Tara's Blog (430)

Flashback - Standing At A Precipice In The Truth Movement, Nobody Said The Truth Or Freedom Would Be An Easy Climb (Original Article)

We have all found ourselves at a precipice in the truth movement at one point or another wondering, will I be able to withstand the climb, to reach the pinnacle of understanding or will I fall into an abyss before the truth realized? Am I doing enough and what more can I do to be active? Who is going to lead us out of this mess? Will humanity ever be truly free? Is it worth all the trials and tribulations?

The questions roll off the tongue…


Added by Tara on August 24, 2018 at 11:32am — 19 Comments

Veteran CNN anchor Jim Clancy steps down after mocking pro-Israel tweeters on a thread discussing the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris

Veteran CNN anchor Jim Clancy stepped down on Friday, one week after a series of Twitter posts in which he mocked pro-Israel tweeters on a thread discussing the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Neither CNN nor Jim Clancy gave a reason for his departure, which was reported by AdWeek. Clancy had worked at CNN for 34 years.

Although Clancy’s Twitter account no longer existed as of…


Added by Tara on January 18, 2015 at 10:14pm — No Comments

Mark Udall Promises America Will "Be Disgusted" at CIA Torture Report And that he'll use every power he still has to declassify it.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Dianne Feinstein of California, is soon expected to release its summary of the so-called CIA Torture Report, the committee’s four-year-long investigation into the CIA’s Bush-era torture practices. Release of the summary is the result of months of wrangling and negotiating with the White House on what would be released to the public and when—and it will likely be heavily redacted.…


Added by Tara on December 7, 2014 at 6:50pm — 2 Comments

Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize

The seminars offered police officers some useful tips on seizing property from suspected criminals. Don’t bother with jewelry (too hard to dispose of) and computers (“everybody’s got one already”), the experts counseled. Do go after flat screen TVs, cash and cars. Especially nice cars.

In one seminar, captured on video in September, Harry S. Connelly Jr., the city attorney of Las Cruces,…


Added by Tara on November 9, 2014 at 11:51pm — 2 Comments

Inventor of World Wide Web warns of threat to internet

London (AFP) - The British inventor of the World Wide Web warned on Saturday that the freedom of the internet is under threat by governments and corporations interested in controlling the web.

Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist who invented the web 25 years ago, called for a bill of rights that…


Added by Tara on September 28, 2014 at 7:20pm — 2 Comments

Syrian children's deaths 'caused by vaccine mix-up', UN confuses muscle relaxant with measles vaccine

This girl survived the immunisation mistake but 15 other children died

Medics carrying out a vaccination programme in rebel-held northern Syria accidentally administered a muscle relaxant to up to 75 children, killing 15 of them, the…


Added by Tara on September 18, 2014 at 2:38pm — No Comments

Journalist refuses to reveal source of story about CIA operation... James Risen calls Obama 'greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation'

The New York Times reporter James Risen, who faces jail over his refusal to reveal a source and testify against a former CIA agent accused of leaking secrets, has called President Barack Obama “the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation”.

Speaking to his colleague…


Added by Tara on August 18, 2014 at 10:27am — No Comments

#WomenAgainstFeminism goes viral as people explain why they don't need feminism anymore

Danielle Gieger posted this on Facebook as part of the hashtag #womenagainstfeminism. Source: Supplie

A SOCIAL media trend #WomenAgainstFeminism is creating controversy overseas, going viral in the US and re-opening debate on how far women have…


Added by Tara on August 3, 2014 at 7:41pm — 8 Comments

Dick Cheney strikes again: There Will Be Another 'Massive Attack' On America That's 'Far Deadlier' Than 9/11

What are these bastards up to now?

Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday predicted there would be an attack on the United States within the next decade that is "far deadlier" than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. 

"I doubt it," Cheney told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, when asked if he thinks the U.S. would "get through this decade" without another "massive attack on the homeland."…


Added by Tara on June 25, 2014 at 11:17am — 11 Comments

Google’s New All-Seeing Satellites Have Huge Potential—For Good and Evil

The reach of Google’s online empire is hard to overstate. In a sense, the Google search engine is the loom through which the entirety of the public internet is woven. With tools like Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs, the company also handles many of our private online tasks. Using the data generated by these services to target online ads, Google has built a business that generates tens of billions of dollars a year.

Now, with the $500 million…


Added by Tara on June 11, 2014 at 2:34pm — 1 Comment

After bin Laden backlash, CIA promises: No more vaccination campaigns for spying

Amid a deadly backlash again vaccinations and a resurgence of polio in Pakistan, the White House has promised that the CIA will never again use an immunization campaign as a tool of spycraft.

“I wanted to inform you that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) directed in August 2013…


Added by Tara on May 25, 2014 at 7:47pm — 2 Comments

Cisco CEO lashes out at NSA, tells Obama to stop bugging IT hardware

Letter follows circulation of pictures on the Internet showing NSA staff opening Cisco products

Intercepted packages are opened carefully at the NSA to implant surveillance beacons before being repackaged and…


Added by Tara on May 18, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Peer reviewed paper provides convincing evidence that vaccines are causing an epidemic of inflammatory diseases including diabetes, obesity and autism

BALTIMORE, May 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- A new peer reviewed paper was published in a recent issue of Molecular and Genetic Medicine (s1:025)(s1:2014) that presents convincing evidence that the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to US children has now created a state of immune overload in the majority, or close to the majority, of young US children and that this is being manifested by related health issues including epidemics of…


Added by Tara on May 13, 2014 at 3:05pm — 3 Comments

flashback:Israeli intel firm behind Pennsylvania’s ‘terror’ bulletins on peace, environment, LGBT groups

Look at what our so-called good friend Israel has been up to. Oh....how they love us so and want us to be safe and secure. What a bunch of BS!

by Ali Abunimah

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has just ordered his state's Homeland Security director to cancel a $125,000 contract with an outfit called the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR). The Associated Press reports:



Added by Tara on February 18, 2014 at 8:27am — 1 Comment

How Cops Became Soldiers: An Interview with Police Militarization Expert Radley Balko

By Michael Arria

What happened to friendly neighborhood cops? The drug and terror wars happened. Via Oregon DOT/Flickr

In 2007, journalist Radley Balko told a House subcommittee that one criminologist detected a 1,500% increase in the use of SWAT teams over the last two decades. That's reflective…


Added by Tara on March 4, 2013 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

Is It Time to Organize the Revolution?

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” -Patrick Henry

libgun About 45 days ago I wrote an article entitled…


Added by Tara on February 22, 2013 at 4:09pm — 4 Comments

Chuck Hagel to Obama: “We are at a time where there is a new world order. We don’t control it. You must question everything...

Why Obama picked Hagel


Added by Tara on January 29, 2013 at 12:15am — 12 Comments

26-year-old Internet activist's tragic suicide raises questions about prosecutorial overreach... Why Did the Justice System Target Aaron Swartz?

Hundreds of mourners filled the Great Hall at New York's Cooper Union on January 19th to honor the life of Aaron Swartz, the Internet activist who took his own life earlier this month at age 26.

Swartz was well-known in technology circles for helping develop the RSS web feed format and the popular site Reddit, among other accomplishments. At the time of his death, he was facing 13 felony charges and up to 50 years in prison: Prosecutors had accused him of using MIT's network to…


Added by Tara on January 24, 2013 at 12:49am — 1 Comment

Why Liberals Should Love The Second Amendment

Liberals love the Constitution.

Ask anyone on the street.  They'll tell you the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a liberal organization.

I know liberal couples who give each other pocket size copies of the Constitution for Christmas.

Ask liberals to list their top five complaints about the Bush Administration, and they will invariably say the words "shredding" and "Constitution" in the same sentence.  They might also add "Fourth…


Added by Tara on January 16, 2013 at 4:05pm — 1 Comment

Award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson digs deep into the FBI’s massive efforts to create fake terrorist plots. INSIDE THE TERROR FACTORY

By Trevor Aaronson

Editor's note: This story is adapted from The Terror Factory, Trevor Aaronson's new book documenting how the Federal Bureau of Investigation has built a vast network of informants to infiltrate Muslim communities…


Added by Tara on January 11, 2013 at 2:16pm — 2 Comments

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Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

"Hey thanks for the thumbs up guys. I was blown away (like a leaf in a tornado) when I watched this…"
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Did you know this? I was SHOCKED!

Wounder how many people know what they do to baby chicks? Wounder if they know what the are doing to Salmon? What about the lettuce and tomatoes? This will n...
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Pine Tree Riots - We'll Have Our Home Again

NOW ON SPOTIFY (and everywhere else)!https://open.spotify.com/album/1gWcRqHD7TSbAA2UzYOLWlEvery people deserves a Homeland.Sung by no one in particular.Origi...
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Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

🎉🎬 AT LAST❗❗ Metropolis is the FIRST film we colorized using our newly developed AI colorization software, and we are proud to bring it to you now with the...
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ED Raids Entities Linked To George Soros’s Open Society Foundation | Details

"The Directorate of Enforcement is a multi-disciplinary organization mandated with investigation…"
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post This about Sums it Up Written by Former Marine Corps Noncom Officer
"It took a US Marine Sergeant to put it all together like this and sum up all the intentional…"
Doc Vega posted blog posts
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post Without the Truth
"cheeki kea, Thank you so much. Your words are so encouraging!"
Mar 22
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Mar 21
tjdavis posted a video

Andy Summers & Robert Fripp - I Advance Masked (Official Video)

'I Advance Masked' official video by english guitarists Andy Summers and Robert Fripp.Single taken from the album with the same name, released in 1982.‘The C...
Mar 21
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The Universal Legacy of the Boogeyman

 In every culture from the North American continent to South America, from the Ural Mountains of…See More
Mar 21
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Mar 20
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Remember Building 7

"3 1/2 hours long. I watched it again this afternoon. See YouTube."
Mar 20
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Mar 20
cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post Without the Truth
"This is an awesome worded tapestry of thought and momentum. Love it, save this one for your future…"
Mar 20

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