So lately I've been thinking that most of us are taught from birth, that WE DO NOT belong on planet Earth!

That WE are here in a testing ground, to see whether or not we're worthy of everlasting life AFTER we die, and in order to receive those blessings, we must surrender our hearts and minds over to the People who actually understand all of this, via religions the "divine right of kings", and "authorities", who keep us on track for our highest good.
We are here to do penance, NOT to enjoy the abundance of our planet, but to be meekly humble and subservient, turning the other cheek, obeying authority, and being grateful to be taxed in order to support those who understand the greater truths of which we are sadly ill equipped to deal with. If only we will follow the rules and regulations of those who are destined to rule, we'll be able to make some sense of our lives, while those who seek our acquiescence are more suited to live lives of wealth and prosperity at our expense.
So throughout the ages they have taken it upon themselves to wipe out those of us who do not willingly offer them the fruits of our labor for profit, at the same time teaching us propaganda about patriotism, nationalism, and making examples of those who refuse to obey by torturing, incarcerating, and murdering individuals who think for themselves. Then they wrap themselves in religions, or new age thinking, again, teaching us to postpone taking action because we're going to focus on OUR lives and prosperity, all the while ignoring the carnage we're enabling through taxes.
And every day as we keep our heads down, working hard to feed and clothe our families, they continue to plunder the Earth's resources, geoengineering our weather by dropping toxic chemicals, fracking our water, poisoning our food by genetically altering it, experimenting on us through vaccines and nano technology, bombing and droning innocent People, and simultaneously taking over school systems in order to teach their bullshit to OUR CHILDREN, who they use for cannon fodder in their immoral wars as we all bow down to the god of profit and corporations who rule us all.
And WE wonder WHY OUR WORLD looks as it does????
There is NOTHING that has more value than each and every ONE of US!
So as you finish reading this article, ask yourself:
"Who and what am I really living for?"
"Who and what will MY CHILDREN live for, and what kind of world will they inherit?"
"Who will protect the sky, earth and water if I don't"
"What does "Moral Stewardship" mean?
And put more simply: If no harm, injury or loss has occurred, NO CRIME has been committed.
Isn't it time to get over paperwork and down to living OUR LIVES?
Join those us at United We Strike April 15th.
Don't Buy, Don't Comply, Ask Why????!!!!!

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!

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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 13, 2014 at 7:45pm

I might hope I would be a part of that discussion...

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 12, 2014 at 7:07pm

UWS Podcasts available afterward, and archives will stream.... CONGRATULATIONS ALL FOR THE VICTORY WITH CLIVEN BUNDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 12, 2014 at 7:04pm

I agree with many of the points you make! A Strike would IMMEDIATELY take us OUT of their system, eliminating the waiting, and enabling a complete reboot. I do believe that WE need to grow up though, and some of us enjoy exchanging what we create with others, but instead of "just over broke", in your system it would be teh "Joy of Being" and WE ALL move forward.


Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 12, 2014 at 11:13am

As long as We are dependent on Others for Our survival, there WILL be Those who take control of the needs and gain power over Others.  The "common goal" as I see it is to automate all NECESSARY work no One WANTS to do, and fill any position first with Those who WANT to do the work.

THAT will place the psychopaths equal in power to everyOne else and They will be judged equally as well.  As long as They do not choose to break the three Laws, They are free to do as They like, as are the rest of Us.  Break the three Laws and We will prosecute.

No barter, no trade, no beads, shells, notched sticks, coins, bills, electronic bits needed.  Food distributed by need and not profit (We already produce about 25% MORE food than We all could eat, but close to half spoils before it is sold, waiting for profit, starving billions while once good food rots).

Any system that requires People to change ("grow up") for the system to work is doomed to fail.  Change the system first and People will adjust.  Add free energy and automate the work We need done and do not have enough People who want to do it.  Otherwise, We must force, coerce and/or bribe ("pay") People to do things They don't want to do.  I would free ALL of Us from HAVING to work (add Human energy to the system) to survive.  No more life-and-death power over Others.

Merely striking will put a temporary hitch in Their system, They will give the least amount of compromise They can get away with to settle Us down again, and They will still have life-and-death control ("Add Your energy to Our profit or die").

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 10, 2014 at 2:00pm

I am not talking about including psychopaths locally. I AM talking about taking money OUT of the equation. And as far as the concrete jungles go, there are many good People there, terrorized by small organized groups who are armed. Once the People UNITE in order to face their common enemy, WE will take care of them locally! Also, there are new ways to grow produce that are already being used in cities, incorporating pvc pipes and recycling Water.

We don't need money, WE NEED EACH OTHER! The smaller percentage of psychopaths WILL be weeded out.

Self Ownership, Cooperation, Non-violence, with the ability to DEFEND OURSELVES from the few and the mindset of causing no harm, injury or loss............and those who do, are "outlaws" and dealt with IMMEDIATELY.

Equal People, working toward the common goal of ensuring that ALL have food, shelter, clothing and the ability to contribute their unique gifts toward healing and moving forward, bartering what they bring to the table for what they desire. I totally disagree that this system will not work, we just need to grow up.

The United We Strike Marathonis this weekend. Hope you tune in.



Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 10, 2014 at 1:42pm

I agree that We own Ourselves.  But too many are interdependent on a global exchange of goods.  The inner city kids cannot "work things locally," for example.  Concrete does not a very good farm make.  Sure, the suburbs may have opportunity, but the billions that live in the concrete jungles of Our planet rely on provisions They cannot produce locally.

ANY tangible currency (goods, shells, beads, notched sticks split, coins, bills, and even electronic bits) used to account for Our energy meaningfully expended WILL promote the most psychopathic to the top.  There is no "top" in the abundance paradigm except in Individual contributions that earn the greatest respect, thanks, gratitude, fame, appreciation, and other social currencies.  And One is not reliant on currency to survive (and richly at that).

We will never "grow up" with the psychopaths at the helm, dictating what We may learn, do, be.  Take the money motive out of the equation and We will choose far better behavior and projects.  No more planned obsolescence, no more profiteering, no more hidden advances that threaten profit/control.  With a Betterment Ethic (a true ethic as opposed to the slave's work "ethic") instilled, We will see awesomeness emerge from Humanity.

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 9, 2014 at 2:03pm

Ama, I am not telling People what or how to do things, just suggesting that WE OWN OURSELVES and work things locally, while ignoring the fed. Self Ownership, Cooperation and non-violence, dealing with our issues on our own and sharing responsibilities. It's time for us all "Grow Up!"

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 9, 2014 at 2:00pm

I believe it can be simple, and working within our communities in order to determine what we use for currency allows the People to decide for themselves what is of most value. I do not believe in government having powers that People don't have, nor do I believe we are capable of giving away rights that are immoral, even though it is currently practiced, nor that in order to affect change we need to address the millions of immoral laws on the books. No I haven't read all your work, I appreciate your efforts and understand you still believe in government, which I don't. We are just People, some hiding behind titles and paperwork in order to appear superior, but immorality is immorality and WE have the Natural Right and Common Sense to see through it all if WE choose too.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on April 8, 2014 at 2:37pm

If We get rid pf the need for money, We have very definitely pulled the money out of EVERY corporation, making all involved responsible as Our Individual Selves.  I suspect You haven't taken the time to read My work...?

I see where You are going, and know Your heart is there, but I get the sense that You want it to happen within the scarcity paradigm.  The abundance paradigm is what You describe and My work is the practical mechanism to get there, We Humans just now having the pieces to do it.

Again. please read the five articles, all short, the one that leads to the other four is here:


"ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there."
"The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows..."
"If the universe is made of mostly "dark" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?"
"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."

Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on April 7, 2014 at 11:57am

I am not talking about a return to government, I am talking about People realizing WE BELONG HERE, and Moral Stewardship IS OUR TRUE JOB! NONE are better or worse, ALL of US are here by DIVINE RIGHT! Self Ownership means just that, NO ONE has the right to infringe upon us as long as we do not cause harm, injury, or loss.

I realize it's hard to wrap your mind around this, but think back 2,500 years. People worked on the land and were doing well, however they focused on their lives, and were unaware that others were also focused on their land, and building arms and gangs which the People did not do. WE need to be armed and ready to DEFEND, ALWAYS, ALL WAYS, in order to prevent this from happening again.

WE also need to QUIT the militant industrial complex, and STOP following immoral orders, understanding that WE as individuals are accountable for OUR ACTIONS.

A true strike would mean WE would NEVER go back, ONLY FORWARD!




"Destroying the New World Order"



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