The liberal warhawks are groping around for a pretext they can call “legal” for waging war against Syria, and have come up with the 1999 “Kosovo war”.…
Material lists people concerned with “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place” as potential extremists
Adan Salazar August 24, 2013
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch recently obtained a Department of Defense training manual which lists people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’…
More than 100 women in the southern Mexican town of Xaltianguis have taken up arms to protect their community from organized crime groups, a local selfdefense force official said Monday.
The women signed up over the past four days with the Union of Peoples and Organizations of Guerrero State, or UPOEG,…
There is no such thing as a free lunch ... or an all-expenses paid trip to Acapulco. That's what "The Price Is Right" contestant Andrea Schwartz found out when she scored $33,000 worth of prizes, including a shiny red Mazda 2 compact car, a pool table, and a shuffle board table, on the popular television game show.
Each fully loaded, magazines combined hold almost 18,000,000 rounds.
Kit Daniels August 16, 2013
The U.S. Army is buying almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or NATO.…
Alexander Abdo and Patrick Toomey The Guardian August 11, 2013
Another burst of sunlight permeated the National Security Agency’s black box of domestic surveillance last week.
According to the New York Times, the NSA is searching the content of virtually every email that comes into or goes out of the United States without a warrant. To…
Busta Rhymes is most assuredly a hip hop giant. A Titan in the music industry who's celebrity status goes back to the early 1990's. Clearly after watching this video, Busta Rhymes, though an intelligent man, and a lyrical genius who's skill is truly unmatched, may be in a bit of denial about the function and purpose of the violent rap culture pushed by the corporate record labels. If you watch the video I posted about…
The U.S. Army has ordered its personnel not to go to the latest postings on the website of the British newspaper The Guardian to read revelations of information given to its reporter because it contains a “TOP SECRET slide show.”
The email, which WND received from a Department of Defense source, was addressed to a…
THE twin revelations that telecom carriers have been secretly giving the National Security Agency information about Americans’ phone calls, and that the N.S.A. has been capturing e-mail and other private communications from Internet companies as part of a secret program called Prism, have not enraged most Americans.…
A criminal complaint indicates former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden has been charged with three felonies. Two of the felonies are charges under the Espionage Act.
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) drew vocal backlash Saturday for her answers to questions about National Security Agency data surveillance and whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Speaking at a gathering of progressive activists at Netroots Nation, Pelosi weighed in on recent controversy over domestic spying, claiming it was unfair to label this…
Ron Paul breaks it down for the Fox News herd. At least the Neo-cons give him a say. The libbies are still in Disney Land with their rosy red colored glasses singing kumbaya by a bon fire burning the constitution—to protect the constitution. They are such dolts. According to them, only government can save you. Like…
Viggo Mortensen, a well-known American actor, artist, and polyglot, gave a powerful speech on the Thursday, June 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, in which he emphasized becoming a creative individual in a world of collective conditioning.…
Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Jeff Younger, a father who is fighting to protect his son from transitioning into a girl. Get 40% off access ...
This is my analysis and my thoughts on Michael Aquino's "MindWar". This document is a must-read if you are looking to understand the psyop tactics and cognit...
Wounder how many people know what they do to baby chicks? Wounder if they know what the are doing to Salmon? What about the lettuce and tomatoes? This will n...
🎉🎬 AT LAST❗❗ Metropolis is the FIRST film we colorized using our newly developed AI colorization software, and we are proud to bring it to you now with the...