The CIA? The NSA you say? Maybe the FBI? Nope!

The real spook of spooks is Science Applications International Corporation and few have even heard of them but they're eating your taxes for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. They are very, very secretive. Ask ten people on the street who are the largest government contractors and you'll hear names like Bechtel, KBR, Grumman, General Electric and Northrop but few will mention S.A.I.C.

SAIC has been awarded more government contracts then any other private company in American history. Not dozens, not scores or hundreds but THOUSANDS, currently holding some 9,000 active government contracts in all. More then 100 of them are worth over 10 million dollars apiece and 2 of them are worth more then a BILLION dollars each. If "contract backlog" is any measure of success, that is contracts negotiated and pending, the future seems assured. The backlog stands at 13.6 billion dollars.

The mega-contractors Haliburton, KBR, Bechtel, Grumman and Northrop are the suppliers of brawn. They pour concrete, roll out concertina wire, build infrastructure and electrocute soldiers in poorly wired shower stalls. They provide beefy thick-necked brutes with drug and drinking problems for security purposes who then go on rampages shooting innocent civilians, but not SAIC. Science Applications International Corporation is in the brain business and they sell knowledge. Let's look at how that works, or doesn't.

SAIC's biggest projects have turned out to be colossal failures and they've failed in public but you wouldn't know it and the enormous profit wasn't sacrificed. One such failure involves The National Security Agency, America's electronic ear and for many years SAICs biggest customer. Telephone, email and electronic intercepts worldwide by the NSA are so massive that they urgently need a new computer system to store, sort, file and make sense of it all and SAIC won the $280 million 26 month contract. Four years and more then a billion dollars later the project has been abandoned. We paid for that, you and me.

The FBI entered into a similar agreement which paid SAIC 124 million dollars to update their computer system, one of the most primitive in American law enforcement. Three years and a million lines of garbled computer code later the system has been written off as the greatest software failure in history. We, you and me, paid for this too.

If it turns out that a contract can't be delivered new contracts are drawn up. That's how they do.

And if you think these guys are going to face government scrutiny, think again. Everyone in out government is connected to them in one way or another.

Worse, and much to the embarrassment of a company entrusted with the nations most precious secrets, like Osama's home address and phone number or the 9/11 perpetrators cell phone numbers, SAIC was burgled in 2005 and it remains unsolved, another secret unrevealed. Yup, guarded by Department of Defense certified security and motion sensing interior lights in their offices burglars managed to break in, pry open 13 private offices and walk out with a desktop computer hard drive and four laptops.

The entire story is terribly intriguing, from SAIC maintaining their own stock to the brown paper envelopes that stock is delivered in to their employees most of whom are retired government workers, generals and influential members of the national security apparatus. To read the entire story click the link below. It's worth reading about SAIC just to know where your tax money goes since they absorb about 90% of all taxes collected from people earning under 100,000 dollars yearly, along with the rest of the private security contractors. The story could have been scripted by Hollywood but sadly it's real life in the United States of corruption, kickbacks and graft.

This is the new face of American spies. Nondescript unknown corporations without faces and without oversight that answer to stockholders who are the very employees themselves. That's another piece of the story I didn't write about here. The stockholders. Read the full story.

The story appears here, in a 2007 issue of Vanity Fair:

By the way, and in case you don't click the link, one of the biggest contracts ever for SAIC is in the works as of this writing which was a few years ago (2007) so perhaps it's now a done deal. The contract runs into the billions of dollars. The man who helped craft this meaty contract at the Pentagon is General Daniel R. Zanini. He recently retired from the US Army and his cushy Pentagon job. Any guesses where he works now?

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Comment by Jeff on March 4, 2010 at 10:06am
Yup, these ARE the big boys and they don't play around. Almost single handedly responsible for starting the Iraq war in 2003.
Comment by Jeff on March 4, 2010 at 3:09am
Good points. I never thought of it that way. The truthers live and the idiots die, interesting.
Comment by I811st on March 4, 2010 at 2:31am
well if you were forced to pick who to re-populate a new world with, wouldn't you pick INDIVIDUALS who never fell for the hype, who were smart enough to figure it out, without being sucked into alternative or mainstream propaganda and group-think manipulation tactics? I think that's what all this surveilance and monitoring is being used for. The designers of the New World are figuring out who they wanna spare.I'm staying optimistic, the cup is never empty. it's always filled with atoms of something.
Comment by Jeff on March 1, 2010 at 6:16pm
Well, I woulda said that but I wasn't certain anyone would understand since the undercurrent here is that "we will beat them." What I can say with confidence is that it's gonna get much, much worse for humanity.
Comment by I811st on March 1, 2010 at 6:06pm
Unlike Jeff who seems to believe the NWO will succeed, I think he's blowing false hope up your stargate orafices. The perpetraitors of the New World Order agenda HAVE succeeded!!!
Comment by Jeff on March 1, 2010 at 4:36pm
Vincent, unlike many here I believe that the NWO will succeed. Our response to that success, how we conduct our lives in the midst of it is of great concern to me. We remain a disparate and fragmented group without a plan against a cohesive group with a plan. Not only that, they control all resources. We need a plan and that's unlikely for now.
Comment by Jeff on March 1, 2010 at 12:26am
LS, you make a good point.

Fireguy, when you figure out how to get rid of the UN let's include NATO, the World Bank, The IMF and the WTO along with the UN, that way we won't have to repeat the effort.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 28, 2010 at 11:52pm
"NSA with 11,000 employees in far less cities" well I'm not to sure about the number but the number of citys the NSA is currently in is astronomical. They are in every friendly country with listening stations and network splice-ins, and in most other country's covertly or monitoring from the sea like they do around North Korea. The USS Liberty was an NSA ship remember... I'm not going to even list what they have access to in space that SAIC would just drool over... I would say SAIC doesn't have access to half of the resources or TS clearance that the NSA does. You don't need 45k workers unless you have a lot of busy work that needs done.

SAIC = good for manufacturing intel for a war
NSA = good for telling you if your underwear is clean or dirty and what you ate last night.
Comment by fireguy on February 28, 2010 at 9:24pm
Another unconstitutional A-B-C , NGO agency that needs to go away along with the U.N.
Comment by Jeff on February 28, 2010 at 7:45pm
SAIC has 45,000 employees in 150 cities worldwide compared to the NSA with 11,000 employees in far less cities. While the NSA is a government agency and SAIC is not I question who's responsible for more policy direction. Based on the original Vanity Fair article SAIC almost single-handedly started the war against Iraq and works diligently to maintain a war economy.

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