Darrell Rowlands's Blog (52)

Is WHR down?

I tried Michael Rivero's site whatreallyhappened.com and it said Page Not Found...

Added by Darrell Rowlands on February 27, 2019 at 8:35am — 3 Comments

The Demise of the 911truth movement

It is so sad when you really know the background after years of independent study and reading, and you expect that others who call themselves awake do too, but they don't; they have half-ass knowledge, lackluster research, and very limited knowledge of the Self; they still believe many false things or see things through a false paradigm.

That wasn't true of the movement in its early years. People were walking encyclopedias of sept 11th facts. We knew enough to confront the elite's… Continue

Added by Darrell Rowlands on September 11, 2018 at 6:40pm — 1 Comment

Another Hoax. LA Trader Joe's.

These videos should be all you need.   

In this first one, at the 4 minute mark, the CNN reporter interviewing crisis actor Sean Gerace notes that Gerace is remarkably calm, cool, and with it, despite supposedly witnessing a shooting less than an hour earlier.  Gerace talks like a cop, using phrases like "I just knew it was an active shooter situation."  

Another crisis actor named Dan Zeto is interviewed by the CBS affiliate, at the 2:35 minute mark of the second video.  Zeto…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on July 22, 2018 at 3:22pm — 4 Comments

Against The Evil American Flag

Mike Adams of Natural News said, in his essay entitled "I Miss America":

"I miss the America where you could fly the American flag from your own apartment balcony without being cited and threatened by the property manager."


While I respect much of Mike Adams' work on exposing the poisoning of our food…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on May 27, 2018 at 6:58pm — 3 Comments

Sick of the "flat Earth" nonsense pervading the movement.

I blame Eric Dubay most of all for this.  This "flat Earth" nonsense has soooo many people fooled.  It's a psy-op, designed to make truthers look ridiculous, and it's also designed to marginalize any genuine research into the fake moon landings, which we know are fake.  It is so pernicious, and it seems to appeal mostly to die-hard Christians who believe in a "firmament of the sky."

Flat Earthers cannot explain why the sky changes color to shades of yellow, orange and red at dawn and…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on October 25, 2017 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

Another Hoax Shooting - Spokane WA


Watch the two videos (hurry, it will disappear soon)

1st video: at the 1:25 mark you see a crisis actress named Elisa Vigil.  She is SMILING as she says:  I saw him, and he was just going, he was completely passive, he was just shooting."



Added by Darrell Rowlands on September 14, 2017 at 12:02am — 1 Comment

Ken Livingstone Tells Truth About Hitler's Collaboration with Zionists in 1930s


Red Ken claims Hitler 'collaborated' with Zionists before the Second World War as he faces expulsion from Labour 

  • Ken Livingstone is facing Labour misconduct hearing in Westminster today
  • Could…

Added by Darrell Rowlands on March 31, 2017 at 2:51am — 1 Comment

Infowars Really Sucks

They've really sold out. Look at this picture:

INFOWARS is siding with the PIGS!  How predictable, at this point.   Fuck INFOWARS.  Look at that...they just called Mumia Abu-Jamal a "cop killer."  They actually believe and promote the false story!  5 minutes of research and they'd know Mumia was framed by crooked pigs for the 1981 murder of Daniel Faulkner, and was subsequently thrown…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on July 8, 2016 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Oxymoron Day - July 4th

NYPD: Expect Tight Security, DWI Patrols, Illegal Fireworks Seizures on July 4th Weekend

New Yorkers will see heavy police presence across the city over the holiday weekend, many in helmets and vests and armed with long guns, officials say. 

A new critical response team, specially trained K9s…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on July 4, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments

FBI Tells Teachers To Inform On Students Who Have "Anti-Government" Beliefs

This Daily Mail article is straight out of George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four. I thought it would be best if I translated it to Newspeak:

Thinkpol dayorder Outer Party upsub BB on student 'doubleplus ungoodthink'; miniEd deemed 'ideal target' for Eurasian…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on March 11, 2016 at 4:59am — 1 Comment

17 year old "kills himself" in front of mom in police station parking lot?



Teen murder suspect kills self as mother turns him in…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on February 22, 2016 at 11:01pm — 1 Comment

is David Bowie dead?


But the Daily Mail's top headline right now says "Breaking news : David Bowie, 69, dies after 18 month secret battle with cancer"

Added by Darrell Rowlands on January 11, 2016 at 2:21am — 13 Comments

CERN opens an interdimensional portal over Geneva, Switzerland

What IS going on over the Large Hadron Collider? US tourists claim to have filmed mysterious vortex of clouds and UFO orb of light flying into it above Swiss facility  (DAILY MAIL)

  • Clip shows clouds swirling in the sky above the nuclear research…

Added by Darrell Rowlands on January 7, 2016 at 9:35pm — No Comments

Oregon Shooting is yet another FAKE!

Umpqua Lumpqua, Doopity Doo, We've Got Another Fake Shooting For You

1. The student's cellphones were all confiscated.

2. One of the supposed "students" was "too upset to tell her story personally, but her father, Pastor Randy Scroggins of the New Beginnings…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on October 3, 2015 at 11:45pm — 2 Comments

Virginia Shooting is FAKE through and through

1: The bullets were blanks.   I've watched this shooting from both POV's dozens of times. Allison Parker (what was up with that black bracelet around her leg?) was shot five times in the neck, chest, torso, and shoulder area.  She jittered and jerked a little, for effect, and opened her mouth and tried to look as terrified as possible, but if those had been real bullets, at that close range, there would have been instant blood, visible holes in her clothing, she would have been knocked back,…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on August 27, 2015 at 4:57pm — 13 Comments

CNN Legal Analyst: "Were Cops Out Of Line In Trooper-Killing Arrest?"


(CNN) -- When police arrested Eric Frein, accused in the death of a Pennsylvania state trooper, they symbolically used the equipment of their fallen brother, Cpl. Bryon Dickson, to take Frein into custody.…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on November 1, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

It's like playing the losing side of a chess game, a few moves before checkmate, knowing it really doesn't matter what move you make anymore.   Nothing good has happened in years.   No new innovation…

It's like playing the losing side of a chess game, a few moves before checkmate, knowing it really doesn't matter what move you make anymore.   Nothing good has happened in years.   No new innovations or ideas have come forth from human consciousness in years.  For really the last hundred years, mankind has been on the wrong track.  The banking cartels sealed our fate with the Federal Reserve Act, 101 years ago.  No event that has transpired since that moment should have ever occurred.  The…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on October 24, 2014 at 7:18pm — No Comments

Washington School Shooting = Manufacturing Consent for I-594

So here you have the shooter identified as Jaylen Fryberg, a high school freshman at Marysville-Pilchuck High School.  He's depicted as a member of the Tulalip Native American Tribe, a popular student, a homecoming prince, and a football player, and a hunting enthusiast.  Does not look at all like a person ready to commit homicide / suicide.  As always, the question should be: Were SSRI's involved?  No info as of yet.…


Added by Darrell Rowlands on October 24, 2014 at 6:49pm — 6 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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