It's like playing the losing side of a chess game, a few moves before checkmate, knowing it really doesn't matter what move you make anymore.   Nothing good has happened in years.   No new innovation…

It's like playing the losing side of a chess game, a few moves before checkmate, knowing it really doesn't matter what move you make anymore.   Nothing good has happened in years.   No new innovations or ideas have come forth from human consciousness in years.  For really the last hundred years, mankind has been on the wrong track.  The banking cartels sealed our fate with the Federal Reserve Act, 101 years ago.  No event that has transpired since that moment should have ever occurred.  The World Wars, the bankruptcy of the United States, the income tax, the suppression of the inventions of Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich, the creation of atomic weapons, the intentional poisoning of water supplies, the implementation of the Prussian school system of outcome-based education, the creation of Social Security, the intentional creation of bioweapons at Fort Detrick and Plum Island, the creation of the false science of psychiatry and all its false disorders, the creation of vaccines, the murder of John F. Kennedy, the creation of NATO, the creation of the United Nations, the creation of the state of Israel, the creation of the FBI, CIA, DEA, and the NSA, the weaponization of weather through microwave technology, the endless imperial plundering of Central Asian and African nations for oil and drugs through espionage, blackmail and outright war, the hyper-militarization of the police around the world, the spraying of barium and aluminum nanoparticles into the stratosphere, the genetic modification of corn, soybeans, and cottonseeds, the tyranny of the insurance industry, the endless tracking and tracing of all purchases and commodities, the mergers of all mainstream media into only six huge corporations, the commercialization of music and art, the sexualization of children, the glamourization of solipsism and anti-intellectualism, the intentional sabotage on BP's Deepwater Horizon and the toxic chemical Corexit being used in the cleanup, the intentional destruction of Japan's Fukushima reactors, the false flag attacks of the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty, the USS Cole, the Lockerbie bombing, Oklahoma City, Columbine, 9/11, 7/7, Aurora, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, and all the freedoms humanity has subsequently lost with all the preceding events being used as justification or pretext, and worst of all, the bulk of humanity's refusal to investigate and expose the lies and corruption in front of their faces every single day.  This entire planet is out of control.  None of this should have happened.    

What should have happened a century ago?  I'd start with the idea that Tesla's vision for free energy for the world should have been embraced and brought to fruition by all.  And there should have been a manhunt for all attendees of the meeting at Jekyll Island.  These men should have been brought to trial for treason and conspiracy to commit massive financial fraud and mass murder.  The World Wars never should have happened.  It was these bankers that brought it about.  Crude oil should have been left in the Earth undisturbed. Energy would be free and inexhaustible, powered by the sun and the planet's magnetic field.  Computers and cellphones could have been invented by the 1940s.  Cancer and autism would have been prevented from existing, because there would be no vaccines.  It would be understood that vaccines were detrimental to human health and had the opposite effect of eliminating disease, and they would be banned.  Education would be so accessible that schools would no longer be necessary.  The economy would be resource-based, as described in the Zeitgeist films, bartering with the Earth in harmony with nature.  Psychopathy would be well understood, and the 6 percent of the population who are psychopaths would be quarantined. 

Another world was possible, at least until about 1996. 

I don't know about now.  I think after that year, 1996, things got irreversibly bad. In that year alone, they changed the diagnostics on cars to the new OBD-II system, the FCC merged all mainstream media into 6 corporations, the Federal Reserve began changing the appearance of the money, all the banks began merging in preparation for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act that would come three years later, and the Project for a New American Century think tank came into being and wrote their document called "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."

Lots of times when I think about it, I just sigh and go, "we're doomed."  The psychopaths are just so powerful, and the ignorance is so rampant and so severe, and the education system and all the SSRI drugs have rendered over half the population lifelong sheeple, incapable of waking up to the level of consciousness needed to bring this horrible system down.  I really hope I'm wrong.  Thanks for listening to my rant.

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