They've really sold out. Look at this picture:

INFOWARS is siding with the PIGS!  How predictable, at this point.   Fuck INFOWARS.  Look at that...they just called Mumia Abu-Jamal a "cop killer."  They actually believe and promote the false story!  5 minutes of research and they'd know Mumia was framed by crooked pigs for the 1981 murder of Daniel Faulkner, and was subsequently thrown in prison for life for a murder he didn't commit.   Paul Joseph Watson (sellout) is calling the Dallas protesters "thugs who taunt the cops."  He's expecting his audience to be outraged that Black Lives Matter people were celebrating the sniper attacks.   I'm WHITE, and I was celebrating!   Watson, though, excoriates the Black Lives Matter movement, and says that the sentiment "the only good pig is a dead pig" is shameful and bad, and not what a decent human should be feeling.  At this point, Black Lives Matter are the only ones who are saying anything sane!   So what if George Soros originally funded it with seed money during the Ferguson riots.  That doesn't mean that it remains under his control.  If a group of human beings, regardless of race --- who want justice, and who want to remove evil psychopathic rampaging murdering scumbag pigs from our nation, by the only means possible at this point -- are labeled "a terrorist cult" by both the Mainstream Media, and Sell-Out INFOWARS, then they must be doing something right.   If you watched the videos of Philandro Castile and Alton Sterling getting murdered by the pigs, and you didn't have your hands balled into fists and a face red with rage at the end of watching them, you are not human.   There is no such thing as an "innocent police officer." Taking the oath to become a police officer means taking an oath to commit crimes against humanity.  It means joining the Satanic Cult of Statism.  How much longer will the American people allow police to brutalize, rob, rape, and murder us at will?   I agree with Mumia Abu-Jamal.  We, the People, are at war with law enforcement, and we have been at war with law enforcement since the murder of JFK and the beginning of the Vietnam War.  It's about time we stopped ignoring it.

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Comment by truth on July 14, 2016 at 11:14am

The info-blowhard wants to be the next fox news host -bowing to the fake right and their treasonous Zionist handlers

Comment by Anti Everything on July 9, 2016 at 7:10am

Infowars is controlled opposition, Jones a ranting sociopath. I thought everyone already knew this.

Comment by Darrell Rowlands on July 9, 2016 at 5:09am

OK ---  serious mindfuck here....

I and many others have been played for a FOOL!

The Philando Castile shooting in Minnesota looks more and more to be a psychological operation / dark masonic ritual sacrifice; the more I look at it, the more it stinks to high heaven!


Check out this interview on CNN:

Clarence Castile, the uncle of Philando Castile, was interviewed on CNN along with Philando's mother Valerie.  At 22:22 of the interview, right at the end, Philando's uncle Clarence, wearing his Masonic pin on his lapel, says the following:

"I'd like to say just one thing.  O Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's son?  We'll have to hang on by the strong grip of the lion's paw."  

According to this site, click here, Clarence is a District Deputy Grand Master Mason in his jurisdiction.  So he is calling on his Masonic brothers for help, in distress.

There are a lot of researchers who are pointing out that Clarence Castile's intials "CC" represents a numerological "33."  Also note that he and Valerie were interviewed on CNN, whose logo is also a "33" when turned sideways, so this may also be significant.  The interview was conducted early in the morning, 6AM eastern I think, have it during the rising sun...the morning star...


One day after her boyfriend is killed, Diamond Reynolds is already wearing a "RIP Philando" shirt, and being interviewed by ABC News, and...she is CRYING OVER THE DEAD POLICE OFFICERS IN DALLAS?!?!?!

Comment by Darrell Rowlands on July 8, 2016 at 9:57pm

at the 6:14 mark of this video:

"I'm a hundred percent behind due process, and local government, and thus...the police." - Alex Jones, SELLOUT

"Destroying the New World Order"



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