Southern Lights / Northern Lights engulf entire world.

well, well what do we have here then ! ? They are a long way from home. I wonder if anything Else was going on the  background. ~ Word is lights jumped location due to a solar storm that suddenly got up-graded to a solar tsunami and washed over everything but there's other ideas out there also. This is wildly different to the mighty solar storm of 1921 also in may.   

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Comment by cheeki kea on July 17, 2024 at 10:54am

Thanks for your comment Freedomrox so true it is. Credible info inspires and shocks folks but some inherently have a thirst for knowledge (20 to 30%) bless them all or it'll be time to give up. They are the ones who are equiped to handle any stress without concern. It's the other 70% like the nay-sayer Trev clinging their world of comfort because it hurts to let it go that is the problem. The truth spreader quickly becomes 'A tin hat lunatic', then as truth pans out "Nothing but a Killjoy" leaving the truther little else to say than "Well I told you so" ~Same thing every time. ~ But it's worth it if others are around and want to know what all the fuss is about, sometimes the 20 percenters emerge. Below we actually see the northern lights being created as barium cloud boms morph into aurora arches by a 'radio' experiment for all to see yet hidden way up in the arctic circle where few are around to witness it. There are H a a p s everywhere. 

Comment by FREEDOMROX on May 19, 2024 at 11:46pm

Now you are catching on... Myths, Legends, Innuendo... All this has been planted in the public's consciousness. End of Days, Sense of Foreboding, Anti-Christ. All stories to terrify you; to bring your fear level up, and your resistance down. We are being buttered up, and soon to be served on a platter, if WE DON'T WAKE UP!! This is war... like the one they are starting with Iran now. Ferdinand like assassination, only using a plane... then call a draft, robbing us of our youngest and strongest, whilst in times of War, Prez can suspend Elections until the current crisis is over, and let's not forget the 'Bird Flu' lie stealing our food, and set to be used as 'Plandemic 2.0', and the 'lockdowns', all while ramming the WHO Treaty and IHR rules thru, and endlessly jabbing the 'Sheople' to their deaths. This, while all able bodied 20-30 yr. old men have entered this country from war torn South America, angry and hungry. Rise up, or die. Only two choices left...

Comment by cheeki kea on May 15, 2024 at 12:00pm

Another nay sayer tried to tell me today that man made auroras just couldn't be possible but alas to their dismay they had to be informed otherwise. It's not like it hasn't happen Before.

Comment by cheeki kea on May 13, 2024 at 9:45am

It does force one to wonder... All sorts of things. 

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