It is so sad when you really know the background after years of independent study and reading, and you expect that others who call themselves awake do too, but they don't; they have half-ass knowledge, lackluster research, and very limited knowledge of the Self; they still believe many false things or see things through a false paradigm.

That wasn't true of the movement in its early years. People were walking encyclopedias of sept 11th facts. We knew enough to confront the elite's minions. But so much time passed that important names (like Jack Abramoff for example) have completely gone back into the shadows.

It's like the whole movement has been on pause since 2012. Absolutely nothing new has come out since Judy Wood.

The fake shootings; some of us like me turned to working on exposing them , but 911truth just has been on hiatus and I blame Alex Jones a lot for that.

How were we to pass out information anymore, which had been neatly compiled and organized by Infowars staff in its early years, now that Infowars has become totally compromised?

By the time of Trump's nomination, there simply wasn't a real truth movement anymore.

And the apathy has increased bigtime! Even though the tyranny has not stopped one bit!

Did we all just forget that Walmarts all over are going to be Fema camps? Did we all forget that there are plastic coffins ready for us? Did we all forget about all the military surplus going to the pigs? Did we all just stop caring that we can't fly anywhere anymore without choosing radiation vs. molestation?

It's fucking maddening!

And all of this could be stopped TOMORROW, if the LIE of 9/11 could be exposed nationwide.

Alas, it is not to be. As Hitler said, "History is determined by the winners." They have won, and we, despite all our efforts, marches, street actions, confrontations, videos, posts, tweets, flyering, and dedication, have lost. We are the Jedi and we are in exile; the Emperor is laughing and cackling. All we can do is get ourselves in order and educate the next generation so they can resume our work.

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Comment by DTOM on September 11, 2018 at 8:12pm

The lessons learned from all this, is that (((THEY))) will infiltrate, co-opt and poison every grassroots organization or movement with the intention of exposing the truth of our world.

Having done that, the goal is to now lockdown the internet completely.

Any unity among the American people in the post 9/11 years started to collapse the moment Americans rejected Ron Paul, and chose to virtue signal for Barry Sotero when he magically appeared on the scene with his nebulous promises and lies.

Suddenly all of the odious and tyrannical foreign and domestic policy that Bush and Co were pulling was seemingly totally acceptable to Obama supporters, under his regime.

The Obama era provided the plot (pun intended) to plant the seeds for all of the moonbat-shit crazy things that have now grown and born foul, poisoned fruit - as we find ourselves in a literal Clown World.

I now truly believe that the key to exposing everything lies with one group of Americans, the military.

Both retired and serving military need to be made aware of the event of the USS Liberty - and they need to hear it from the survivors themselves.

Although the 'Erasing The Liberty' project may be the way to reach an audience -

From that, they can be introduced to the events of 9/11 - again military will listen to military - and individuals such as Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan, US Marine Corps veteran, a Vietnam veteran, a graduate of the US Army War College & a Director of Studies at the US Army War College for over 5 years.

Its no co-incidence that Obama began a purge of the military.

That all said - maybe it's too late.

I truly hope not

That quote is erroneously attributed to both Adolph Hitler AND Winston Churchill - among others, including Mark Twain, who actually wrote - 'The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.'

It has even has also been attributed to an article supposedly penned by George Orwell in 1944 - “History is written by the victors” published in the Tribune newspaper but it in fact it was added by an Editor called Alexander S. Peak.

In 1946, Indian Independence activist and politician Jawaharlal Nehru, wrote in his publication ‘The Discovery of India’. : History is almost always written by the victors and conquerors and gives their view. Or, at any rate, the victors' version is given prominence and holds the field.’

Churchill didn't even say 'History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.'  - he did say 'For my part, I consider that it will be found much better by all Parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history.' - Source:  Speech in the House of Commons (January 23, 1948); Cited in The Yale Book of Quotations (2006), ed. Fred R. Shapiro, Yale University Press, p. 154

Hitler, however, was quoted as stating - 'The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.' - Source: 'Hitler's Letters and Notes' - Werner Maser (Editor), Arnold Pomerans (Translator)

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