The U.S. is in debt huge to China, and although China isn't our largest debtor; it is truly the only one on the world stage with the ability to act alone with the same menacing ability as the U.S. claims it still cans.
The reality?:
1) China could crash our economy within 4 hours if it felt it wanted to, AND that it would be a viable interest to its people and longevity. It CHOOSES not to due to the following-
a- Our dollar is kept just strong enough to attract goods… Continue
I'm no genius, and I don't quite understand all the nuances of what keeps the economy afloat, but I have been reading anything I can to get a solid education on what’s occurring in our economy. I understand that our money is made out of 'thin air' and I understand that interest is applied to the money sent to the government which causes debt. I even watched the movie that made the case that money is debt. I agree with most of the information except that ‘money is debt’. At least that’s not what… Continue
DW Description: Chris Langan is known to have the highest IQ in the world, somewhere between 195 and 210. To give you an idea of what this means, the average...