These videos should be all you need.   

In this first one, at the 4 minute mark, the CNN reporter interviewing crisis actor Sean Gerace notes that Gerace is remarkably calm, cool, and with it, despite supposedly witnessing a shooting less than an hour earlier.  Gerace talks like a cop, using phrases like "I just knew it was an active shooter situation."  

Another crisis actor named Dan Zeto is interviewed by the CBS affiliate, at the 2:35 minute mark of the second video.  Zeto says he talked with some other customer who said his kids were inside the store.  Who leaves their kids inside a store?

  Okay.   According to the official story, the suspect shot his grandmother SEVEN times.   But the grandmother is alive and had emergency surgery and is in stable condition (!) Then shot his girlfriend, too.  Then crashes into a pole, while being chased by police, but keeps going on three wheels till he can't go anymore, then exchanges fire with police and then runs right past a security guard and into the store, and somehow gains control of the automatic doors and locks them all in.  Uh-huh.  And of course the store employees immediately go in to action, they've already got not only a plan, but also a backup plan, which involved a LADDER.   Then some lady named Melyda Corado supposedly dies, in the store.   Already she has a GoFundMe.   Then it emerges that during "hostage negotiation" the suspect asked for handcuffs, and cuffed himself.  Yeah.  Riiiight.  And then the LA Mayor, Eric Garcetti, who says he wants to run for President in 2020, and whose mother is Jewish, immediately holds a press conference only a couple hours afterward.  There are still helicopters hovering overhead, the investigation is still ongoing, but he's gotta have a press conference.  With that same stupid smile he wears when talking to Seth Meyers on late night TV.    The acting in this hoax event is like what you'd expect from a bad movie that you'd see late at night in the late 1980s.   It's just beyond absurd.   But look at the comments in the above two videos.   Almost no one commenting recognizes that this is utter nonsense and a fake story.   They all seem to accept it as fact without any question whatsoever.    

The third video is the press conference.  Then the fourth video shows the suspect's home, and curiously enough, a young black girl is dancing right on camera, on the neighbor's porch, at a crime scene.  

Views: 336


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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 24, 2018 at 7:02pm
Comment by Sweettina2 on July 24, 2018 at 3:34pm

Fackin shyte.  Everything is a "terrorist situation", the presstitute all on script, looking for the next hero. Thanks, sharing. Great analysis!

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 22, 2018 at 4:08pm

Trader Joe's = yummy banana chips

Oh yeah.....possible setup fer shure, although false flags usually go huge...w/ AR-15's as the star weapon...and with more than 1 alleged fatality 

....I personally think it was just another LaLa land Tweaker, ran outta chit in Nevereverland....only those faks shoot their own grandmother

LOL, in 3rd vid, "The Presstitute Propaganda Parade" one , Future Hopeful DumbocRAT Presidential Nominee Gas 'em Garcetti says @ 2:26 about the one fatality,

"She was pronounced here, on site"


Comment by Boris on July 22, 2018 at 3:32pm

fake, in movie country, yep real possible

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