Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming - Startling concession devastates legitimacy of carbon tax, cap and trade agenda

Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming
Startling concession devastates legitimacy of carbon tax, cap and trade agenda

Paul Joseph Watson
Propaganda Matrix
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In a new development that is potentially devastating to the agenda to introduce a global carbon tax and a cap and trade system, Al Gore admits that the majority of global warming that occurred until 2001 was not primarily caused by CO2.

Before we get too excited, Gore is not backing away from his support for the theory of man-made climate change, but his concession that carbon dioxide only accounted for 40% of warming according to new studies could seriously harm efforts to tax CO2, that evil, life-giving gas that humans exhale and plants absorb.

"Gore acknowledged to Newsweek that the findings could complicate efforts to build a political consensus around the need to limit carbon emissions," reports BB News.

Yesterday we reported on how Gore was set to become the first "carbon billionaire" on the back of vast profits from companies invested in the "green revolution" that the former vice-president has a hefty stake in.

We also highlighted how the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has direct ties to both Al Gore and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a mechanism for profit and social engineering. Gore’s investment company, Generation Investment Management, which sells carbon offset opportunities, is the largest shareholder of CCX.

Gore stands to make windfall profits from his stake in carbon trading systems that would be used to manage the cap and trade system currently being readied for passage in the Senate, but his admission that CO2 is far less of a threat than global warming alarmists have been claiming could be a terminal blow for such a proposal.

As Andrew Bolt writes in today's Australian Herald Sun, his flip-flopping "Suggests not only that was Gore wrong to claim the science was “settled”, but that the hugely expensive schemes to “stop” warming by slashing carbon dioxide emissions will be less than half as effective as claimed."


“Over the years I have been among those who focused most of all on CO2, and I think that’s still justified,” Gore told Newsweek . “But a comprehensive plan to solve the climate crisis has to widen the focus to encompass strategies for all” of the greenhouse culprits identified in the Nasa study."

Gore now blames soot and methane for the majority of global warming, leaving the door open for a tax on livestock, a tax on meat, a tax on milk, and on and on until he changes his mind again and blames another culprit so that too can be taxed.

In another indictment of Gore's accuracy in warning about climate change, he has now virtually abandoned scientific "facts" in favor of characterizing his Inconvenient Truth presentation in the context of a religious sermon.

"Simply laying out the facts won’t work," admits Gore.

That's right, the church of environmentalism has come full circle with Gore's intention to deliver his widely debunked presentation with spiritual overtones, a move that will shock most hard-headed empirical scientists.

“I’ve done a Christian [-based] training program; I have a Muslim training program and a Jewish training program coming up, also a Hindu program coming up. I trained 200 Christian ministers and lay leaders here in Nashville in a version of the slide show that is filled with scriptural references. It’s probably my favorite version, but I don’t use it very often because it can come off as proselytizing,” Gore tells Newsweek.

In a new book Gore has been working on, he attempts to address the rapidly growing skepticism towards global warming alarmism not with science, but by blaming people's own thoughts, a Kafkaesque cop-out if ever there was one.

According to the book’s press release, "Among the most unique approaches Gore takes in the book is showing readers how our own minds can be an impediment to change."

"Our own minds are the enemy! Don’t free the minds – imprison them!," scoffs Tim Blair.

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Comment by Alastair Carnegie on November 7, 2009 at 8:28am
When our planet warms, more CO2 is produced. Gore's crackpot theory is back-to-front. The sun is the cause of global warming, doubtless Gore will find a way to tax sunlight and make a huge windfall profit from it.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on November 6, 2009 at 7:45pm
[Psychotic Nutcase Fluoride Head] I'VE GOT A BREAKTHOUGH IDEA TO SOLVE GLOBAL WARMING!! We can solve all our problems, use all the worlds nukes and kill the biggest Co2 polluter the OCEANS!! Lets evaporate the oceans to save the polar bears YEAH!!! Even if we all die its worth it guys LETS NUKE THE OCEANS!!!

Anyone who believes that we are the cause of any temperature change on the planet needs to take his or her mouse cord and wrap it around your neck and jump from your chair (and lay there for 5min or until you blackout) I mean you'll be saving the earth from your Co2 pollution if you die, it only makes sense for you to do so right?? You wouldn't want to anger the Co2 gods further by continuing to breathe!!!
Comment by PatsyAnne on November 6, 2009 at 7:09pm
How We honor A Fallen Soldier Down In Dixie:

"With all the doom and gloom in the news about our great country going
downhill fast, watching this will not only bring tears to your eyes but
should restore your hope for our future. There is a silent majority of
true patriots out there, and we won't give up on our freedom. God bless
the families of those who gave all, and God bless America .

"Killed in action the week before, the body of Sergeant First Class John
C. Beale was returned to Falcon Field in Peachtree City , Georgia , just
south of Atlanta , on June 11, 2009. The Henry County Police Department
escorted the procession to the funeral home in McDonough , Georgia . A
simple notice in local papers indicated the road route to be taken and
the approximate time. Nowadays one can be led to believe that America no
longer respects honor and no longer honors sacrifice outside the
military. Be it known that there are many places in this land where
people still recognize the courage and impact of total self-sacrifice.
Georgia remains one of those graceful places. The link below is a short
travelogue of that day's remarkable and painful journey."

Comment by fireguy on November 5, 2009 at 7:02pm
Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman

If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.

Don't ask me what I want it for
If you don't want to pay some more
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman
And you're working for no one but me.
Comment by amdarvon on November 5, 2009 at 6:23pm
The first time I looked at the CO2 question, I just laughed. Now I am crying. The more we have, the better for the plants. There is no other question. We need to learn.
Comment by Freedomrox on November 5, 2009 at 3:41am
Response to Geomatic,

I feel compelled to respond to your post, and please do not think that I am picking on you. I am not. Unfortunately, you are the one who wrote this inane and very inaccurate statement,

"The thing with CO2 is that there is a balance that needs to be maintained, a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere does lead to global warming it is simple chemistry."

In simple chemistry and in even simpler biology, as well as botany, then the above statement must be taken at face value and determined due to the "simple" science.

Simplistically, the Sun shines upon carbon based soil, in an atmosphere of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, (i.e. Earth), then causes the elements to combine, thereby producing genomes which become plants, and seedlings, seed, to plants again. It does this cycle in a seasonal pattern. In order for the plants to grow, they must have various forms of radiation. Only the Sun may provide the visible and invisible forms of radiation needed for plant life to thrive. The atmosphere, mentioned earlier, consisiting of many layers, including the mesosphere, ionosphere, troposphere, etc. help to filter out any and all harmful radiation which may harm plant-life on planet Earth.

That being "simply" understood, then please direct all attention to the next statements, (which can be scientifically verified), and that is;

Carbon, Oxygen 2Molecules, (CO2), is a byproduct of all living organisms. ALL LIVING ORGANISMS. Plants are the collectors and Feeders on CO2, and in turn SCRUB the intake CO2 and convert it into pure oxygen, which then co-mingles with the Hydrogen, Methane, et al, and are added to the atmosphere by all sorts of natural phenomena, such as volcanoes, geysers, natural seabed emissions, etc.

Now this is MOST IMPORTANT. CO2 is not a protagonist which causes global warming, it is a BY-PRODUCT of natural climate change.

Read that one statement over and over and over, and you will begin to see the true fraud being perpetrated upon the dumbed-down populace once known as the greatest educated minds on earth, once called the USA. Our schools have truly created a generation of mindless autonomatons lacking a single critical thinking cell that can reason out the simplisitic, (although complicated interwoven tapestry), of life on this planet. Common sense seems to be dead among us.

If I were a sentient planet, then I would believe that there is a fungus among us.

{Lord how I've waited to be able to use that phrase}

Now, truly, no one wants a polluted planet, and I am one of the most active of the proponents of cleaning up the mess this and previous generations have left upon our homeworld. Pollution kills more people per day than any made up H1N1 pandemic that will never be. But, that is not the focus of "Saint Al of the Gore". His and ObamaRama's goals are the same goals of the elitists, and just as simply their tools crafted to carry out their wishes, which is the total merging of Corporations with governments and unifying them one and all into a multi-national conglomerate known as the One World Government.

Once this task is accomplished, then mass de-population would naturally occur and save all those poor corporations from having to spend billions to add scrubbers to their coal-burning smokestacks, and billions more to add holding tanks to detox their chemicals before released into every river and ocean on earth. See, in their twisted minds, "We The People" are the pollution and they know that once most of us are gone, then the planet will be able to self correct all of the damages inflicted upon it by these mass-murdering pedophilic, freakshows known as the Globalist's.

Just read David Rockefeller's own books to know where you stand, cattle and sheople.

I apologize, as I have digressed. The main point I wanted to make is that CO2 production is just that. It is naturally produced on a massive scale every single day, and far in excess of what humanity can possibly pump out into the atmosphere. The balance is always kept to keep the Earth going because it is a self correcting system. Whether by sublimation or extremes, this is the way it has always been and will always be. Earth will be fine. Now, that aside, keep in mind that if the pollution of our air, water, and land continue unabated on a grand scale by the very large corporations, and are abetted by the Cap and Trade Tax that allows the very polluter's that all rail against to continue their extreme perversion of toxic genocide, then do not be surprised if one of Earth's "corrections" will not be to allow all animal life to perish of their own excesses.

Just thought I would correct that "simple" chemistry lesson, with a healthy dose of common sense, chemistry, biology, meteorolgy, biology, and.....just a dash of wisdom.

Peace be to all.
Comment by Marklar on November 5, 2009 at 12:51am
Then there is the blatant manipulation of data and transpanrent scare tactics.

Greenpeace Leader Admits Organization Put Out Fake Global Warming Data

BBC Interviewer calls claim that Arctic ice would disappear by 2030 “misleading information” and using “exaggeration and alarmism”

Greenpeace Leader Admits Organization Put Out Fake Global Warming Data 200809top

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Greenpeace leader Gerd Leipold has been forced to admit that his organization issued misleading and exaggerated information when it claimed that Arctic ice would disappear completely by 2030, in a crushing blow for the man-made global warming movement.

In an interview with the BBC’s Stephen Sackur on the “Hardtalk” program, Leipold initially attempted to evade the question but was ultimately forced to admit that Greenpeace had made a “mistake” when it said Arctic ice would disappear completely in 20 years.

The claim stems from a July 15 Greenpeace press release entitled “Urgent Action Needed As Arctic Ice Melts,” in which it is stated that global warming will lead to an ice-free Arctic by 2030.

Sackur accused Leipold and Greenpeace of releasing “misleading information” based on “exaggeration and alarmism,” pointing out that it was “preposterous” to claim that the Greenland ice sheet, a mass of 1.6 million square kilometers with a thickness of 3 km in the middle that has survived much warmer periods in history, would completely melt when it had stood firm for hundreds of thousands of years.

“There is no way that ice sheet is going to disappear,” said Sackur.

“I don’t think it will be melting by 2030. … That may have been a mistake,” Leipold was eventually forced to admit.

However, Leipold made no apologies for Greenpeace’s tactic of “emotionalizing issues” as a means of trying to get the public to accept its stance on global warming.

He also argued that economic growth in the United States and around the world should be suppressed and that overpopulation and high standards of living should be combated because of the perceived damage they were doing to the environment, eugenicist rhetoric which will be familiar to our readers and anyone who has watched Alex Jones’ Endgame documentary.


Greenpeace Leader Admits Organization Put Out Fake Global Warming Data 150709banner2

As the Watts Up With That blog highlights, “Leipold’s admission that Greenpeace issued misleading information is a major embarrassment to the organization, which often has been accused of alarmism but has always insisted that it applies full scientific rigor in its global-warming pronouncements.”

Similar claims that the north pole will be “ice free” crop up almost every summer yet are routinely disproved.

Indeed, it was discovered that during August 2007 to August 2008, Arctic ice had in fact grown by around 30 per cent, an area equivalent to the size of Germany.

A new peer reviewed study has also discovered, “Total annual precipitation in Greenland ice sheet for 1958-2007 to be up to 24% and surface mass balance up to 63% higher than previously thought.”

As we reported last year, climate scientists allied with the UN IPCC were also caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating, in another shocking example of mass public deception.

In November 2008, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, announced that the previous month had been the hottest October on record. It later emerged that the data produced by NASA to make the claim, and in particular temperature records covering large areas of Russia, was merely carried over from the previous month. NASA had used temperature records from the naturally hotter month of September and claimed they represented temperature figures in October.

Watch a clip from the Sackur- Leipold interview below.

If you get your science from serial liars the results will be much the same as your appendectomy from my janitor friend,
Comment by Marklar on November 5, 2009 at 12:39am
Okay Geoff here's the real facts, I have thirty fone thousand scientists to your thousand or so, so the consensus is quite clearly that man made global warming is bullshit. The reason you only have a thousand or so is that most of the Membership in your little UN club was never consulted about signing on to the IPCCs interperetation of the piss poor data and disagree fully or in part with the IPCCs declarations. The IPCC members who did the interpreting of course are mostly NON-SCIENTISTS so they don't really count anyway unless you think it's a wise idea to take scientific advice from someone who majored in poli-sci or business. If so I know a janitor that can remove your appendix really cheap should the need ever arise.

These thirty one thousand plus scientists have the following credentials:

Qualifications of Signers

Signatories are approved for inclusion in the Petition Project list if they have obtained formal educational degrees at the level of Bachelor of Science or higher in appropriate scientific fields. The petition has been circulated only in the United States.

The current list of petition signers includes 9,029 PhD; 7,153 MS; 2,585 MD and DVM; and 12,711 BS or equivalent academic degrees. Most of the MD and DVM signers also have underlying degrees in basic science.

All of the listed signers have formal educations in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data related to the petition statement. Many of the signers currently work in climatological, meteorological, atmospheric, environmental, geophysical, astronomical, and biological fields directly involved in the climate change controversy.

The Petition Project classifies petition signers on the basis of their formal academic training, as summarized below. Scientists often pursue specialized fields of endeavor that are different from their formal education, but their underlying training can be applied to any scientific field in which they become interested.

Outlined below are the numbers of Petition Project signatories, subdivided by educational specialties. These have been combined, as indicated, into seven categories.

1. Atmospheric, environmental, and Earth sciences includes 3,803 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth and the past and current phenomena that affect that environment.

2. Computer and mathematical sciences includes 935 scientists trained in computer and mathematical methods. Since the human-caused global warming hypothesis rests entirely upon mathematical computer projections and not upon experimental observations, these sciences are especially important in evaluating this hypothesis.

3. Physics and aerospace sciences include 5,810 scientists trained in the fundamental physical and molecular properties of gases, liquids, and solids, which are essential to understanding the physical properties of the atmosphere and Earth.

4. Chemistry includes 4,818 scientists trained in the molecular interactions and behaviors of the substances of which the atmosphere and Earth are composed.

5. Biology and agriculture includes 2,964 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of living things on the Earth.

6. Medicine includes 3,046 scientists trained in the functional and environmental requirements of human beings on the Earth.

7. Engineering and general science includes 10,102 scientists trained primarily in the many engineering specialties required to maintain modern civilization and the prosperity required for all human actions, including environmental programs.

The following outline gives a more detailed analysis of the signers' educations.

Atmosphere, Earth, & Environment (3,803)

1. Atmosphere (578)

I) Atmospheric Science (113)
II) Climatology (39)
III) Meteorology (341)
IV) Astronomy (59)
V) Astrophysics (26)

2. Earth (2,240)

I) Earth Science (94)
II) Geochemistry (63)
III) Geology (1,684)
IV) Geophysics (341)
V) Geoscience (36)
VI) Hydrology (22)

3. Environment (985)

I) Environmental Engineering (486)
II) Environmental Science (253)
III) Forestry (163)
IV) Oceanography (83)

Computers & Math (935)

1. Computer Science (242)

2. Math (693)

I) Mathematics (581)
II) Statistics (112)

Physics & Aerospace (5,810)

1. Physics (5,223)

I) Physics (2,365)
II) Nuclear Engineering (223)
III) Mechanical Engineering (2,635)

2. Aerospace Engineering (587)

Chemistry (4,818)

1. Chemistry (3,126)

2. Chemical Engineering (1,692)

Biochemistry, Biology, & Agriculture (2,964)

1. Biochemistry (744)

I) Biochemistry (676)
II) Biophysics (68)

2. Biology (1,437)

I) Biology (1,048)
II) Ecology (76)
III) Entomology (59)
IV) Zoology (149)
V) Animal Science (105)

3. Agriculture (783)

I) Agricultural Science (296)
II) Agricultural Engineering (114)
III) Plant Science (292)
IV) Food Science (81)

Medicine (3,046)

1. Medical Science (719)

2. Medicine (2,327)

General Engineering & General Science (10,102)

1. General Engineering (9,833)

I) Engineering (7,280)
II) Electrical Engineering (2,169)
III) Metallurgy (384)

2. General Science (269)

So you see the scientific consensus really is overwhelming, just not on the side of the coin you have been told.
Comment by John1313 on November 4, 2009 at 4:46pm
It's called the Sun Justin
Comment by John1313 on November 4, 2009 at 4:45pm
Cap and Trade brought to you by the same man that sold us on NAFTA It was going to be good for our economy remember?

"Destroying the New World Order"



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