If We Let them Take Our Guns- They'll Also Take our Dietary Supplements & All Other Freedoms- Original Content

This blog is my response to "Troops Ordered to Kill Americans Who Do Not Turn in Guns" http://12160.info/video/troops-ordered-to-kill-all-americans-who-do... 

Dietary Supplement consumers who value their access to high potency vitamins and to the most effective dietary supplements better realize from this that if we fail to defend our 2nd amendment, the UN will not only take our guns, they'll also ban our access to natural products. As the first person in the world to blow the whistle on the UN's Codex plans to take our supplements through an article in Life Extension Magazine in 1996, I've been walking point on this and related issues for years.

After witnessing crimes committed by Dr.Beth Yetley, US Codex Delegate at UN meetings in Germany in '96 and '98, when I was an observer on the US Delegation to the UN Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Use, I was frustrated by my efforts to put Yetley under a congressional microscope. I was blocked by the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee being awash in Pharma PAC donations. So to vent my frustration, I sent a pissed off email to the HQ of the UN's Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome, Italy.

This pissed off email resulted in my having a visit from the FBI when I lived in Hollywood FL. The FBI called me and said "Are you John Christopher Hammell?" I said "yes, who's this who knows my middle name?" He said "I'm Junior Ortiz, I'm with the Miami Office of the FBI, and I have to come to your office, we've got you on a list." I said, "Oh yeah? What do you need to talk with me about?" He said "Well, we tried contacting you 6 months ago, but your machine said you were lobbying on capital hill, so we thought you were going about things in the right way, but we do have you on this list, so how do I get to your office?"

I gave him directions, he came to my office door which was a rented room in the side of my landlord's house while I lived in a tiny bungalo apartment in his backyard. He drove an unmarked car, got out in plain clothes, and came to my office door where I extended a hand in greeting which he did not shake. Instead, he grabbed his gun from his shoulder holster, dropped back into a defensive crouch with both hands on his outstretched weapon, while he proceeded to scan the rooftop for snipers.

I almost bust a gut laughing, and once again invited him inside, telling him to put the gun away as I told him I'd wished I had a camcorder because my friends would never believe me. He sheepishly sat down as I demanded to know what the big deal was. He extended my email snapped tight as a drum head, thrusting it in my face with both hands, demanding to know if I had sent it. It had the full headers, so I couldn't deny sending, it but was very puzzled, because everything in it was protected free speech, it even began with the abbreviation "IMHO", and I had to explain to this allegedly university educated FBI goon that that stood for "In My Humble Opinion" which automatically made everything that followed protected speech. I demanded to know what my alleged "crime" was. He told me I had "violated Title 18 by "making illegal threats".

I was incredulous, and pointed to a copy of the constitution thumbtacked to the wall behind my computer, as I informed him that he had sworn and oath to defend that against all enemies foreign and domestic. I then said "Title 18, eh?" "Isn't that that thing thats as thick as the Manhatten Telephone Directory that has so much fine print no one even knows what's in it, so if the government is pissed at you for ANY REASON thats the EXCUSE you use to round people up?" "Thats the one" he replied. So I demanded an impromtu off the cuff explanation of how he thought Title 18 somehow trumped my first amendment right to freedom of speech. He had NO ANSWER!! So I scrutinized him. He was in tip top shape, not an ounce of excess weight, really ripped, obviously worked out. So I said "So, were you in Special Forces before joining the FBI?" He nodded.

I said "Do you work out? Do you go to the gym? Do you use amino acids such as L-Arginine to get ripped like that?" He nodded. I got really pissed off and told him he had 3 seconds to either apolize or I was gonna throw him out of my office. I had the moral upper hand and seized it, informing him that I was on the front lines in a war to defend his access to dietary supplements so he could be a healthy, safe….(These are now out of order, start with the lowest comments first and read up- am ltd to 400 wds.) Ctd: "FBI Agent. Do you have a wife and kids?" (He nods) So I pointed to the .308 on the wall and said "See that rifle up there?" (Nods) I said "I'm as good a shot as you are, my dad was a SEAL and he taught me to shoot." Then I said, "I can't believe you would have come here to visit me if you had full access to my FBI file because you guys have had a file on me since I was born."

"We have?" he said. "Yeah, my dad" I said. "Your Dad?" Yeah, my dad was the world's foremost expert on the internal guidance systems of ICBMs and shipboard anti missile systems, he was one of the main reasons the Russians never dared launch on us- he has a duel career as an electrical engineer at Bell Labs where he was a defense contractor and he was a Captain in US Naval Intelligence. He was a cold warrior, a real life James Bond. I was raised to have immense respect for the US Constitution, and I have been trying to get congressional oversight on Codex, but Congress is too corrupt, so I sent that pissed off email to the HQ of the Codex Commission in Rome, but everything I said to them is protected free speech as I have established to you, so lets examine my language, I said:

“In my humble opinion, if the Nazi German Codex Vitamin Proposal is ever shoved down the throats of the American people, blood will probably flow in the street” I didn’t say I would MAKE it flow, I didn’t say I WANTED it to flow, I just thing that’s a logical conclusion given the history of passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 when we generated the largest flood of mail to congress on any issue in the HISTORY of congress to defend ourselves from a criminal FDA effort to block our access to the dietary supplements of our choice.” (ctd)This guy ended up apologizing, he started to realize he truly was nothing but a robot functionary who had been sicked on me by people higher up the food chain. He interrogated me in a friendly way, so I gave him a bunch of magazines with articles I'd had published in Life Extension Magazine and told him to add those to my FBI file.

After that the death threats began on the phone. 3 of them demanding I remove my video footage of Dr.Yetley from FDA breaking the law, and demanding I stop pushing for Congressional oversight on Codex. I told the caller to F off and slammed the phone all 3 times ( he called once a week over a 3 week period and each time he clicked a pistol into the phone for emphasis so I could hear the firing pin drop.) That just pissed me off even more. To decompress after smashing my phone so hard I broke it after the 3rd time this a- hole called, I went roller blading, and when I came back there were bullets from an FN assault rifle on the doorstop of my rented house in Hollywood FL. I asked my neighbor if she'd seen anything, she said a half dozen huge guys had emerged from a white unmarked van with gov plates and were stomping all round my house, pounding on my doors, looking in my windows, they were there for an hour and had just left 5 min ago. I am convinced that this was a clean up crew sent to terminate me. I rented a U Haul and got the hell outa dodge.

My footage of Dr.Yetley from FDA breaking the law which the goon was demanding I remove from the web can be seen in Kevin Miller's Film "We Become Silent- the Last Days of Health Freedom" Ron Paul is in this film with me. It was narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the famous British actress who donated her time to help make it. You can watch the film here http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=451097355502728465  We are up against UN Agenda 21, the blueprint for population control. If we let the Obamination take our guns, we will lose access to ALL of our freedoms, including our access to dietary supplements. (Ctd)This is the last of 5 comments from me, to read in order, please start with the lowest one first, and read up to this one, we're limited to 400 words.) From this experience that I've just related vis an FBI Visit to my office, I have no illusions about what we're really up against, it is very clear to me, if we fail to defend our access to guns, we'll lose literally ALL of our freedoms, including our access to dietary supplements.

Beyond that we'll be microchipped, they're changing our DNA via chemtrails through which their goal is to turn us into non reproducing Androids, and they're using nano fibers in the chemtrails to chip us covertly. For free freedom updates from me sign on at www.iahf.com To get the best organic sulfur in the world which chelates all heavy metals being sprayed on us from chemtrails, go to www.sulfurforhealth.com I can see a very big picture of whats coming at us. Sulfur is also very helpful in these troubled times because it helps neutralize acid caused by stress that is dumped into our small intestine.

It neutralizes the acid by alkalinizing our gut. We will need to be very calm as the shit hits the fan. Being calm will help us make the best decisions when the goons come to our doors, something I've experienced as you will learn if you read from the bottom up, starting with my first post here today which is 5 posts down, read up in sequence please to get my valuable perspective. Thanks! John Hammell, President, International Advocates for Health Freedom, Sulfur for Health, Member- Hall of Honor, Freedom Force International www.freedomforceinternational.org  1-800-333-2553 H&W Pacific time....Point Roberts, WA USA

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Comment by John Hammell on July 17, 2012 at 7:44pm

Thanks Nikki- am painfully aware of the situation in the EU vis a vis consumer access to dietary supplements. The EU is a collectivist dictatorship- read The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU by Matthias Rath, MD, a free download from http://www.relay-of-life.org/nazi-roots/index.html  I was in the so called European Court of Justice in Luxembourg where I observed the UK based Alliance for Natural Health attempt to overturn the EU Food Supplements Directive. They got nowhere despite an impeccable legal effort due to the fact that the EU is totally corrupt. Now the Bilderberg group are trying to destroy America, Canada and Mexico in order to force us into their long planned North American Union Collectivist Dictatorship modelled directly after the EU. Of course these plans dovetail nicely with UN Agenda 21 population control agenda. This makes defending access to firearms that much more important! Without our guns, we have no ability to defend ANY of our God given unalienable rights! Millions of american dietary supplement consumers are becoming gun owners due to my efforts to awaken them about Codex and related issues. I was the first in the world to blow the whistle on Codex and am a marked man for it, but thats ok. I wouldn't have it any other way. If I die for this cause of freedom, at least I won't have died for nothing. We CAN DEFEAT the NWO, but we have to roll up our sleeves and NEVER be afraid! My Scots ancestors refused to become slaves to their English overlords so in the 1500s they split from Scotland, went first to Amsterdam, didn't want their kids growin' up speakin' Dutch, so they sailed to what today is Rhode Island. When they got there, half their number were dead from accidents and scurvy, but the Narragansett people gave them the clothes off their backs and taught them their agricultural and fishing techniques. I am part Narrangansett. Today, the Narragansett people are one of the few tribes east of the Mississippi that have preserved their language and cultural identity. Native Americans know all about the NWO, now the white man is learning how it feels to be made a slave. We are here to help each other. We have the NWO heavily outnumbered and they are runnin' scared. They can run, but they CAN'T HIDE! No one should ever fear death. I was dead when I was 16 when a tree fell on me in a tornado. All death is is going from one dimension into another, so we must all fight like mystic warriors and kick the Rockefuckers asses! I don't hide behind a pseudonym in cyberspace, because I want the buggers to know they do not intimidate me. By ingesting 2 glasses of organic sulfur per day, I am very calm and grounded because I'm neutralizing all the acid caused by stress and this helps me beat lactic acid to work out longer to get stronger to better kick their ass in the near future when they collapse the dollar! See www.sulfurforhealth.com

Comment by Nikki on July 17, 2012 at 5:09pm

This has already happened


I used to shop in small, independent health food stores and the owners would always have notices posted about this. Unfortunately, Whole Foods put a lot of these guys out of business and they never talk about this subject.

Comment by John Hammell on July 17, 2012 at 4:40pm

In 1994, when we passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education act in the direct face of a draconian FDA rulemaking effort that threatened to ban our access to dietary supplements, the American people responded to this threat by generating the largest flood of mail to congress on any issue in the HISTORY of the US Congress, including the Vietnam War. Access to supplements is being threatened by the same UN that currently wants to ban our access to dietary supplements. If all the people who use dietary supplements got armed the way I am, that would be one hell of a formidable army of pissed off people. I am doing what I can to generate awareness amongst this group of people. I was the first person on the world to blow the whistle on the UN Codex international threat to health freedom, a subset of UN Agenda 21. As a person whose life was saved 36 years ago via a suppressed alternative treatment mode involving dietary supplements after mainstream medicine almost killed me, I am acutely aware of the linkage between these threats- the threat of gun confiscation and the equally real threat of our access to high potency supplements is all part of UN Agenda 21. What we need to do is awaken as many police, FBI, and active duty military as possible to what is really going on. Many of them will stand with us. Join Oathkeepers if you're not already a member, and get more people to also. That FBI man who came to my door wasn't a bad guy. He was just poorly informed and needed to be schooled. It is possible to get even some of the dumbest robot functionaries to see a bigger picture so they can see how they are being used by the NWO. We must reach out to these people! I consider the FDA to be a very dangerous terrorist band of criminals, and I'm sure not alone in this thinking! Margaret Hamburg, the current FDA Commissioner, is the daughter of the former President of the American Eugenics Society! Obama is surrounded by Eugenicists. John Holdren, his "science czar" is a prime example, he once advocated forced abortions and forced sterilizations- see http://zombietime.com/john_holdren/ As we prepare for war, we must know our enemy.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 17, 2012 at 3:29pm

IF the guns were taking away, & I personally believe this will never happen w/out revolution, but if taken away, then I would think worrying about what vitamins to have on hand would be way on the bottom of the list ;)

because if the guns are gone, then its camping time :(

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