The trailer to the Obama Deception and the write up keep going on about Obama being a Nazi! He is a Communist. Why does Aex Jones always attack Germany and the National Socialist regime, but never gives the same treatment to the Communist regimes, such as the murderers who controlled and worked with Stalin? Could it be because that would be to attack his relatives? AJ is a Zio-nist sh-ill and agent of Organised J-ewry

Proof? AJ claims the Illuminati were a Germanic death Cult, because they organised on German soil. The fact is the leadership were R-abbis. They were J-ews, not Germans. wake up folks, 9/11 was not an inside job, it was a Z-ionist job. Jonesy focuses attention on the politicians to keep people from seeing the truth - the enemy is Z-ionism.

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Comment by Rufus on March 16, 2009 at 11:58am

Marklar. You are right that the Zionist movement has a very tenous grip on the power it holds. Were it not for the greed of unscrupulous money-garbbers and power-hungry egomaniacs, they would be finished. The y maintain power by imposing harsh punishments on all who attempt to expose them. For example, Horst Mahler has just been incarcerated for what amounts to a life sentence for questioning the Holocaust, which is their justification for the occupation of Palestine.

TLS. Zionism is just another label. The figures behind this grab for a One World Government go back into antiquity. Anti-Semitism is one of the weapons they have used to corale the Jewish people into Israel. Adolf Hitler was part Jewish and served the agenda well by creating a fear within the Jewish nation against Gentiles. Had the NSDAP not fallen into the racist trap, the assimilation of the Jews would have continued and the grip of the Rabbinical leaders would have collapsed.

This is why our battle is not futile. If we can overturn the Zionist lies about the Holocaust, then we can expose the big lie of Jewish victimisation which keeps ordinary people at the mercy of the Zionist thugs who hold sway over the Jewish people.

I agree that we can get too bogged down in one aspect of the agenda, but we should not shy away from any aspect either. The Illuminati / Freemasonry / European Monarchies / Vatican / Communism / Nazism / Zionism / Capitalism / Communism - these are all different masks behind which the same bloodlines hide. We must expose the bloodlines and not fear ridicule and attack from the vested interests who profit from association with these enemies of humanity (Jewish AND Gentile).
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 16, 2009 at 9:49am
Thank you Marklar thats exactly my point as well, very well said. All groups are used one year they use the Nazi's the next year they use the Soviets the next year its the American's. It never ends and none of the groups they claim to be ever have any real power. They have been playing this game for 10,000 years long before the bible even existed let alone Israel. Going to bed now i'll be back later to see where this garbleshitfest went while i was away.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 16, 2009 at 9:39am
"it was a Zionist led operation, with Jews overseeing the task, and Gentiles doing the leg work" Source it

Your correct the Zoinist have more control than all other groups in this country but thats for a good reason if they didn't there little lame excuse for a country would be blown to bits and you would see the zionists for the paper tiger that they are.

If i had info on the Russian Mob i would not in any way release it because i have seen first hand who and what they are all about. Now this means A. I like breathing and B. i respect their power but this doesn't in any way mean they run anything or are the core of the NWO. I am 10 times more afraid of releasing info on the Mob than i am the Zionists.

Alex isn't a sacred cow at all if you knew me i get mad at him all the time, more than most of the other patriot hosts out there. If you can disprove Jordan or Alex do so i look forward to hearing it but source your work meticulously. Btw Alex has a specific mission if you haven't noticed it waking people up not shovling the shit to make all the conspiracy people happy so they won't call him a shill for not diving deep into matter that won't help fix the problem anyways. A lot of people have started up their anti-zion radio casts and they all flop because its not an issue that fixes anything or brings in new listeners.

Also Bill Cooper whom I hold in high stature didn't have to die the way he did. I know the situation intimately and there are many different ways he could have handled it. It wasn't a traditional hit in any sense and there is a high probability that he would still be alive an kicking today had just a few things been different.

The biggest problem with conspiracy theory today is people just plain go to far they want to be entertained mostly. We all know whats going on and approximately how they do it and approximately who they are. When the trials occur after we have stopped them thats the time we can sit down for weeks and yell and scream about whos in the Zionist clique or the Catholic / Vatican Clique or a Reptiod from planet poptart as we make our court case against them but right now all you will accomplish in this line is exactly what you just got. >>Garbleshits Its a new word i hope you like it.
Comment by Marklar on March 16, 2009 at 9:23am
Zionists? Nazis? Communists? Capitalists? Globalists? Your assumption is that such terms are exclusive but I'm afraid you're wrong, at least when it comes to those who ultimately control and fund these movements. Do you really expect the elites to confine themselves to a one weapon arsenal? "No, thank you. We have plenty of machine guns so the artillery, hand grenades, and air support will be quite unnecessary." That's simply not how it works.

Perhaps if you study a bit more to get the big picture you'll start to see that such distinctions are rather meaningless to the elites, though when addressing the general public who don't quite get it yet, it is necessary to use such terms to describe the actions of the elite's separate internal factions and operations.

It's mighty easy to boil something down to an overly simplistic cartoon characature and feel comforted by facing an enemy that's easily understood and pointed out on the street. It's also a good way to underestimate your enemy and end up licking dirt before you know what hit you.
Comment by Rufus on March 16, 2009 at 9:02am
TLS. You seem to be confusing Jews and Zionists. There are Jews who oppose Zionism, there are Torah Jews who reject the whole racist supremacism of the Talmud. Likewise a great many Zionists are Goy opportunists who can see the power of the bankers, media, corporations etc that are ALL manipulted by the Globalist-Zionist leadership, and acordingly join them in order to share in the spoils of victory.

Your point that 9/11 was commited wih much non-Jewish co-operation is valid. Howver, it was a Zionist led operation, with Jews overseeing the task, and Gentiles doing the leg work.

You state that Jones doesn't discuss Zionism or he'd end up dead. Agreed. Think on that. He can discuss the Vatican, Masons, Bilderbergers etc and no significant harm comes his way. But if he tells the truth about the Zionist agenda, then he will be killed - just as real hero William Cooper was.

Your claim that openly discussing 'verboten' matters would turn people off is interesting. Now then, do you suggets that we steer clear of matters which are controversial. Should we say Man-made Global Warming is real, that there were 'gas chambers' in Auschwitz, that the Germans are behind everything, and other such nonsense, in order to keep people sweet? Why not throw in some UFO stuff, or maybe claim victory will come through the ballot box? Oh, sorry, I forgot, Jones bigged-up Ron Paul, so that lunacy has been pushed!

What have I done to further the cause for freedom? Plenty - by talking to individulas and speaking at meetings. But that is irrelevant. Would it be better if I was a publicity seeking egomaniac getting rich from selling videos which create fear of visible red-herrings, whilst the real enemy goes unexposed, for fear of not being 'nice'? Well, that may be Alex Jones way, but it isn't mine.

If the history books remember Jones then that will mean we have won and Jones and other shills who pushed the 'look the other way' propaganda failed!

Thanks for recognising that I am a reasonable person. This fight affects us all. I am not Jones-bashing out of boredom or some ulterior motive, but out of a deep-rooted and genuine desire to free my people, nay all peoples from the Globalist web. I reserve the right to expose all those who do the work of the enemy. Alex Jones is no more a Sacred Cow than shills like Jordon Maxwell, Michael Moore, or the army of false-truthers who are trying to mislead us.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 16, 2009 at 7:38am
Zionism is the biggest most well funded unpublicized racist MASS movement in the world but they don't run shit. The Bankers don't run shit. The Vatican doesn't run shit. I'm sick of these it must all be the zionists or it must all be this group non-sense. If they have a designation or a Job title or some organization they supposedly work for they most likely are a nobody working in the outer rings of power if that.

Rufus start a website like the rest begin bashing and lieing about Jones 24 because all the bull shit adds up in the end leading people to Alex Jones. So do your Alex is misleading bit a bit harder or don't do it all.

Your comment was fine tuned for this forum you did a great job you knew exactly what would provoke a response. Its tried and true, come in make inflammatory statements then try to make your self look reasonable Same shit different day... Here's the real history

You guys are so full of shit its a wonder you get so many people on board your bull shit express. Yeah Alex Covers up Zionism .... (sarcasm) I'm not going to change your mind Rufus or at least publicly here my goal is that everyone see how damn stupid your comments are. The Jews didn't pull 911 off by themselves they had quite a bit of help and Alex Jones has no nefarious alter reasoning not to talk badly about the Jews EXCEPT FOR a few good points ... #1 it turns new people off #2 they are not the top of anything #3 the only thing your correct about it takes a some of heat off of his operation and I WOULD DO THE SAME THING. Dead men tell no tales but i guess you and your friends are fearless suicidal nihilists.

Are you done in this forum yet or do you have any other non facts to spew? Your wrong about your history man and i have to ask how many people have you helped recently? What have you done lately to further the cause of freedom? I have to admit I hear all the time about how people woke up to and the jews run it all crowd ....WAIT A SECOND I HAVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE EVER NOT ONCE!! 9 times out of 10 its Alex Jones that guy whom is supposedly working for the NWO because he doesn't jew bash 24/7 or talk about the knights of malta.

Rufus when the day comes and all the talking is over will you and your its all the jews gang physically resist? Or then will resisting be helping the NWO as well? I know the history books will remember Alexander E Jones will they remember your fight? are you sure?
Comment by Rufus on March 16, 2009 at 6:53am
Teresa. Thank you for your constructive comment. Its good to know another free-thinker here.

Tweek, TLS, artcarran. How ironic that we are all fighting for freedom, yet those who think of themselves as liberals, are more than happy to silence those they find 'politically incorrect' lol.

I repeat here a response I left for James, as I feel it sums up the need for solidarity:

Alex Jones has pushed a lot of useful and important information into the public domain, then by putting the focus on the power behind the crimes of the NWO (9/11, Iraq, Global Warming lie etc) on politicians (who are really just puppets and have NO real power), he has completely misdirected the resistence movement which has grown up in response.

Because he keeps attention on elected politicians, and away from the Zionist elite, I have to do battle with AJ's fans. As fans of the man, they are blinkered by his rants against Bush, Obama, Rumsfeld etc, and cannot see that the real enemy stays in the shadows where they pull the strings of these visible and disposable figureheads.

You've got a great site here. There are many good people who are angry at what is going on in the world, and most importantly want to do something about it. I've seen that some are already indulging in hysterical name-calling and demanding I be kicked off this site. I hope they don't get their way.

My intention is to get to the bottom of who the enemy really is, so we have a chance of defeating it. That means ruffling a few feathers and waking those who feel cosy and satisfied that AJ is leading us to victory! He isn't. He's providing a service to the enemy by only attacking people who are in positions of visible power to be used as scape goats. Being a fan of AJ helps no-one - we must do our own research and ACT to defeat the enemy. Watching videos, chatting with fellow fans and silencing those whose opinions don't dove-tail our own, makes us safe - a controlled opposition.

IF we come out of this battle as victors over the architects of the NWO, then (and only then) will we be able to argue over points of ideology. However, now, we don't have that luxury - by battling against one another, we are aiding the Globalists. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder until the common enemy is vanquished.

Freedom for one means freedom for all.
Comment by Maas on March 13, 2009 at 5:42pm
Where is the evidence to that proves that the Illuminati were Jews? I'm open minded and I will look at your information.

From what I have heard, the Rothschilds intermarried with the royalty and other powerful Jews changed their names to blend in. So techically you are both right. What is it that you want Alex to say, that they are Jews? Why the hell would he do that and alienate Jews would we want to fight with us?

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