“Occupy Wall Street” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

“Occupy Wall Street” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

We asked our Facebook fans about possible stories this weekend and found a few of our readers curious about the “Occupy Wall Street” protest happening in New York. One reader asked that we help give the story some attention due to an alleged “media black-out,” while another reader suggested we publish evidence showing the protest was not tea party movement driven and had an underlying agenda.

For those who haven’t heard of the event, Occupy Wall Street is a supposedly grassroots organized, “freedom” driven project aimed at coordinated mass protests against big money special interests. These protests are organized in a manner that allows organizers to spread a narrative they they’re looking out for individual liberty and self-governance vs corporate controlled power brokering.

In reality, according to our findings, the Occupy Wall Street effort is an extension of a much larger, much better coordinated radical leftist global agenda. The agenda, as can be seen in the findings further down this story, appears to be entrenched in a desire to fuel global economic disturbance and instability. Furthermore, when we look into the “players” behind “networked” organizations involved, we find a larger effort hell-bent on global unrest and class warfare.

In fact, the Occupy Wall Street event is a front project for a global socialist/progressive network seeking a unified global system of governance. MORE>>>

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Comment by Curtis on September 28, 2011 at 2:47pm
@OliveFarmer I wouldnt put Blavatsky in the same mind wave as Pike, Hitler and the skull and bones. You could just as well blame Jesus for writing Revelations which seems to be coming into fruition as we speak
Comment by Erin R. Ellis on September 28, 2011 at 10:28am
It seems like the "Occupy Wall Street" protest was effective in proving one thing; the media is not to be trusted to cover news that matters. As far as changing our capitalist economy, the campaign really did nothing. There was no media coverage anywhere except online. In my opinion, this is not a "right" or "left" issue, but a constitutional issue concerning peaceful gatherings in public areas. The real power now lies in the hands of the people on the front line who are participating and reporting the truth by documenting what is really going on by being there.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on September 28, 2011 at 7:52am

Whether it's the left or right we can agree we're being screwed and want our freedoms back along with the rule of law!


I'm not saying this occupy wall street is a bad thing just that we have to be aware of elements with in it that have a radical left agenda.

Comment by Olive Farmer on September 28, 2011 at 7:28am

@ Paul V

Alex Jones is one of the shills I refer to.....

Please have a look at the blog for more.

He and Icke are the leaders of the false opposition.

Comment by Steve Johnson on September 28, 2011 at 6:00am

Interesting revelation... Possibly unconfirmed:  At least 100 NYPD blue collar officers have boycotted and are refusing to turn up to work in apparent support of the protesters.


Hopefully this patriotic move by more humane members of the Police will also spread to other cops and to the military... Read more on the link below:


New York Police Officers Boycott In Solidarity with Wall Street Pro...

Comment by Olive Farmer on September 28, 2011 at 3:03am

I don't know any of the protesters but, as recent MSM revelations in the UK demonstrate clearly, many "opposition" groups are infiltrated and even led by police and other security services members. These scumbags have often been undercover for years and years.

The conclusions one has to draw are as follows:

1. The elite are clever enough to have infiltrated and even to lead their own opposition.

2. This especially applies to the internet, where cointelpro elite shills are leading the truth and new age movements.

3. Logic dictates that the elite would NEVER allow such "truth" to come to the surface unless they had good reason for it so doing OR had no fear of such revelations becoming public knowledge.

4. Therefore the plans of the elite encompass dealing with the "Truth" movement they have inspired. One calls to mind Hitler's "Night of the Long Knives". Hitler, as we know, was of the Thule society, an "adept" linked to Blavatsky's teachings, and that of Bailey, Pike, the Skull and Bones and of course ultimately the United Nations, the continuation of the Fourth Reich preparing for the Chaos from which they can impose "lucifer's" New World Order.

5. Thier intention is that YOU should either die OR become a believer in their new Christ/Maitreya. That's the choice.

6. It is easy to reconcile the elite promoted 2012/Maya dates and their own agenda. That date is the one which THEY have chosen as their target for the NWO.

We live in interesting times, dear friends.

My blog gives more detail.

Comment by Curtis on September 27, 2011 at 11:22pm
I support ANY 1st amendment actions BUT remember with every right is a responsibility. IS this the only way to stab at the corrupt banksters and does it REALLY change the way they "act" or does it only further divide and distract? Question EVERYTHING
Comment by Occupy Fullerton on September 27, 2011 at 8:49pm
I stand with OccupyWallStreet in Los Angeles! I am the 99%! I'm not a Dem, TP-Rep, or Liberal!  It is time the 1% pay their share taxes and stop stealing from us middle class!  I'm tired of big pharma shoving meds down the sheeples throats to keep them pacified and over vaccinating our children.  This country wants you to over consume, to live beyonds your means-drown in debt. Feed you GMO's-frankenfood, full of pesticides! Hollywood is here to keep you entertained to death so that you can't think for yourselves.  We have more BIG BROTHER WATCHING w/smart meters-post 911 bullish!  You have FB, Yahoo, Gmail censoring us!  When will this end?  How much is enough? Our freedoms our being slowly stolen from us and it's so subtle that it goes unnoticed!  Educate yourselves! Open your eyes! This has nothing to do with a political party, it is so much more!  MovetoAmend.org
Comment by Freedomrox on September 27, 2011 at 7:25pm

I know that at least a few of the protestors advocated personal freedom, liberty, and are acting in defiance of CORPORATISM, (i.e. communitarianism, oligharchy, and a few other -isms and -ists). How do I know? Actually there exists a video of by one of the networks, forget which, that shouts down the protesters' message and then we see the tape of after the interview and that is just what many were espousing to the lady reporter....Now, I do see many Celebs that are all leftists jumping on the bandwagon and most likely the movement co-opted just like the "Tea Party" was co-opted, but it is not how it started out. I think James knows this as well as any of us who have been watching since Day 1.


I applaud anyone who gets off their dead ass and does anything. It sure beats being 1100 miles away and the only thing you can protest around here is the deplorable state of our gravel roads. The frogs won't listen, and we all get chirped down by the grasshoppers and crickets. All three of us out here in the boonies of Tennessee applaud the spirit and intent of anybody that says, "Wall Street, Enough is enough!"



Comment by Doug Singleton on September 27, 2011 at 6:06pm

While I agree that from the clips I've seen of the majority of people interviewed at the occupy Wall Street event in N.Y.C. which is currently occurring appear to be spewing a pretty heafty dose of loonie left rhetoric, I'm mighty teed off at the actions of the police lieutenant who pepper sprayed the kids behind the orange plastic police fencing. 

Be interesting to find out exactly what kind of a street cop the lieutenant was when he was a younger guy.  Seems to me that generally that kind of pussy behaviour is indicitive of a desk bound wanna be who was always just by accident the third or fourth officer at the scene of something really scarey

"Gee guys I tried to get here quicker, but you know the traffic was just to heavy.  By the way do I get a court card outta this?" 


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