The trailer to the Obama Deception and the write up keep going on about Obama being a Nazi! He is a Communist. Why does Aex Jones always attack Germany and the National Socialist regime, but never gives the same treatment to the Communist regimes, such as the murderers who controlled and worked with Stalin? Could it be because that would be to attack his relatives? AJ is a Zio-nist sh-ill and agent of Organised J-ewry

Proof? AJ claims the Illuminati were a Germanic death Cult, because they organised on German soil. The fact is the leadership were R-abbis. They were J-ews, not Germans. wake up folks, 9/11 was not an inside job, it was a Z-ionist job. Jonesy focuses attention on the politicians to keep people from seeing the truth - the enemy is Z-ionism.

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Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 19, 2009 at 8:38am
You should get one now before their illegal.

I'm not a liberal myself.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 19, 2009 at 8:01am
Why does every one think if i say the zionist's don't run anything I'm ill informed?

I know about their slave trade I know about their influence in politics and i have even watched the videos you have posted before. I'm not saying the Zionists don't run any thing because i took a wild guess... its because they really are not the top of the NWO just a faction of it. Its stupid that i have to explain this so much ... and just goes to show how much of a waste of time this stuff creates (which its meant to) The Zionists have their place in the NWO but are not the masters in any way.

This person Rufus (thanks for the links adap2k) who says "it would be treason to humanity to let this shill continue unopposed" Obviously has one goal in mind. To push this focus on the Zionist routine and to discredit Alex by ANY means possible. These type of people push the Zionist info for one reason to get you mad at the Zionists and to draw your attention away from the bigger picture of whats going on. They also like to go after Alex because by doing so they get attention LOTS of attention many have made careers doing so. This guy on his Blogs is just plain obvious that hes a foaming at the eyes and mouth Disinfo Blogger. heres some quotes and by the way if you erase your blogs I just captured them all on my website downloader you'll just look even stupider.

From: "There is a definite and obvious pattern with Alex Jones. He is constantly shifting blame away from Israel, Zionists, and Jews, and onto the Goyim or onto mysterious entities, such as "The New World Order"." {Note his use of 'mysterious entities' like they don't exist, see where he wants you to look just at the zionists not the agenda or the idea called the NWO}

"Please tell me all the Jesuits and Illuminati people who own the Media, Federal Reserve, Educational/Historical propaganda, Hate the Muslims, Want a pure race state, etc……. There are not any, for they are only Zionists." {here note that he says that "Jesuits and Illuminati" "Federal Reserve" are zionists ... that the whole thing is zionists. The other disinfo people that push the Vatican Assassin stuff are just the opposite and say its all the Jesuits and Vatican runs it all.}

"Alex Jones is a Zionist who has no patriotism towards America, he is here like most Zionists are in the Diaspora, to confuse you and to turn traitor on whatever country, outside Israel, they live in. They dont care about any INDIVIDUAL country but the entire Earth coming under their control." {No patriotism? just an outright lie, and again he thinks its all the Zionists}

In a site he links to the first article there has jew over 35 times in one article. This is this guys MO almost every post he makes is about jews / zionists or attacking alex jones. Now that i've looked more into what hes about i can say he is largely obsessed with the Zionist / Jewish are the cause info' which translates to racist ideology. If all you focus on is just jews and you ignore everything else and your soul purpose in life is attacking Jews... It doesn't take a psychologist to figure out his personality type. look at the pic on Rufus is purely racily motivated and not here to "help" get truth out hes here to lie, hes here to deceive and acts like a paid blogger out to divide and confuse. I'm trying not to call you a racist but your ideology and your motivation seem to be in line with some one who is.

From: "Alex Jones is a shill, a CIA operative and an agent of the Globalists." {AJ CIA and working for Globalists? If you guys believe this guy and want to side with him go ahead but hes a flat out lier}

From above: "Of course Jones has good sources - he has Mossad researchers giving it to him."

so if you believe Rufus is truthful you believe Alex Jones is a Zionist CIA operative with Mossad researchers working in his office and is bought and paid for by the globalists and he wants to promote globalization then go to Israel to live after hes done....?

If you think rufus is a truthful person and that the zionists are behind all the worlds woes let me know.... I don't need to waste time on this rufus any longer he has discredited himself to the fullest.

If we want to talk about Zionism rationally lets start another discussion and do it properly.
Comment by Rufus on March 19, 2009 at 8:00am
Thank you James. It is very kind of you to recommend my sites. It is always good to know that there are people who are open-minded and willing to explore all manner of issues. So many people are scared of being labelled as politically incorrect heretics, that when someone comes along who genuinely cherishes free speech, and opposes censorship, it gives one hope that the Zionist enemy is defeatable. When that recognition comes from someone who has been exposed to the propaganda master, Alex Jones, who would argue that Irgun was just a prayer club and not a set of racist, terrorist, supremacist butchers, then that recognition is all the more pertinent.

Whilst I appeciate your plugging my sites, I will have to corect your list to the following:

My sites:

This site complies with British Censorship regulations, so to non-Brits it may seem very bizarre indeed:

Sites I like:

There are many other sites linked in, some of which you may find interesting.

Or email me here:

All contact and visits to sites are most welcome. Thanks again James, you truly are a defender of Freedom of Speech, Thought and Expression.
Comment by truth on March 19, 2009 at 6:30am
Comment by truth on March 19, 2009 at 6:29am
Instead of debating Rufus / BinkyClowner/ Atlantean14 here, why don't you all visit his many blogs.

Or email him here:

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Barking and Dagenham is a London borough in East London
Comment by Rufus on March 18, 2009 at 6:45am
The knee-jerk attacks I expected are here. Apparently questioning the Prophet Jones makes me a 'lying sack of shit and a Delusional nutcase. What, am I, erm, like, one of those damn Conspiracy Theorists? Come on! I posted this blog for valid reasons - if a high placed leader of the opposition to Globalism, is really a Zionist Wolf in Good Old Boy Sheeps Clothing, we need to know.

12.160 are not cowards. The people here are concerned patriots. Each of us is an individual with different perspectives on how life should be, we each have our own lives and families which we are fighting to keep safe from the globalist monsters. If we wee to meet over a beer, I dare say we'd argue a lot, but would still share a lot of common ground. Lets not get into personal attacks. I have no problem with you - I don't even know you. I want to get to the truth, and if that means smashing every altar to see what lurks under every stone, then so be it.

I am not interested in pushing disinfo, in fact I am fervently committed to exposing the purveyors of such propaganda. I first came across Alex Jones in the way most people do - I was given a DVD of his to watch (Martial Law). I went on to get every DVD and even his book (Descent into Tyranny), and his buddy Watsons too. You see, for a while he had me convinced that 9/11 was a Bush crime and that if the Republicans could be punished, all would be well in the world.

I think what got me to look more closely was his infiltration of Bohemian Grove - I found it bizarre that the leaders of the world would have such abysmal security that Jones could get in, film them, then get out. I stopped being a disciple and started studying his info. I found glaring omissions, and outright lies, such as the Northwoods fake document. He correctly fingered Prescott Bush for being a banker for the Nazis, but failed to point out that he was a middle man and the real money came from the Warburgs (Zionist Jews).

His constant attack on Nazis, and his repetition of the Holocaust lie led me to examine what he was gaining by keeping his supporters blinkered from the Jewish elements in the Neo-Con agenda. It came as abitter blow to find that the man I had put so much faith in, was not a heroic resistance fighter, but an establishment operative.

How could I just sweep this knowledge under the table? Would it be 'nice' to let people sleepwalk into Hell on Earth because they are following a leader who isn't what he seems? I do not want to hurt anyone by exposing Alex Jones, but in the end I have no choice - it would be treason to humanity to let this shill continue unopposed. I'm sorry for those of you who can't stomach the truth, but in the end, it will set you free, however painful it is to swallow it.
Comment by Rufus on March 17, 2009 at 12:55pm
TLS. Oy Vey, enough of the hero-worship already. Take a step back from your idolatry. Jones is a man, and one who is preventing the real opposition from attacking the real enemy. Of course Jones has good sources - he has Mossad researchers giving it to him. How many people think they are doing there bit by distributing Jonesy's controlled disinfo? Too many. He is a shill and must be exposed. The Earth isn't flat. Alex Jones isn't a hero. Your reaction is worthy of the Inquisition. It serves no-one to defend lies. I'm sorry this distresses you, but you need to know that your beloved AJ is not what he seems.

Wake up and wipe the shill's propaganda from your eyes. I think you are the hobbyist my friend.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 17, 2009 at 12:18pm
Hes not bought and paid for in any way, your just an ASS on a mission to be a royal ASS. I never said Zionists are harmless, spin doc read what i said again. They don't run shit they are not the top dog.

Your an outright lier when it comes to jones just a full out.... I'll save my language here but if you where in my presence it wouldn't be fun for you.

Theres a special at godaddy right now $8 a year for a website and email. Join the disinfo club.

The Holocaust story the jews sell is bull shit and your opinion about Jones is bull shit. Take a step back and look at what hes done .... who else RIGHT NOW is anywhere close to his effort? Do they lament about the zionists 24/7 like a whiny 2 year old. Your stuck on this Zionist crap its more of a belief than a solid group like the CFR. When Jones says the bankers and the others it includes the Zionists, you just want him to say "Zionists" then you would be happy then you would shut the hell up right? No you wouldn't, it would be something new the next week, some other group he would be bought and paid by.

You should get a hobby, you know to occupy your racing zionist centered mind. Maybe a pity violin, real small usually played for sad obsessed people like you. I'm an AJ fan but i get 75% of my news from the raw sources themselves and SOMEHOW jones info matches it 100% of the time. Keep crying he doesn't cover the zionist's the way you want I'm sure you will get a nice little its all the zionists group going by the looks of it.
Comment by Rufus on March 17, 2009 at 11:27am
TLS. Are yopu practicising selective reading? I don't mean to be rude, but the notion that anyone has backed up your bizarre belief that Zionism is harmless and Zionists 'don't run anything' is ludicrous. Zionism is one of the most dangerous ideologies the world has ever suffered. See the videos above for examples of the evil commited by its adherents.

The Slave Trade was overwhelmingly controlled by Jews. The justification for owning Black people as Slaves was wholly Talmudic - the story of Noah cursing Ham so he and all his descendents had kinky hair, big lips, red eyes, black skin, and a enlarged sexual organs, if it came from any other source than the Talmud, would ne classed as hate literature, and extreme punishment would be meted out on those who repeated it. But, no, as the basis of Zionism is the Talmud, and the foundations of the entire NWO rest upon it, then it is those who expose this evil creed who are punished as 'anti-Semites.

Another example of practical Zionism was the creation of the Nazi Party in order to detain Jews and make them suffer, bolstered by the lie of the Holocaust, which has been used to elevate the Jews to a position of angels amongst men, which in combination led to the establishment of Israel and the real genocide of the Palestinians (who actually are Semites).

Bee Fan eloquently has covered the war-mongering of the Neo-Cons, which all 9/11 Truthers should fuilly appreciate as the massacre at the WTC was the Israeli orchestrated excuse for this agenda. The dead and maimed in New York, Afghanistan, Palestine, South Ossetia, Lebanon, Bosnia, Sudan, Panama, and too many other countries to mention, were targetted by Zionists, with the goal being to destabilse entire regions to pave the way for the Global State.

Zionists are not a tool of the New World Order. The New World Order is their objective. Alex Jones denies all this, and even promotes the 6 million dead Jews lie. With the research resources Jones has at his fingertips, he cannot be unaware of the truth. He hides it and pushes decent people down a blind alley of lies and fear. The infowars resistance consists of confronting politicians (puppets) and watching DVDs. The Zionists who are steadily creating the New World Order have many reasons to thank Alex Jones. He is their puppy, bought and paid for..
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 16, 2009 at 9:35pm
Israel receives more aid than the entire continent of Africa... We know, I don't like Israel and I despise the Zionist lies and manipulation.

You all admit it though the Zionists don't run anything they are only a tool of the NWO.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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