Eyewitnesses: Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012

Eyewitnesses: Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012

Four separate hotel staff report seeing presidential candidate

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Four separate eyewitnesses inside the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly Virginia told London Guardian writer Charlie Skelton that Mitt Romney was in attendance at Bilderberg 2012, suggesting the Republican candidate could be the elite’s pick for the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

“Four eyewitnesses on the hotel staff told me Willard Mitt Romney was here at Bilderberg 2012. My four eyewitnesses place him inside. That’s one more than Woodward and Bernstein used. Romney’s office initially refused to confirm or deny his attendance as Bilderberg is “not public”. They later said it was not him,” writes Skelton.

The London Guardian writer adds that the fact Romney’s name did not appear on the official list of attendees is meaningless. Numerous power brokers, including Bill Gates, were photographed arriving at the event yet were not included on the list of participants, as is routinely the case.

With speculation already raging that Romney’s potential VP – Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels – was already being groomed by Bilderberg cronies, Romney’s appearance at the secretive confab of global power brokers suggests that he is being favored by the elite, who have seemingly lost faith in Barack Obama.

As Skelton noted in a separate report, on Saturday afternoon a limousine arrived at the hotel surrounded by a police motorcade, signaling the arrival of a “heavyweight politician”. Could this have been Mitt Romney? It’s unlikely given the fact that he was appearing at fundraisers on the west coast all weekend, but Romney’s schedule for Thursday, the first day of the Bilderberg meeting, was clear.

An invite to the Bilderberg conference has routinely proven beneficial to future Presidents and Prime Ministers.

Four years ago during a heated battle on the campaign trail, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave reporters the slip to attend ... at the same hotel. On precisely the same weekend as the confab was taking place, the Washington Post announced that Hillary was withdrawing from the presidential race and would support Obama.

Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were both groomed by the secretive organization in the early 1990′s before rising to prominence. Portugal’s Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster of Portugal.

Bilderberg also played a key role in selecting John Edwards and John Kerry’s running mate in 2004 and Bilderberg luminary James A. Johnson also hand-picked Joe Biden as VP in 2008.

Confirmation that Romney attended Bilderberg 2012 may be hard to come by, but news that the former Governor of Minnesota’s email account was compromised by a hacker could offer proof, although no emails have been leaked thus far.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 6, 2012 at 1:58pm

Douchebag VS Turd Sandwich episode, how ironic this fits every 4 years ;)


Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 6, 2012 at 1:49pm

Suzie is on to something!

She knows the truth!

Obama vs Rommney?

In a corporate sponsored election who's winning? It's the wrong direction from the beginning.

Comment by suzie on June 6, 2012 at 1:48pm

I voted for Ron Paul in my Primary  .. I will not commit another crime of rebellion .. NWO can kiss MY rebellious ass let the card falls ..GAME ON! 

Comment by suzie on June 6, 2012 at 1:42pm

WOW...   a vote for Ron Paul is being a traitor?

 hmmm  a vote for anyone in this de-facto election is rebellion against the constitution.. You relinquish your rights and are being fooled into a contract with the de_facto criminal government ..and are saying you are a citizen of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.... NOT the United States of America hence relinquishing your rights and are now one of there slaves bound by a contract .. but i better STFU

But  a vote for Ron Paul is a traitor ... That is a good one 

Comment by EDOGZ818 on June 6, 2012 at 1:38pm

@ Elaine : Proof of what? Sorry I missed the question you wanted proof of...the informants?

@ Marley : Harsh reality 14th amendment created U.S. citizens , not GOD , so GOD GIVEN rights no longer apply , only the " Privileges " the creator ( Government is creator of 14th amendment citizens....not GOD ) grants , that can be arbitrarily taken.

We have no rights , only privileged , regardless of what lip service is paid. Like being an employee & constitution is now job " POLICY ".

Only way out is opt out / ex expatriation clause of 14th amendment. Otherwise, we have no right to resist.

Comment by Marley Jones on June 6, 2012 at 1:31pm

last comment, with my apologies.  Right it has happened right in front of us, we allowed it, sanctioned it.  It is very hard to think that because of our beliefs that we are the cause of most, if not all, of the suffering and madness that goes on.  When you sit down and think, I believed this or that with no proof, and gave them the power over me...it's not something anyone realy wants to do.  Okay, but our belief in this myth - government - or religion, whatever wishes your subservience, is wrong.   Governments are always going to lord over people, it's their job, that's what they do, make rules regs statues to be the Daddy.  And we do not need another man or woman telling us right from wrong, we already know that.  And punishing us if we don't say - and now think - the right thing - what we have been programmed to say or think.  right?  You can see it in your family and friends if you say something about this evil...you become marginalized, ostracized.  This is soo wrong.  I don't think I reponded well, what I was originally going to, I am thinking about my freeing my horses... sure, I'd like RP to make it all better.  Be the new big daddy, the good daddy.  That's not possible for many reasons.  So, yes, it's a Bit*h for those of us who are forever trying to make things right.  Head Bang.  We are our own Authority.  We are responsible for everything that comes along.  That's how it should be, but we've given up our own power to.......now, getting it back?  I don't see that we have a choice.  either way a lot of evil coming down, but it is better to die for a reason, and not on your knees, eh?  Dignity. Stay as free as you can.  okay. 

Comment by Elaine Morris on June 6, 2012 at 1:24pm

Marley, at its worst?

The Military will have to step in FOR US. It isn't going to be pretty; and it will be very hard.  However, we will get our country back.

Obama already knows there are plans in place. Remember when he spoke about HIS Private Military?

No one was "realllly listening"; OR they never realized he would go this far. Through Homeland Security he has given The New Black Panther
Party the "authority" to act under the umbrella of Federal Protection.  In other words, if a citizen tries to fight back...it is Treason against the U.S. Government.
In the 2nd video is John Wiley Price.  I knew him way back when....he was/is extremely corrupt and dangerous.  This is the kind of person he reaches
out to...and I am quite sure he has also reached out to others just like him in cities like Chicago, etc.
Remember how he slashed the Military budget?  He gave that $$ to the New Black Panther Party to arm them.

His Initial Speech of his own private army
John Wiley Price; Dallas Commissioner's Court and New Commander of Obama's New Private Army -- The New Black Panther Party.
Comment by Marley Jones on June 6, 2012 at 1:21pm

you're right about that, Elaine, they hold all the cards, cops, judges, prisons, and a shitload of guns, drones and other things that tell us America is not free.    That is the trillion dollar question.   From my brain, my feelings tell me that unless we are all together and stop...stop paying this, paying that, obeying - non complaince, resistance...if the IRS had to figure out your taxes everyone else's how long could they keep it up?  not very long, but people COMPLY with thier own slavery...and in fact, if you don't pay your taxes, not only will you feel guilty, because somehow you've been immoral - to not allow a bunch of thugs take your earned crappy fiat dollars, people look upon this human as a criminal.  Yes, we comply with our own destruction, over and over.  I am older, I know this:  unless you have the freedom inside you, and know you are free and no man has authority over you, you are a good slave.   I have lost friends, family because I have always held these views, from my heart.   But the majority of people, even if they know we elect whack job psychos - very very dangerous ones - wish to not make waves, sit back, forget about it.... there is not one answer for everyone, but my feeling is educate - fine out who we really are and don't forget it - and resist Authority.   The short answer, which you're not going to like and neither do i, is that if we ALL don't get it, then we're all...well, lost.   Two guys standing up at a town meeting and telling the truth are going to get arrested.  they can't arrest the world.   But again, we don't have the majority when most of the peeps in the US feel the terrorists are some group in a frickin cave and not in DC.  They may feel something, but they're not gonna change their minds no matter how many encyclopedias of facts you give them which is terribly tragically disasterous.   As for the rest of us, know who you are!  be back later if anyone wants to rag me...it's a sun shiny day and the horses would like to be out in it and o would I.   LOVE & PEACE to you...

Comment by Elaine Morris on June 6, 2012 at 1:20pm

Marla, you vote for Ron Paul, you are RE-ELECTING OBAMA.

Don't you Ron People ever get tired of being traitors by being stupid?

Comment by marla adams on June 6, 2012 at 1:19pm

im still voting for ron paul whether he has a chance of winning or not.  I just dont think I can vote for Rommey because I dont think we can trust him on health care.

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