Cryptocurrency's Blog – August 2011 Archive (20)

Ron Paul: Rick Perry is The Globalist Choice for 2012




August 31, 2011

On the Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with presidential front-runner Ron Paul.






Added by Cryptocurrency on August 31, 2011 at 11:38pm — No Comments

Pentagon Beta Tests Tighter Military Control of Disaster Response

Kurt Nimmo

August 29, 2011

The Pentagon is exploiting Hurricane Irene in an effort further militarize disaster response. Fox News reported today that the Pentagon is using the overstated hurricane to minimize civilian participation in emergency situations.

Troops on the streets:…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 29, 2011 at 6:32pm — No Comments

Hurricane Irene, Unusual Earthquakes, Unprecedented Tornadoes, Historic Flooding

…And Horrific Drought: Why Is All Of This Stuff Happening To America?


End Of The American Dream

Monday, August 29, 2011

What in the world is happening to America?  In more normal times it would be easy to dismiss Hurricane Irene as an isolated…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 29, 2011 at 4:04pm — 2 Comments

Gun Sales Continue to Rise

Lillian Askins

August 28, 2011



In July alone, 21,000 guns were sold in Alabama.

To put that number in perspective, 4 years ago, Alabama gun sales hit just over 14,000.

Since 2008, gun…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 28, 2011 at 11:16pm — 3 Comments

Anonymous Announces Wall Street Occupation

The Daily Bail

August 28, 2011



We can sit on our collective petards, or we can fight peacefully through protest.  The decision is for all of us to make.

Anonymous has now joined forces with AdBusters in calling for a non-violent occupation of Wall Street beginning on September 17th.  Simultaneous occupations of…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 28, 2011 at 1:06pm — 1 Comment

Can You Spot the Hidden Images in These Famous Logos?

You’ve seen these famous logos countless times on billboards, passing by on trucks, and at the grocery store, but there is more to them than meets the eye. If you take a closer look, you will find that these recognized logos have hidden images and messages. Check out these inventive designs that cleverly use white space and optical illusions to display subliminal messages.



Added by Cryptocurrency on August 27, 2011 at 6:52pm — No Comments

What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations

July 4, 2011
By Stephen D. Foster Jr.


Citizens United. This is the 2010 Supreme Court case that shocked America, influenced an…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 27, 2011 at 5:27am — 2 Comments

TIME Magazine Pens Five Page Spread To Convince America Ron Paul Can’t Win

Writer states “Paul isn’t really running for President, at least not entirely.”

Steve Watson

Aug 26, 2011

Ron Paul


TIME magazine has published a five page spread on Ron Paul’s presidential campaign that hits newsstands today. While some are declaring this a lifting of the veil on media coverage of the Congressman, the reality is that the piece will go out of its…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 26, 2011 at 4:26pm — 4 Comments

Inside Information - Civil Unrest

A contact I have inside the police department has confided in me that they are preparing for civil unrest in the U.S. This person told me, "they have been planning for this for a few years now, and it's not just here, it's everywhere." Everywhere meaning all across the country.


This goes quite a stretch beyond routine police training in dealing with crowds and your typical riot scenario. They are training for complete civil unrest nation wide.




Added by Cryptocurrency on August 24, 2011 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

CFR President Richard Haass Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya

Tony Cartalucci

August 22, 2011

The Financial Times has featured an editorial penned by Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass titled, “Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground,” where the arch globalist states that Libya’s rebels are in no way capable of rebuilding Libya properly and will require an “international…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 23, 2011 at 12:15am — No Comments

New Ron Paul Ad – “The One”


What more needs to be said? If you want the genuine article look no further. I don't know what to say to make all of you realize that this is it. After this election, we are not going to get a second chance. This is our second chance.


We are one minute to midnight on the New World Order clock. If we do not take a stand now and give it all we can possibly give, then we are going to have everything taken away.


This is not about…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 22, 2011 at 9:37pm — 2 Comments

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident

9/11 Annivesary and Israeli UN Vote to Coincide


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Plans are afoot to push the United States into an attack on Iran.  Anyone knowing the political atmosphere would believe this impossible unless something really terrible were to…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 21, 2011 at 9:10pm — No Comments

Ron Paul: “They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country”

Presidential candidate responds to question about detention camps for civil unrest

Paul Joseph Watson

Saturday, August 20, 2011

In a response to a question asked by Infowars correspondent Robert Wanek at Iowa State University during the recent Ames straw poll, Ron Paul said that the federal government was preparing for civil unrest and martial law in the United States.




Paul was asked for his…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 20, 2011 at 7:08pm — 14 Comments

Ron Paul Gets Most Military Support

Ron Paul is not only currently the only candidate running for president who is a military veteran—he is also the candidate most popular with the military. Reports USA Today:

“GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul consistently has said that the United States should get out of Afghanistan and Iraq and that American military bases around the world should be…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 19, 2011 at 3:08pm — 2 Comments

Ron Paul Exploding


August 16, 2011

The establishment media’s attempt to ignore Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for president has become so blatant following his close-second finish in the Iowa straw poll, that even mainstream reporters cannot ignore the biased attempt to drown out his message. Despite their best efforts, Ron Paul continues to explode in popularity, surfacing repeatedly at the top of major polls as his message transcends the political…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 16, 2011 at 3:19pm — 4 Comments

U.K. May Block Twitter, Blackberry in Riots

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said the government is considering blocking social networks and messaging services amid the worst riots since the 1980s, prompting condemnation from lawyers and free speech advocates.

The government is working with police, the intelligence services and companies to look at “whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 11, 2011 at 2:49pm — 3 Comments

Claim: Youths Offered Money To Start Riots

Paul Joseph Watson

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

As massive unrest plaguing the United Kingdom spread from London to other cities last night, claims emerged that individuals calling themselves journalists were offering to pay youths to start riots, suggesting an effort to provocateur some of the violence.

According to Tweets sent by people who were in the city of Leicester last night trying to secure their communities, kids were being told…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 10, 2011 at 8:04pm — No Comments

This is like a bad zombie movie – it’s the rise of the idiots.

Paul Joseph Watson

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The riots that have gripped London and swept other major cities in the UK are the product of a diseased culture that leads to violence and mayhem which ultimately only serves to benefit the ruling elite in its bid to eviscerate the middle class by manipulating them to demand their own enslavement.


Firstly, anyone who truly believes that the rioters are burning and looting to protest any…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 9, 2011 at 4:47pm — 2 Comments

Infowars Special Report

August 8, 2011

In this 8/8/2011 special report, Alex Jones covers the United States’ downgrade from AAA credit rating, the dramatic stock plunge, and the related exploding price of gold. He also touches upon other news stories he was unable to get to during the radio show, including the comments of former first lady Jackie Kennedy about LBJ concerning the JFK assassination.





Added by Cryptocurrency on August 9, 2011 at 12:58am — No Comments

Dow falls 512 in steepest decline since '08 crisis

Worst day for Wall Street since 2008 crisis: Dow falls 512 and investors flee for safety





, On Thursday August 4, 2011, 5:07 pm

NEW YORK (AP) -- Gripped by fear of another recession, the financial markets suffered their…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 4, 2011 at 5:34pm — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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