The Great Shaft (or- how to stop the burn of prison love)

I'm no genius, and I don't quite understand all the nuances of what keeps the economy afloat, but I have been reading anything I can to get a solid education on what’s occurring in our economy. I understand that our money is made out of 'thin air' and I understand that interest is applied to the money sent to the government which causes debt. I even watched the movie that made the case that money is debt. I agree with most of the information except that ‘money is debt’. At least that’s not what it is supposed to be.
I believe that originally, money was nothing more than a placeholder for 'work done'. As in a bartering based system. Example- If a farmer wanted a T.V., he didn't trade the corn he grew directly to Zenith for it. He simply worked and was paid from others who worked using their ‘placeholders of their work’ for the corn, and then he paid the Zenith man for the T.V. with this easily recognized and accepted form of barter/trade system.
Money was meant to be nothing more than a significant identifier of work done. The smart person could amass this placeholder and use it to leverage goods and services to be used to procure or create more work. He could also loan it out to others against their promise of repayment against their own ‘future’ work which would satisfy the loan.
When the Fed loans money to the US, its putting into circulation more symbols of all the work done in order to account for the number of people who enter the ‘work force’ and to help identify the work with a symbol that is accepted by the populace as an example of the work to use as trade(read the rest before you shoot off a reply, trust me, I'm not done).
Where the problem exists, and I totally agree with Mr. Rivero, Zeitgeist and the rest; is when there is an interest charged for simply creating more 'identifiers' i.e. $1, $10, $100. Especially when it costs the same to print each one regardless of the # printed on it, but we get charged a percentage not on the bundle of bills, but the value they represent. Example- If I go to Kinko’s and ask that they print 100 pieces of paper with different symbols on every group of 20, Kinko’s is gonna charge me $10 for the service, regardless of what the symbol is, because that’s what is a fair value to me and represents their cost and a slight profit. But the Fed is saying: you want 20 $1 bills, 20 $5 bills, 20 $10 bills, 20 $20 bills, and 20 $50 bills, which totals $720 plus a 10 percent repayment fee a year, so you owe us $772 for our PRIVATELY HELD service??? Now if you add into this people who over charge fair value on stuff, those who amass large amounts who loan out to others and get screwed, theft, damage, and cost to a government entity(in the form of 65 percent taxes) to help protect you, keep public services, education, healthcare, soldiers, etc. you suddenly see a huge devaluation of your work ‘placeholder’ and a need to keep an abundance of ‘extra’ placeholders in circulation to help offset a dirt poor/ super rich disparity. (more ways to devalue) This causes inflation. So not only are we paying for a symbol of value (by enslavement of our future work ) but we also have to pay some BS percentage as well for nothing more than a Mafia run Kinko’s. This means we guarantee more future work for the percentage, as well as the other symbols that were added to offset the other issues I’ve mentioned already. So after just the first 100, we never get the BS $720 paid if all debts get paid, we need/want nothing, and we only work to pay that and of course the additional percentage.
But the thing that really gets me is our government NEVER pays back the 10 percent OR the original loan, so its ALWAYS there, along with all the other stuff that’s added PLUS the future taxes built in for the things we have NOW that they said we need to have. WE ARE SLAVES!
So in essence, what I see is that we are, yes- creating debt, but also, we are borrowing against future work guaranteeing that we MUST be enslaved in order to pay back the debt of our work because of the percentage. The ludicrous part of it is the private company-Federal Reserve- believes our work is OWED to it so that it can create the placeholders as representation of what we have done for THEM in order to have a placeholder and they also have a right to add a percentage added to our work for the luxury of them existing in the first place to be able to use their services, even though they are NOT a part of our government.

The Feds will do lots of back door accounting changes, the same as how it 'creates' money/debt/work placeholder- by creating it out of thin air, make it disappear to thin air, then recreate it again to assure us that it all is accounted for, but we still owe them (if you don't believe, watch the DOW Jones and see the fluctuations the last 3 days that by my accounts should be around 6,200, not over 10,000) and we will owe our childrens childrens work to satisfy just what we owe as of today, as slaves, because the American people don't get it, don't want to get it, and don't know what to do about it.

My suggestion- save at home, out of a bank, keep your placeholder with you, only work in cash; barter any and everything you can with your neighbors and local grocers (trade on Craigslist if it works for you), get out of the stock market before they take everything you have with their funny accounting (seriously, I think we are staying afloat through number changes on stocks that fool us into believing that the economy is stable and changing hands, besides, playing the stocks is doing nothing more that keeping the ones who should fail from failing); and grow as much of your own food as possible, especially things like Tomato’s and Potato’s which are super easy and expensive out of season. When you do that, you pull money out of their circulatory system and it’s harder for them to keep making adjustments without being noticed by the layman.
Then elect only the greenest candidates to any and all offices except Sheriff. Newbies don't know how 'business as usual' is done, so they make more mistakes and slow down the system that is in place to fool us and the public becomes more aware and maybe somewhere down the road the sheeple really awaken. Besides, a newbie couldn't screw it up any worse, could they? Last, start protesting, start griping, start calling your neighbors and friends and tell them to call theirs and DEMAND that the FEDERAL RESERVE lose our business and the government find a better, more public way of identifying the ‘work’ that WE have done. The government is supposed to be FOR THE PEOPLE, not FORNICATING the People. If that fails, and the FEDS keep doing what their doing, and the government keeps starting wars, overspending our economy, takes away our rights, and basically enslaving us even further, then I highly recommend full out financial anarchy. If another 10 percent of homeowners default, the government will crumble, especially if the first things to default are all the worthless credit cards and BS loans that people took that they shouldn’t have.
Stop paying, they can’t track everyone down and subjugate them to any worse than we’re already in. Hell, the government can’t even find 1 guy in a cave or stop people at our borders, or even hit the right targets in a war, what makes you think that they can do anything about the financial crisis and you? We can’t even find out where $1 Trillion went, and realistically, neither can they. If we don’t do that, then it really will be a long, drawn out death for us all. What do you do after you see your neighbors, friends, and family go down when it takes 5 years of pain and suffering instead of 5 months?
Lets pick a day shall we? I choose January 11th 2011. With 90 days before defaults are noted, and another 60 for litigation, we can all at least eat with what we have until the fall crops come in. Even more sinister (that’s my way of looking for some humor in all of this) Turn off all your TV’s, Radio’s, and XM systems at 1:11 EST across the US, unless your watching a movie on DVD or playing a video game. Send a message that you’re not buying anymore BS from the brain drains. What’s the significance of the time and date? It’s my way of starting the ‘THIS 1’s OURS!’ movement. Take back our lives, take back our humanity, and take back our government, ONCE and for all.
By then, the government will either be begging people to guide it, or they will attempt to enact all the powers of Marshall Law they’ve created quietly for the last 20 months. Either way, with us leading, we get what needs to happen; an overhaul of our financial system, the tossing out of the losers, politicians, and the bankers/feds ‘too big to fail’ –OR- we get what they are working to give us, which helps build them up to an even better life for them while enslaving us and reducing the population so it’s easier to control. You either are uncomfortable now with the hope of a better life or your sheeple ready to be slaughtered to feed the fat cats. The American Revolution asked the same thing the first time of its people. 234 years later and our own government is taxing us just like King George and turning us into nothing more than slaves to the crown.

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Comment by Chazzy NonSheeple on September 4, 2010 at 2:19pm
Thanks. I like to play with words sometimes to see if I can find both the subtle and the obvious. My current favorite motto is one I developed myself (isn't that how it should always be) and its this: 'I like people but don't take it personally'. Thanks for stopping in and reading!
Comment by Tara on September 4, 2010 at 1:35pm
Great title, it definetely gets ones attention, lol. There's lots of great ideas in your article to chew on and digest. Thanks for posting!

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