HOGSTER's Blog (21)

The Clinton Corpses

Clinton Corpse Collection

This is just the short list, The long list will blow your socks and jocks off.

I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws,…

Added by HOGSTER on March 23, 2018 at 2:34pm — 8 Comments

Who assassinated JFK and more

I believe Jimmy Files to be 100% telling the truth about the assassination of JFK. If you happen to see a J Bartell trying to call this story a scam, some quick research will prove that it's J Bartell who is the con artist scammer. Anyhow this s an interview by Wim Dankbaar with James Files behind the bars of Joliet Corrections Centre Illinois. …


Added by HOGSTER on May 1, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Amazing eye opening interview.

An Interview conducted by Jeanice Barceló with Bonnie and John Mitchell covering a lot of topical stuff, that I think all should find very interesting. A lot of it new and refreshing to me.

It also reassured to me that I am doing a lot of the right things to make my Body Mind and Soul Healthier. It's just under 2 hours in length but well worth the watch and listen. I recommend and hope all at 12160 get as much out of it as I did. There are also some links discussed/displayed that are…


Added by HOGSTER on February 22, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Dead Bankers.


The latest count is 6 dead Banking Executives in less than 6 weeks, there were 3 in the last week of January, were the suicides or murders? or a combination? We will probably never know.

This very interesting article By Michael Snyder bon 28th Jan.

I had intensions of making this a comprehensive blog but none of the addons are working, I can't be stuffed frigging around any longer, I've ran out of patience. There is lots of info out…


Added by HOGSTER on February 17, 2014 at 11:28pm — 5 Comments

Ancient Knowledge & Hidden Technology Revealed.

I found a new to me youtube channel today, KilluminatiTheMovie.

I watch the first 4 of a series of 6 I think (maybe more to come)

You Girls and Guys on 12160 I imagine would the important significance of sites like the Pyramids, Stone Henge, Easter Island and the like, So here is skipping the first 3 in series, straight to 4.…


Added by HOGSTER on January 3, 2014 at 10:56pm — No Comments

Ancient Knowledge And Hidden Technology Revealed.

I found a new to me Youtube Channel today KillumantiTheMovie. He/she has a series called Ancient Knowledge, so far I've watched 4 of 6 (I think, maybe more to come),

I imagine you guys on 12169 are pretty much up to speed on the alignment and relevance and energy source The pyramids, Easter Island and other sites around the world are. So jump in at, The numbers and equations may be boring to some, but stick with it because it all makes sense at the end.

Added by HOGSTER on January 3, 2014 at 10:45pm — No Comments

How Is This For A false Flag Event?

On New Years Day Marijuana is Legalised in Colorado and the very next day 37 die of Marijuana Overdose. Sounds like BS as never before has anybody anywhere ever died of an overdose of Marijuana.

Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalization - The Daily Currant

Turns out someone is pulling some lags as this news report is the FALSE FRLAG…


Added by HOGSTER on January 2, 2014 at 9:27pm — 3 Comments

King Barry's Constitution Violations for 2013.

Added by HOGSTER on January 2, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Some More Truth About What Really Transpired In Bengahzi.


Added by HOGSTER on January 1, 2014 at 10:33pm — No Comments

Brainwashing In Childrens Books.




Added by HOGSTER on January 1, 2014 at 8:06pm — 2 Comments

The Greatest Speech Ever,

I think Charlie Chaplin (or whoever wrote this speach) new things about Adolf Hitler that W.C and F.D.R. didn't want known.


Added by HOGSTER on January 1, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments


Hear ye, hear ye, Brothers and Sisters, It's time to rally and shout from not only the roof tops but wherever you'll be heard, and the net is a great place for that. 

mystery left me a message earlier today saying "HOGSTER, you should tell what you know." well I tell lots of people on many websites. 12160 has a relatively small member base in comparison to many. What I'm trying to saying is        we  should all be posting what we know, not just here but on as many sites as we can in…


Added by HOGSTER on January 1, 2014 at 9:30am — 12 Comments

Many Will Call Me A Nutcase!

 I feel compelled to share a Prophetic dream I had on the morning of 20th Dec 2013.

This was a weird dream as most are, It started with me in a Pharmacy filling a prescription for drugs to treat my Hypertension. I told the Chemists "I don't want poisons from 'Big Pharma', give me those natural God given herbs you have hidden away", He Obliged and that made me feel good. Next thing I see an old girlfriend Glenda I'd not seen in many years, We recognized one and other and began to…


Added by HOGSTER on December 31, 2013 at 4:15pm — No Comments


I've not mentioned this until now because I needed to do further research, but on the morning of 20th Dec I had a very profound dream. where I was given the date of 20th June as the date of believers in Christ resurrection (Rapture) and the day God begins his wrath and 144,000 saints return earth. This date was given to me by a stranger who/s face was obscure, I awoke immediately after hearing this date and had a name on my mind also, that name was Steven Anderson. So I got out of bed at…


Added by HOGSTER on December 27, 2013 at 9:24pm — No Comments

Tor Browser and Search.

Tor is a browser/search engine that allows your content to arrive at it's final destination without being scanned or read by any of the routed connection. check out GeekBlog.tv's tutorial on it.


Added by HOGSTER on December 27, 2013 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Police Brutality Is On The Rise! Why? Because they get away with it 99.99% of the time!

I got this from Chief Mark Kessler's facebook page. As i watched it I felt sick to the stomach, but you know how it is with youtube and I'm a glutton for punishment. It beats me how they can film themselves not as "Servers and Protectors" but as "BULLIES and AGGRESSORS" 

Added by HOGSTER on July 31, 2013 at 3:15am — No Comments

Police Brutality is on the rise! Why? Because they get away with it 99.99% of the time!

i found this on Chief Mark Kessler's facebook page.as i watched it I felt sick to the stomach. But I' sure you all konw when you watch one youtube clip, you have the option to watch another dozen or so  similar, and me being a glutton for punishment watched them all night long.

I have come to believe that Police brutality has become pandemic in some communities.

You will find a link to a petition that needs your signature, to free Robert Leone as he is so obviously a victim and…


Added by HOGSTER on July 31, 2013 at 3:04am — No Comments

Hemp Oil Does Cure Cancer. Governments and Big Pharmacuetical Companies Have Hidden The Facts!

In the three link below,

If you don't already know,

The cures have been hidden,

The Cancers should be ridden,

A seed I had to sow!

RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7) - YouTube

The Cancer Conspiracy - pt.1 of 2 - YouTube

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures -…


Added by HOGSTER on June 17, 2013 at 8:14am — 4 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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