Ron Paul Supporters Walk Out of Rumsfeld Tribute/Scream “War Criminal” At Dick Cheney

A steady stream of Texas Rep. Ron Paul's supporters walked out of a planned tribute for Donald Rumsfeld at CPAC Thursday afternoon. The walk-out had been planned ahead of time in part by Campaign for Liberty organizers and it seemed to be supported by more than 100 CPAC attendees.

The former defense secretary was also booed when took to the stage. There seemed to be a back-and-forth between Paul supporters and other CPAC attendees trying to drown each other out while Rumsfeld watched.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney then took the stage, but the heckling did not stop in what was an amazing display of friction. Someone in the crowd yelled to Cheney above the din "draft dodger." Nonetheless, the crowd is overwhelmingly warm to Rumsfeld, who eventually took his place in the presentation.


Ron Paul Supporters Scream “War Criminal” At Dick Cheney


Things should have been nice and chummy at CPAC an hour ago. Dick Cheney strolled on stage to cheers and the inspirational tune of Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best” and got began to present the “Defender Of The Constitution” award to Donald Rumsfeld. However, as the chants of “USA! USA!” died down, a voice screaming “War criminal!” could be heard. And then, as Cheney continued to talk up his former colleague, a shouting match began between supporters of Ron Paul and the rest of the convention hall. 

The Paul supporters eventually walked out in the middle of Rumsfeld’s speech as way of protest. Talking Points Memo managed to nab a quote from one of them:


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Comment by Marklar on October 2, 2015 at 12:05am

You sure that's Dick Cheney? Looks more like the Penguin. Somebody call Batman.

Comment by music71 on May 11, 2013 at 10:52am

and to tell the truth i feel,Hitler could not hold a candy to this S.O.B. SORRY i call a duck-a-duck!!!!!

Comment by music71 on May 11, 2013 at 10:34am

well now some one screaming war criminal at ''DICK CHENEY''?What the hell do we have at  the head of this damn country now;should I say son of Isalm that would love to kill as many of us as he can! and take every gun that we have shit we have a chief right now that would love to enslave us all if we let him.

Comment by FireStone on July 10, 2011 at 11:11pm
I watched this coverage and it straight up irked my persona, The Shut Up and Sit down intro. Sent an absolute anger probe right through me. RON PAUL is the man as far as I am concerned. I just hope when it comes time to being counted for, the numbers show up,  are honestly counted, which I am really distressed about and validated as truth and let him in the door where he belongs.
Comment by SHTFgirl on July 10, 2011 at 10:43pm

Please join my newly formed group called FIRE CONGRESS in 2012 CAMPAIGN


The buck stops here!

Comment by Nikki on February 11, 2011 at 3:10pm

I love it!  And remember that when Rummy was CEO of Searle, he pushed through the approval of aspartame and the poisoning continues.

Comment by Tara on February 11, 2011 at 12:42am
wOOt..... I love it! You shouldn't of been a dick, Dick! If there is a hell, you'll be first in line to burn.....burn motha bleeper, burn!
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on February 10, 2011 at 9:08pm

Yesssss, I watched it live. Lots of booooos

Cheney also mocked Alex Jone, saying to the crowd, "Now sit sown and shut up." He thought he was being cute. ffffing enemy of humanity.


Comment by Petalrose on February 10, 2011 at 7:45pm
HOORAY for them! Need more ppl w/courage.
Comment by JoJo on February 10, 2011 at 7:31pm

Please post this for all to read

I'll bet a case of 24 canadian lager beer,that not one of the cheering crowd members lost a love one invading Iraq or Afghastan. (Also RummieDummy and Big Dick were part members of the rat pack gang that did the Sept 11 2001 attacks)--3000 folks died and a lot more are dying due to radiation sickness.

These creeps allowed nuke bombs (each fllors) to be used in the downing of WTC 1 and 2

These two should been arrested and hung long time ago.

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