Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature

 A rare example of Truth Escape.  and where have the fact checkers gone? m.i.a./ g.n.a This slaughter has been going on for some time. May everyone in on it all go to hell for there evil.

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Comment by cheeki kea on September 21, 2023 at 1:43am

Another rare item regarding the SBS saga turned up on a local leftist type outlet a couple of months back which shocked me coming from them after all this time but it is good to see those tiny few braver ones put on the armour of truth in this hostile environment of cancel culture and lies probably to the detriment of there wellbeing and success forever on. But better late than never. 

Comment by cheeki kea on September 20, 2023 at 11:48pm

Point of the day steve you are on to it. The "lucky" parents will have the untimely death of their young one determined and recorded as SIDS, the "unlucky" parents of an infant that dies will be saddled with the horrendous Crime of "Shaken Baby Syndrome " and very likely serve jail time ~ Not a medical diagnosis but rather a made up name to describe a made up crime to cover explanation of the noticeable death fall out. The "crime" of SBS has declined over the past decade ~to show that the cost of employing "Social Workers" at hospitals is money well spent. This ruse works well as THEY decide what the "diagnosis" will be, medical or criminal. However the deaths continue so a new name is now given to it ~  Abusive Head Trauma. They had no choice but to dream up a different name as people slowly started to notice there was No Neck Injuries in all these 'shaken babies'. So as SBS declines AHT increases. This serves a dual purpose as it keeps the prisons full of the innocent instead of criminals and makes for an easy life both for staff and investors particularly private prisons. It is interesting to consider that of all the families wrongfully accused of this fiction crime it is military families who by far seem to suffer the most if only they knew. I suspect this is because in general  they are more compliant in taking 'orders' from any 'authority' and/or have more children. 

Comment by steve on September 20, 2023 at 8:26am

WE NEED A REPORT OF HOW MANY HEARTBROKEN GRIEVING PARENTS WERE ACCUSED OF MURDERING THEIR CHILDREN AND BEING PUT IN A JAIL CELL when in fact it was the jabby jab mandated by gubberment that killed these innocent children. I know several parents of damaged autistic kids who know it was their fault for following these  crazy  criminal vaxine schedules


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