Cheeki kea's Blog (133)

Southern Lights / Northern Lights engulf entire world.

well, well what do we have here then ! ? They are a long way from home. I wonder if anything Else was going on the  background. ~ Word is lights jumped location due to a solar storm that suddenly got up-graded to a solar tsunami and washed over everything but there's other ideas out there also. This is wildly different to the mighty solar storm of 1921 also in may.   …


Added by cheeki kea on May 13, 2024 at 9:04am — 4 Comments

Whistleblower Accuses Aledade, Largest US Independent Primary Care Network, of Medicare Fraud       Here we see an example of the old saying: hitting Two birds with one stone. Robbing the sick by way unfounded costly health care premiums in the Long run while robbing those who pay the immediate bill in the Short run. …


Added by cheeki kea on May 4, 2024 at 10:13am — No Comments

Covid vaccine death: “I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly” - coder speaks out. just when you thought it couldn't get any worse but now we hear from one who was actually there. Video in link.…


Added by cheeki kea on May 1, 2024 at 11:32am — 1 Comment

The saddest post I've ever read. ( vaccine victim speaks out. )

You know what, I think if God had a message for us here it would be the one that goes... Be as Wise as a serpent And as Harmless as a dove. Another might be Seek justice for the oppressed, and that would be impossible without compassion.…


Added by cheeki kea on April 25, 2024 at 7:38am — 4 Comments

Dr. Aseem Malhotra's Explosive Court Testimony on COVID "Vaccines"(UPDATED)

 Doctor Malhotra drops arsenal of truth bombs on Helsinki. A spectacular display. Here are few snip bits to wet the knowledge appetite but much, much more to be found at the link... transcript and podcast both pt 1 and 2 for your enjoyment? or interest. ( link at at bottom of page ) …


Added by cheeki kea on April 23, 2024 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Countries where "hate" speech is a criminal offence.

Next up in clown world world...Implementation of Hate speech laws. There's red flags all over the place except they're not flags they are whole countries who have not considered the implications of such a disastrous move as redefining the meaning hate into any action that causes minor offence. Criteria to apply such new laws covers all angles of cause in their ill conceived enthusiasm that managing all the components of the wish list turning into reality is bit of a nightmare for them, a…


Added by cheeki kea on April 10, 2024 at 11:38am — 1 Comment

Why is there Abnormal Physiology in the Vaccinated Heart?

Doctor McMillion has totally out done himself on this video. If he's on a roll here it'll be on top of a wrecking ball. WHY is the only question because in less than 20 mins you'll know WHAT the Abnormal Physiology Is. Let's just say The Heart Has Switched! from Its regular Abundant Energy Provider to a cheaper wholly inadequate provider with strict limitations on supply and the potential for sudden black outs. This vid was out a couple of months ago. Learn more......…


Added by cheeki kea on March 18, 2024 at 10:21am — 2 Comments

NZ et al. Vax Stats facts dispatch.

 Finally ( it is for the mighty efforts of whistleblower W. Smith (B.Young) that darkness is coming to light ) ~ This is about your people if you're from : Pats of Australia, parts of Canada, Argentina, France, the Nordics, and Scotland & Nz. An introduction to to the hidden study. ( at this point its safe to…


Added by cheeki kea on February 21, 2024 at 10:39pm — 6 Comments

White men no longer want to fight for a nation that scorns them    ~Seems to be a global thing I see. Well, Get woke go broke - push a "vaccine" become a Has-been - Do both become the Joke. ( It's a -refreshing cold day in hell if we ever see lame stream news pick up pick up on this discrimination but once in the blue moon it will.…


Added by cheeki kea on January 23, 2024 at 5:01am — 2 Comments

THEY TOLD US IT WAS SAFE FOR PREGNANT & BREASTFEEDING WOMEN, THEN THE PFIZER DOCS WERE RELEASE   Hey there ladies, When Queen Victoria issued warning to our Grandmas ( or great grandmothers ) to action caution in regards to unsavoury artists infiltrating all classes... - This is one example of the types of the wicked she was referring to. ( "specialists" in material health )   

Added by cheeki kea on December 14, 2023 at 9:29am — 3 Comments

Why the WHO Faked a Pandemic. news article 2010- It was removed sometime in mid October 2020 with no explanation. ....... A very informative article. I think we can see why the item in question quickly vanished during coronavirus b.s ~ but not quick enough. Read more at link.…


Added by cheeki kea on November 24, 2023 at 7:21am — 1 Comment

Among the Rich Lost Confidence, Shame. ( outspoken - Dr Naomi Wolf ) ~ A short -true- story by Naomi Wolf that provides a hint of a glimpse into the New Normal World for the high and mighty who dished it up all up to themselves. Where are they now? Well still in the fancy appartments with all the resources they had before but sitting in cities that have becomes cesspools of crime and loathing. Graffitied, run down, and soulless and now a sense of…


Added by cheeki kea on November 23, 2023 at 7:46am — No Comments

Propaganda Techniques { a rare wikipedia wonder contribution } Learn more. ~ Here's a little snippet of what you are about to enjoy. Choose one to practice yourself on adverse colleagues or disapproving friends and family Logical fallacies are a good place to start. ( freedom warriors defeated the NWO in my country by engaging in a type of "Attack of…


Added by cheeki kea on October 6, 2023 at 8:57am — No Comments

A Jacinda Ardern COVID RANT ~ from a Jabcinda supporter no less.

Guess she wasn't expecting that. In her stupidity of relentless right wing and nationalist Censorship she lost focus on those in her Own camp. Yip she dished up endless shit on right side while the left side dished up shit on Her, and also did a fine job of it to give them an ounce of credit. I'll leave this classic example here as an idea of what they got up to behind the scenes ( ~for the common cause. ) I don't do tic tock myself but I'm told it was quite a thing and still is. It's a good…


Added by cheeki kea on September 22, 2023 at 11:33am — No Comments

Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature

 A rare example of Truth Escape.  and where have the fact checkers gone? m.i.a./ g.n.a This slaughter has been going on for some time. May everyone in on it all go to hell for there evil.…


Added by cheeki kea on September 20, 2023 at 6:37am — 3 Comments

The Frequency War ( and the plan ) ( I have no reason what so ever to believe that the commentary of this "plan" is not true. Indeed understanding the town in question where the discussion took place - population less than 16'000 ~where millionaires like to park up and anyone who's not one gets noticed. Billionaires on the other hand shine out like blazing beacons in the night sky but few far between thank God. They often bring their…


Added by cheeki kea on August 20, 2023 at 12:04pm — No Comments

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