FBI translator, claims that the following government officials have committed what amount to acts of treason. They are lawmakers Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Stephen Solarz and Tom Lantos, as well as at least three members of George W. Bush’s inner… Continue

Added by truth on February 21, 2010 at 4:31pm — 4 Comments

Israeli immigration officials copied British passports used by hit squad, ministers told

Israeli immigration officials copied British passports used by hit squad, ministers told

Israeli immigration officials at Tel Aviv airport secretly copied the British passports which were then used by the hit squad which assassinated a leading Hamas official, ministers have been told.

By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor

Published: 9:00PM GMT 20 Feb 2010

The six British citizens whose identities were stolen and used by the killers all had their passports… Continue

Added by truth on February 21, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

Time To Leave Citibank Folks - Citi Warns of Withdrawal Gate

Resisting the New World Order

Join this network

Seen on a recent Citibank (C)… Continue

Added by truth on February 19, 2010 at 10:00pm — 27 Comments

States Move to Ban BPA, FDA Stays Silent

USA Today

February 18, 2010

States are moving to ban the chemical BPA from food and drink containers, primarily those meant for infants and toddlers, because of health

concerns. A dozen states are considering restrictions this year on

bisphenol A, an estrogen-like chemical used to harden plastics in

products such as bottles and cups. It is also in the linings of metal

cans, including infant formula, to help them withstand… Continue

Added by truth on February 19, 2010 at 5:11am — 1 Comment

New York City police officers who killed an unarmed black man in a hail of 50 bullets on his wedding day will not face criminal civil rights charges, the U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday.

by Reuters

NEW YORK - Several New York City police officers who killed an unarmed black man in a hail of 50 bullets on his wedding day

will not face criminal civil rights charges, the U.S. Justice

Department said on Tuesday.

A man wears a Sean Bell shirt at a demonstration near New York Police headquarters in lower Manhattan May 7, 2008. (Credit: Reuters/Mike


Sean Bell, 23, was killed and two… Continue

Added by truth on February 18, 2010 at 5:18am — No Comments

Darth Cheney Warns of 9/11 Repeat

Cheney Warns of 9/11 Repeat

Brad Norington

The Australian

Tue, 16 Feb 2010 00:00 EST

Former US vice-president Dick Cheney has accused the Obama administration of being "dead wrong" to assume a repeat of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, is unlikely.

Stepping up claims that the White House has been soft on national security, Mr Cheney said yesterday that a nuclear or… Continue

Added by truth on February 16, 2010 at 6:05am — No Comments

Simulated cyber-attack to test government response

Simulated cyber-attack to test government response

Cyber ShockWave test involves former administration staff, national security officials

Computerworld - Security industry analysts and lawmakers will get an unprecedented chance next week to evaluate how the government might respond to a cyber-attack on critical infrastructure targets.

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), a Washington-based non-profit established in 2007 by several lawmakers,… Continue

Added by truth on February 16, 2010 at 1:39am — 5 Comments

Iran Loads Up On High-Tech Chinese Riot-Control Trucks

DES- 516B Riot Truck


Added by truth on February 13, 2010 at 1:21am — No Comments

Glenn Beck Callers: BLOWBACK from Debra Medina Interview

Glenn Beck: BLOWBACK from Debra Medina Interview

Yes! Callers turning on Beck:

Callers after interview on Glenn Beck's show:

Callers on 570 KLIF:

Part 1:

Part 2:…


Added by truth on February 12, 2010 at 1:19am — 5 Comments

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