Anti Oligarch's Blog – December 2009 Archive (70)

Losing the Bill of Rights

What Obama’s KSM decision means for all of us

Last month, President Obama announced that Khalid Sheik Mohammed would be transferred to New York, where he would stand trial in U.S. district court for his purported role as principal architect of the 9/11 attacks. At the same time, Obama announced that other terrorist suspects would continue to be tried for terrorism in the Pentagon’s military-commissions system, which was established after 9/11.

Which judicial system is… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 30, 2009 at 3:35pm — No Comments

Do you agree with them?

Alex Jones & Alan Watt agree on one thing

Turn the volume up

>>> /h2>

Free PDF Downloads from The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 29, 2009 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Tarpley on Russia Today: Nigerian Terrorist Patsy Yet Another CIA Ploy in US-backed Buildup of al Qaeda in Yemen Civil War

Tarpley tells RT that the case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is not a matter of unconnected dots, but rather that of a protected patsy or puppet deliberately used by the US intelligence community for a Christmas Day provocation designed to facilitate US meddling in the civil war in Yemen, which is where Umar Farouk allegedly trained and was given his PETN device.

Banker’s son Umar Farouk had been denied an entrance visa to Great Britain , and had been denounced to the US Embassy in… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 29, 2009 at 3:33pm — No Comments

Information request over President Bush’s 'Extraordinary Renditions' claims takes 27 months

The Freedom of Information Act gave a perfect opportunity to test President Bush’s claim that secret CIA prisons saved thousands of lives thanks to terrorists’ confessions.

His bold assertion that the covert detention centres foiled a plot to hijack planes and fly them into Canary Wharf and Heathrow put Scotland Yard in the frame.

The question phrased by The Times in July 2007 was obviously a trap. If the force said that it had no information about how the CIA’s tip-offs… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 29, 2009 at 8:33am — No Comments

True News - Terrorism Over Detroit? The Facts from Freedomain Radio


The Pentagon has poured nearly $70 million in military aid to Yemen this year.

"In the end it's probably counterproductive," said Johnsen, adding that video and photos of women and children killed by the blast could create "a recruiting field day for al-Qaida."

According to the report, Washington inked arms deals valued at $37.8 billion in 2008, or 68.4 percent of all business in the global weapons market, up significantly from American sales of $25.4 billion… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 28, 2009 at 7:09pm — No Comments

SWF Files With Music You Want But Can't Extract .mp3? Yes You Can

I found out about this little diamond on,

it works great for me hope it helps some of you.

Here is a quick tip for those of you who encounter swf files regularly on the web and like some contents that much that they want to extract them. The most thought after objects are mp3 files which can be easily extracted from swf to mp3.

Some webmasters suggest a workaround using an audio recorder… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 28, 2009 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Taking Liberty Away From Us

If you thought things are getting better, I'm sorry to say they ain't

Source: Taking

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 28, 2009 at 12:25pm — No Comments

CIA secret weapon of assassination

A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.

The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 28, 2009 at 9:20am — No Comments

How collectivists convince the majority they are hopelessly outnumbered, and that the loss of their freedom is of their own choosing.


In the year 500 B.C., a Chinese Warrior and philosopher by the name of Sun Tsu wrote a small treatise entitled The Art of War, in which he said:
If a man knows himself and knows his opponent, he need not fear a hundred battles. If he knows himself but not his opponent, for every victory, he will suffer a defeat. If he knows neither himself nor his opponet, he will suffer defeat in every battle.
The Freedom Academy is a school for… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 27, 2009 at 2:46pm — No Comments


Analysis © 2009 by G. Edward Griffin

Published 2009 December 25

On Christmas Day, 2009, I received the following email from Donald Engel, from Iowa.
In one of your recent replies to a reader's comment [in Unfiltered News], you mentioned ever so briefly that a social credit system in the Western World is unworkable and has some fundamental flaws. It would seem to me that this system would be a great improvement over our present debt based monetary system. What do you…

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 27, 2009 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Hey, whatever happened to swine flu?

Remember the swine flu was supposed to sweep the earth, creating a deadly pandemic that was going to turn the world inside out?

We said it was over-hyped.

We said it was a scam to sell vaccines.

We said is was a way for our do-nothing, rip-off government to distract us from their non-stop criminality.

We said the media was full of shit (again) and was not to be trusted.

We were right.

But the laws that… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 27, 2009 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Judge Napolitano: There's 1 thing we can NOT do. Sit Back and Take It

Judge Napolitano: One Big Monster Government

Research related links

  1. Judge Napolitano on Government vs. Private Enterprise…

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 27, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Christmas Day in 1776, 2500 Men Willing To Say “Victory or Death,” Marching In Burlap Bags In A Snowstorm ...

And on Christmas Day in 1776, Washington’s army had collapsed from 30,000 in Brooklyn in September, to 2,500. Less than one out of every thousand Americans had the courage to be with Washington on Christmas Day. Of that 2,500, one third did not have boots. They wrapped their feet in burlap, and they left a trail of blood marching the nine miles to Trenton. Washington decided to cross an icy river at night, in a snowstorm. To march at night, to surprise 800 professional German soldiers, win a… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 23, 2009 at 4:03pm — No Comments

Bayer Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control


Click on the button >>> Alan Watt on Bayer - Dec 22 2009

A bit of history: Bayer became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German chemical industries which formed the financial core of the Nazi regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B, a chemical used in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. During World War II the company extensively used slave labour in factories… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 23, 2009 at 3:00am — 2 Comments

Jobs in the Illuminati (or Why They Spend All That Time Training People)

About Svali:

Svali used to be a programmer and trainer in the cult of the Illuminati. Both she and her entire family were involved in the cult group until several years ago, when they finally broke free. She has been a consultant to an on-line survivors group that helps people dealing with issues related to cult programming and ritual abuse.

Svali, a writer and a registered nurse, has self-published a book on breaking free of cult programming, which several experts in the… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Gaza Freedom March URGENT UPDATE, December 21, 2009

Submitted by Chip on Tue, 2009-12-22.

We are determined to break the siege.

We all will continue to do whatever we can to make it happen.

Using the pretext of escalating tensions on the Gaza-Egypt border, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry informed us yesterday that the Rafah border will be closed over the coming weeks, into January. We responded that there is always tension at… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 3:43pm — 1 Comment

Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia

If you want to know the truth about Climategate, definitely don’t use Wikipedia. “Climatic Research Unit e-mail controversy”, is its preferred, mealy-mouthed euphemism to describe the greatest scientific scandal of the modern age. Not that you’d ever guess it was a scandal from the accompanying article. It reads more like a damage-limitation press release put out by concerned friends and… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Call In List for Radio Shows

Have you called into your favorite radio show to ask about Obama’s Birth Certificate yet? Here is a list of some more well known shows. Add your favorite station in comments and call today! Tell them, “Phil Berg from sent you”.

The Cooper Lawrence Show – 1-877-6-COOPER (877-626-6737)

Cooper Lawrence is a relationship and psychology expert who has also authored several books. Her

show is heard weekday evenings.

The Al… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 4:56am — No Comments

Former head of CDC lands lucrative job as president of Merck vaccine division (opinion)

You've heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant "revolving door" through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That reality was driven home in a huge way today when news broke that Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, landed a top job with Merck, one of the largest drug companies in the world. Her job there? She's the new president of the vaccine division.

How convenient. That means the… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2009 at 4:25am — No Comments

Climategate: 'It's all lies!' lies Pachauri (again)

Surely not even an organisation as a corrupt and dishonest as the IPCC can afford to keep Dr Rajendra Pachauri on as its chairman after the weekend’s damning revelations by Christopher Booker and Richard North?

But Pachauri – with all the chutzpah we have come to expect of our favourite jetsetting, millionaire, troll-impersonating… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 21, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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