The Illusion Painted by Your Government

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In order for you to be a good upstanding, law abiding, tax paying citizen, you must be conditioned into the proper frame of mind. You must obey! However, there’s the conditioning process that reduces you to the level of “Pavlov’s Dogs”. There must be conditioned response. You must also respond as expected. Remember, your compliance is not only mandatory, it keeps you from entering the prison population. So as your intelligence is insulted with propaganda and contrary narratives, as your mind is dumbed down with dogma and social engineering, you will passively allow your money to be confiscated in the form of taxes and inflation. Yes, and you will cooperate or suffer the consequences carried out by those who just as ruthless as the thugs they’re supposed to be protecting you from, only they were badges.

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When cooler heads prevailed

Our founding fathers knew what it was like to deal with the invasion of privacy, seizure and forfeiture without just cause or due process, and government spying. They knew, they saw it, they rebelled against it, gave their lives, their property, and did do that so future Americans could enjoy and flourish as a result of having the freedom to realize that American dream. The resolve of the American people would be tested in subsequent wars that threatened American interests and sovereignty, until the post-World War II era when we slowly descended into a non-Constitutional existence thanks to the lack of oversight and way too much trust!

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Institutionalized thievery

As a matter of fact, when we talk about illusions and the failure of human nature, we can see just how bad it’s gotten when the people’s taxes are paying for over draft checking fees of congressional members, paying for the legal fees of office holders on Capitol Hill for such charges as attempted rape, harassment, many other forms of misconduct that we would have to pay for out of our own pockets or go to jail for, but not the protected class of politicians with their exquisite dinner engagements, alcoholic beverages, and entertainment at the expense of the people’s taxed funding. The grand illusion will tell you that the God-like presence of the all-knowing all seeing government who is looking out for your best interests as an American  citizen quickly becomes tarnished with realization if you can bring yourself to connect the dots and stop obeying the covert and subliminal control being exerted upon you.

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Intentional disinformation

Just as employees applying for federal government jobs were told that our founding fathers were domestic terrorists and rumrunners disenchanted with British law during the Obama Administration, just as Saul Alinsky pamphlets “Rules for Radicals” was handed out on the streets of Washington DC during the time Mark Levin served as Inspector General for the Reagan White House, our very freedoms f speech have been used against us by a federal government that was supposed to be protecting those rights. Just as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, didn’t approve of the US Constitution nor did Democrat President Barack Obama, the subversive element within our government has been fooling us with the illusion while destroying our protected freedoms all at the same time. Remember it's their job to defend the Constitution!

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Turning against us

So, what happens when you stop buying into the illusion? What happens when you understand that the very people tasked with governing us are destroying our country with their thoughtless lawlessness? Well, you will be labeled as an undesirable, possibly a domestic terrorist, a birther, a Maga Magat, an extremist, why? Because your own president got up at the podium and divided the nation with rhetoric and inflammatory dogma aimed at you for political purposes. You have now fallen from grace because you see through the illusion! Was that your fault because you awakened from the lie that you’ve been programmed to accept?

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Don’t make too many assumptions

We have God fearing, hardworking, and honorable Americans rotting in the DC prison right now because they actually entered the people’s building on J6 supposedly invited in, that which was built with the people’s tax money and supposedly by a government that is by the people, for the people, and of the people, that’s the illusion!  Who owns the Capital Building?  Oh, there’s that damned illusion again! The government says it does, but I thought “We The People” owned the government? This is what you were led to believe so you would continue to sleep walk through your insignificant little life while big government watched over you and kept you from stepping out of line, or buying guns for your protection and sport as police departments are being defunded and discouraged to act, and while your country is being overrun by a silent invasion of illegal aliens that your own supposedly elected officials condoned by refusing to protect our borders, a fundamental requirement of the US Constitution of the people’s government!  This is what happens when reasoning is smothered by the illusion that you bought into.

Image result for illegal aliens invited in by Biden

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Comment by Doc Vega on August 30, 2024 at 5:17pm

Les Prone, Thank you for your support.

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