Mike Adams of Natural News said, in his essay entitled "I Miss America":

"I miss the America where you could fly the American flag from your own apartment balcony without being cited and threatened by the property manager."


While I respect much of Mike Adams' work on exposing the poisoning of our food supply, I profoundly disagree with any so-called patriots who complain about supposedly losing their right to wave the American flag.  These complaints reek of ignorance. No one has lost the right to display the American flag.  It just does not mean what most people think it means.  That flag is nothing to be proud of.  Anyone who still believes that people in the 20th century died for that flag is forever lost.  That flag DOES NOT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE.  That flag is the flag of the ENEMY, you jackasses!  The only flags that true patriots ought to be flying are the Gadsden Flag, the Join or Die Flag, or the 3 Percent Flag.  The American Flag, with the 50 stars and 13 stripes, is the flag of the ENEMY of all humanity!  It should be BURNED, not saluted, flown, folded in a triangle, or even turned upside down!  This nation is not in distress.  We can't say that anymore.   We're well past that.  It's evil, and its flag does not stand for liberty, opportunity, or entrepreneurship; it stands for continuous war and continuous looting of individuals by evil corporations.   It does not stand for common law, but admiralty / commerce / maritime law.  Ask anyone in the Middle East if they like seeing any building, sign, vehicle, or uniform that is displaying the American flag.  They probably run in terror!  I hate this country. This is not America.  There is no America anymore.  No one alive today can "miss" or "remember" a time when the American flag stood for anything but evil.   I am absolutely ashamed and infuriated to be an American.  I hate anyone who has joined the military or police.  I hate anyone involved in the criminal justice system.  In fact, I hate anyone whose job requires them to display the American flag in their office, uniform, vehicle, or on their person.  That includes all lawyers, judges, bail bondsmen, probation officers, correction officers, government employees, bank employees, scout masters, schoolteachers, Olympic athletes, NASCAR drivers, car dealers, biker gang members, and politicians.  Anyone displaying that flag is evil, and their ignorance is no longer an excuse.  If you fly that flag, you are identifying with the enemy, and you might as well be flying the Nazi flag.  It stands for the same thing. 

I pledge no allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  The republic for which it used to stand has not existed since 1868.  It is not a nation but a corporate slave colony, and is inherently evil.  Instead I pledge allegiance only to Truth and to Natural Law which can never be destroyed.

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 24, 2018 at 7:08pm

Springsteins a goddamn leftistt libtard j00boy, fak that phony Ahole....

Comment by Burbia on May 27, 2018 at 9:08pm
Comment by Purewords on February 24, 2015 at 7:20pm

I admire your aggressive stance against worshiping false symbols and ideologies that are a result of social programming and straight up mind control.  You also sound incredibly sexy... you should definitely get in touch with me this evening.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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